Chapter 3
  Every Boat Needs a Captain
  A boat without a captain is nothing more than a floating waiting room—unless someone grabs the rudder and starts the engine, it’s just going to drift along aimlessly with the current. A software project is just like that boat: if no one pilots it, you’re left with a group of geeks just sitting around waiting for something to happen.
  Deprecated Manager 过时的管理者
  This continues today in some industries—even in industries that require creative thinking and problem solving (like engineering!)—despite numerous studies suggesting that the anachronistic carrot and stick is ineffective and harmful to engineers’ productivity.
  While the assembly-line worker of years past could be trained in days and replaced at will, an engineer can take months to get up to speed on a new team. Unlike the mechanical efficiency of the assembly-line worker, an engineer needs nurturing, time, and space to think and create.
  If the manager makes it obvious that he trusts his employee, the employee feels positive pressure to live up to that trust. It’s that simple. A leader forges the way for a team, looking out for their safety and well-being, all while making sure their needs are met.
  Making it possible for them to be happy and productive is a big measure of your job.
  The best advice we got when we first became engineering managers at Google was from Steve Vinter, an engineering director. He said, “Above all, resist the urge to manage.” One of the greatest urges of the newly minted manager is to actively “manage” her employees because that’s what a manager does, right? This typically has disastrous consequences.
  The cure for the “management” disease is a liberal application of what we call “servant leadership,” which is a nice way of saying the most important thing a manager can do is to serve her team, much like a butler or majordomo tends to the health and well-being of a household.
  As a servant leader, you should strive to create an atmosphere of humility, respect, and trust (HRT). This may mean removing bureaucratic obstacles that an engineer can’t remove by herself, helping a team achieve consensus, or even buying dinner for the team when they’re working late at the office. The servant leader fills in the cracks to smooth the way for her team as well as advise them when necessary, but still isn’t afraid of getting her hands dirty.
  The only managing that a servant leader does is to manage both the technical and social health of the team; as tempting as it may be to focus purely on the technical health of the team, the social health of the team is just as important
  Antipatterns: Hire Pushovers 雇佣好欺负的员工
  If you’re a manager and you’re feeling insecure in your role (for whatever reason), one way to make sure no one questions your authority or threatens your job is to hire people you can push around. You can achieve this by hiring people who aren’t as smart or ambitious as you are, or just people who are more insecure than you.
  Antipattern: Ignore Low Performers 忽视低下表现
  We’ve seen team leaders do all the right things to build incredibly strong teams, only to have these teams fail to excel (and eventually fall apart) because of just one or two low performers. We understand that the human aspect is the hardest part of writing software, but the hardest part of dealing with humans is handling someone who isn’t meeting expectations.
  Sometimes people miss expectations because they’re not working long enough or hard enough, but the most difficult cases are when someone just isn’t capable of doing his job no matter how long or hard he works.
  Ignoring low performers is also a way to keep new high performers from joining your team, and a way to encourage existing high performers to leave.
  The benefit of dealing with a low performer as quickly as possible is that you can put yourself in the position of helping him up or out.
  The best analogy is to imagine you’re helping a limping person learn to walk again, then jog, then run alongside the rest of the team. It almost always requires temporary micromanagement—but still a whole lot of HRT, particularly respect. Set up a specific time frame (say, two or three months), and some very specific goals you expect him to achieve in that period. Make the goals small and incremental, so there’s an opportunity for lots of small successes. Meet with the engineer every week to check on progress, and be sure you set really explicit expectations around each upcoming milestone, so it’s easy to measure success or failure.
  Antipattern: Ignore Human Issues 忽视人的因素
  It’s rather common for leaders to be stronger in the technical side, and since most leaders are promoted from a technical job (where the primary goal of their job was to solve technical problems), they tend to ignore human issues.
  Antipattern: Be Everyone’s Friend 想要与所有人都成为朋友
  The first foray that most engineers have into leadership is when they become the lead of a team of which they were formerly members. Many leads don’t want to lose the friendships they’ve cultivated with their teams, so they will sometimes work extra hard to maintain friendships with their team members after becoming a team lead. This can be a recipe for disaster and for a lot of broken friendships. Don’t confuse friendship with leading with a soft touch: when you hold power over someone’s career, he may feel pressure to artificially reciprocate gestures of friendship.
  Antipattern: Compromise the Hiring Bar 降低招人标准
  Steve Jobs once said: “A people hire other A people; B people hire C people.”Without the raw materials for a great team, you’re doomed.
  Antipattern: Treat Your Team Like Children 将你的team看作是小孩子们
  The best way to show your team you don’t trust them is to treat them like kids—people tend to act the way you treat them, so if you treat them like children or prisoners, don’t be surprised when that’s how they behave. You can manifest this behavior by micromanaging them or simply by being disrespectful of their abilities and giving them no opportunity to be responsible for their work.
  Leadership Patterns
  Lose the Ego 丢掉ego
  Many engineers new to a leadership role feel an enormous responsibility to get everything right, to know everything, and to have all the answers. We can assure you that you will not get everything right, nor will you have all the answers, and if you act like you do, you’ll quickly lose the respect of your team. A lot of this comes down to having a basic sense of security in your role.
  If you encourage inquiry, you’re much more likely to get the kind of  constructive criticism that will make you a better leader of a better team. Finding people who will give you good constructive criticism is incredibly difficult, and it’s even harder to get this kind of criticism from people who “work for you.”
  Be a Zen Master 做一个禅宗大师
  Be a Catalyst 做催化剂
  One of the most common things a team leader does is to build consensus. This may mean you drive the process from start to finish, or you just give it a gentle push in the right direction to speed it up. Working to build team consensus is a leadership skill that is often used by unofficial leaders because it’s one way you can lead without any actual authority. If you have the authority, you can direct and dictate direction, but that’s less effective overall than building consensus. In many cases, knowing the right people is more valuable than knowing the right answer.
  Another way to catalyze your team is to make them feel safe and secure so that they can take greater risks.
  So let’s get that out of the way: it’s OK to fail. In fact, we like to think of failure as a way of learning a lot really quickly, providing that you’re not repeatedly failing at the same thing. In addition, it’s important to see failure as an opportunity to learn and not to point fingers or assign blame. Failing fast is good, because there’s not a lot at stake.
  every time we have a production failure at Google we go through what we call a postmortem. This procedure is a way to document the events that led to the actual failure and to develop a series of steps that will prevent it from happening in the future. It’s OK to fail, but fail as a team and learn from your failures. If an individual succeeds, praise him in front of the team. If an individual fails, give constructive criticism in private.
  Be a Teacher and a Mentor 做一名教导者或导师
  It doesn’t take a lot of formal education or preparation to be a mentor; in fact, you primarily need three things: experience with your team’s processes and systems, the ability to explain things to someone else, and the ability to gauge how much help your mentee needs. The last thing is probably the most important—giving your mentee enough information is what you’re supposed to be doing.
  Set Clear Goals 设定清晰的目标
  If you’re going to get your team moving rapidly in one direction, you need to make sure they all understand and agree on what the direction is. The easiest way to set a clear goal and get your team pulling the product in the same direction is to create a concise mission statement for the team
  Be Honest 诚实
  When providing direct feedback or criticism, your delivery is key to making sure your message is heard and not deflected. If you put the recipient on the defensive, he’s not going to be thinking of how he can change, but rather how he can argue with you to show you you’re wrong.
  Track Happiness 跟踪快乐
  The best leaders we’ve worked with have all been amateur psychologists, looking in on their team members’ welfare from time to time, making sure they get recognition for what they do, and trying to make certain they are happy with their work.
  One of the most valuable tools in tracking your team’s happiness is, at the end of each one-on-one meeting, to ask the team member, “What do you need?” This simple question is a great way to wrap up and make sure each team member has what he needs to be productive and happy, although you may need to carefully probe a bit to get details.
  Other Tips and Tricks 其他建议
  Delegate, but get your hands dirty.
  Seek to replace yourself.
  Know when to make waves.
  Give your team air cover.
  Let your team know when they’re doing well.
  People Are Like Plants
  engineers are also like plants: some need more light, and some need more water (and some need more bullshit, er, fertilizer).
  It’s your job as their leader to figure out which engineers need what and to then give it to them. To get all of your team members into the sweet spot.
  Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation
  There are two types of motivation: extrinsic, which originates from outside forces (such as monetary compensation), and intrinsic, which comes from within.
  the way to make people the happiest and most productive isn’t to motivate them extrinsically (e.g., throw piles of cash at them), but rather to work to increase their intrinsic motivation. Dan claims you can increase intrinsic motivation by giving people three things: autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
  An engineer has autonomy when she has the ability to act on her own without someone micromanaging her. With autonomous engineers, you might give them the general direction in which they need to take the product, but leave it up to them to decide how to get there.
  Mastery in its basest form simply means you need to give an engineer the opportunity to learn new skills and improve existing skills.
  If you can help them to see this purpose in their work, you’ll see a tremendous increase in their motivation and productivity.

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