
Over the last few days, we’ve had a bunch of readers email us complaining that WOT (Web of Trust) is rating the How-To Geek Newsletter with a warning message. But it’s a lie! And we’ve resolved it…

在过去的几天中,我们有许多读者向我们发送电子邮件,抱怨说WOT(信任网络)正在用警告消息对How-To Geek通讯进行评分。 但这是骗人的! 我们已经解决了…

What Are You Talking About?


The Web of Trust (WOT) add-on for Firefox and IE checks links on the current page and warns you when you are about to head towards something suspicious—and unfortunately it was incorrectly tagging the links in the How-To Geek Newsletter.

用于Firefox和IE的Web of Trust (WOT)插件检查当前页面上的链接,并在您准备进入可疑内容时向您发出警告-不幸的是,它未正确标记How-To Geek新闻稿中的链接。

But It Wasn’t Us!


If you actually check the How-To Geek scorecard page over on Web of Trust, you’ll see that we’ve got wonderful green ratings, and even a congratulations… so where’s the confusion?

如果您实际上在Web of Trust上查看How-To Geek计分卡页面,您会看到我们获得了出色的绿色评级,甚至还有祝贺……那么困惑在哪里?

The Problem


The issue here is that we use a company named Aweber to handle sending out the daily emails—since there are 18,000+ subscribers getting our articles in their inbox every day, our server couldn’t handle that load. So we outsource it.

这里的问题是,我们使用一家名为Aweber的公司来处理每天发送的电子邮件,因为每天有18,000多个订阅者在其收件箱中获取我们的文章,因此我们的服务器无法处理该负载。 因此,我们将其外包。

And that’s where the problem lies…  clicks.aweber.com is being rated as untrustworthy on WOT, and we had click tracking enabled on the daily emails—which tells us what links in the newsletter are actually being clicked on, and gives us a nice gauge on what type of content you guys like to read about.

这就是问题所在……clicks.aweber.com在WOT上被评为不可信任 ,并且我们在每日电子邮件中启用了点击跟踪功能-这告诉我们实际上是在新闻通讯中的哪些链接被点击,并且为我们提供了一个不错的选择确定您喜欢阅读哪些类型的内容。

So, I’ve removed the click tracking from the emails, and as of tomorrow’s daily email, this shouldn’t be an issue anymore.


Note: I’ve contacted Aweber about this problem, and they have promised me that they will resolve the situation from their end as well.


A Word on the Web of Trust


I’m a big fan of WOT as a general guide to the trustworthiness of a site—it’s helpful to get recommendations from other users on whether you should visit a site or not. Unfortunately, it just takes a few bad apples (or dumb ones) to screw it up. Rating sites incorrectly as spam ruins the experience for other people, and some people are just malicious.

我是WOT的忠实拥护者,它是网站可信度的一般指南-从其他用户那里获得有关您是否应该访问网站的建议会很有帮助。 不幸的是,它只需要几个坏苹果(或愚蠢的苹果)就可以解决问题。 由于垃圾邮件破坏了其他人的体验,因此对网站的评级不正确,有些人只是恶意的。

Case in point: Aweber uses a double-opt-in system, so you not only have to deliberately sign up for an email newsletter, but you also have to confirm your subscription again in order to start receiving emails. Once you’ve confirmed Twice, well, you shouldn’t be then rating it as spam—because you asked for that content.

恰当的例子 :Aweber使用双重选择系统,因此您不仅必须故意注册电子邮件时事通讯,而且还必须再次确认您的订阅才能开始接收电子邮件。 确认两次之后,就不要再将其归类为垃圾邮件了-因为您要提供该内容。

Not to mention the fact that there’s a mandatory unsubscribe link at the bottom of every Aweber-served newsletter. Stop hitting the spam button when you can unsubscribe instead!

更不用说在每个由Aweber投放的新闻通讯的底部都有一个强制性的退订链接的事实。 当您可以退订时,请停止点击垃圾邮件按钮!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/7344/wot-rankings-the-how-to-geek-newsletter-and-you/



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