
  • Functional Programming in Java venkat(3): Using Collections part1
    • Introduction
    • Using Collections
      • Iterating through a List
      • Transforming a List
    • 英文
    • 感想
    • 参考

Functional Programming in Java venkat(3): Using Collections part1


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About the author

Venkat Subramaniam

Dr. Venkat Subramaniam, founder of Agile Developer, Inc., has trained and mentored thousands of software developers in the US, Canada, Europe, and Asia. Venkat helps his clients effectively apply and succeed with agile practices on their software projects. He is a frequent invited speaker at international software conferences and user groups. He’s author of .NET Gotchas (O’Reilly), coauthor of the 2007 Jolt Productivity award-winning book Practices of an Agile Developer (Pragmatic Bookshelf),

Using Collections

使用lambda 表达式来处理集合。

We often use collections of numbers, strings, and objects. They are so commonplace
that removing even a small amount of ceremony from coding collections
can reduce code clutter greatly. In this chapter we explore the use of
lambda expressions to manipulate collections. We use them to iterate collections,
transform them into new collections, extract elements from them, and
easily concatenate their elements.


After this chapter, our Java code to manipulate collections will never be the
same—it’ll be concise, expressive, elegant, and more extensible than ever

Iterating through a List

It is a basic operation to iterate through a list

Iterating through a list is a basic operation on a collection, but over the years
it’s gone through a few significant changes. We’ll begin with the old and evolve
an example—enumerating a list of names—to the elegant style

创建一个immutable collection

We can easily create an immutable collection of a list of names with the following

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;public class Folks {public static final List<String> friends = Arrays.asList("Brian", "Nate", "Neal", "Raju", "Sara", "Scott");public static final List<String> editors = Arrays.asList("Brian", "Jackie", "John", "Mike");public static final List<String> comrades =                      Arrays.asList("Kate", "Ken", "Nick", "Paula", "Zach");


Here’s the habitual, but not so desirable, way to iterate and print each of the

for(int i = 0; i < friends.size(); i++) {System.out.println(friends.get(i));


This style is verbose and error prone—we have to stop and wonder, is it i < or
i <=? This is useful only if we need to manipulate elements at a particular index in the collection, but even then, we can opt to use a functional style that favors immutability, as we’ll discuss soon.

Java同样提供for each的外部迭代器

Java also offers a construct that is a bit more civilized than the good old for

for(String name : friends) {System.out.println(name);

Under the hood this form of iteration uses the Iterator interface and calls into
its hasNext() and next() methods.

两种方法都是external iterators:混合了how to do和我们想要达到的目标。

Both these versions are external iterators, which mix how we do it with what
we’d like to achieve. We explicitly control the iteration with them, indicating
where to start and where to end; the second version does that under the hood
using the Iterator methods. With explicit control, the break and continue statements
can also help manage the iteration-control flow.


The second construct has less ceremony than the first. Its style is better than
the first if we don’t intend to modify the collection at a particular index. Both
of these styles, however, are imperative and we can dispense with them in
modern Java.

我们更喜欢functional style的理由:for loop很难并行;这样的loops不是多态的;在设计层面,破坏了"Tell, don’t ask” principle

There are quite a few reasons to favor the change to the functional style:

• The for loops are inherently sequential and are quite difficult to parallelize.

• Such loops are non-polymorphic; we get exactly what we ask for. We
passed the collection to for instead of invoking a method (a polymorphic
operation) on the collection to perform the task.

• At the design level, the code fails the "Tell, don’t ask” principle. We ask
for a specific iteration to be performed instead of leaving the details of the
iteration to underlying libraries.

是时候转向函数式风格啦,只需要focus 在whats,而不用关心how: internal iterator

It’s time to trade in the old imperative style for the more elegant functional-style
version of internal iteration. With an internal iteration we willfully turn
over most of the hows to the underlying library so we can focus on the
essential whats. The underlying function will take care of managing the iteration.
Let’s use an internal iterator to enumerate the names.


The Iterable interface has been enhanced in Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 with
a special method named forEach(), which accepts a parameter of type Consumer.
As the name indicates, an instance of Consumer will consume, through its accept() method, what’s given to it. Let’s use the forEach() method using the all-too-familiar anonymous inner class syntax.

friends.forEach(new Consumer<String>() {public void accept(final String name) {System.out.println(name);}


We invoked the forEach() on the friends collection and passed an anonymous
instance of Consumer to it. The forEach() method will invoke the accept() method
of the given Consumer for each element in the collection and let it do whatever
it wants with it. In this example we merely print the given value, which is the


We changed just one thing: we traded in the old for loop for the new internal
iterator forEach(). As for the benefit, we went from telling it how to iterate to
focusing on what we want to do for each element. The bad news is the code
looks a lot more verbose—so much that it can drain away any excitement
about the new style of programming. Thankfully, we can fix that quickly; this
is where lambda expressions and the new compiler magic come in. Let’s make
one change again, replacing the anonymous inner class with a lambda

friends.forEach((final String name) -> System.out.println(name));


所有的执行细节由underlying library控制,可以惰性求值,可以按照任意顺序来做,也可以利用并行加速等,只要可以使用。

That’s a lot better. We look at less code, but watch closely to see what’s in
there. The forEach() is a higher-order function that accepts a lambda expression
or block of code to execute in the context of each element in the list. The
variable name is bound to each element of the collection during the call. The
underlying library takes control of how the lambda expressions are evaluated.
It can decide to perform them lazily, in any order, and exploit parallelism as
it sees fit.

This version produces the same output as the previous versions.


The internal-iterator version is more concise than the other ones. However,
when we use it we’re able to focus our attention on what we want to achieve
for each element rather than how to sequence through the iteration—it’s


This version has a limitation, however. Once the forEach method starts, unlike
in the other two versions, we can’t break out of the iteration. (There are
facilities to handle this limitation.) As a consequence, this style is useful in
the common case where we want to process each element in a collection.
Later we’ll see alternate functions that give us control over the path of iteration.


The standard syntax for lambda expressions expects the parameters to be
enclosed in parentheses, with the type information provided and comma
separated. The Java compiler also offers some lenience and can infer the
types. Leaving out the type is convenient, requires less effort, and is less
noisy. Here’s the previous code without the type information.

friends.forEach((name) -> System.out.println(name));

编译器有很大功劳,下面是编译器做的事情:Java 编译器根据上下文确定 name 参数是 String 类型。 它查找被调用方法的签名,在本例中为 forEach(),并分析它参数的功能接口。

In this case, the Java compiler determines the name parameter’s a String type,
based on the context. It looks up the signature of the called method, forEach()
in this example, and analyzes the functional interface it takes as a parameter.
It then looks at that interface’s abstract method to determine the expected
number of parameters and their types. We can also use type inference if a
lambda expression takes multiple parameters, but in that case we must leave
out the type information for all the parameters; we have to specify the type
for none or for all of the parameters in a lambda expression.


The Java compiler treats single-parameter lambda expressions as special: we
can leave off the parentheses around the parameter if the parameter’s type
is inferred.

friends.forEach(name -> System.out.println(name));

可使用final来方式modifying,否则更改参数就有点in poor taste

There’s one caveat: inferred parameters are non-final. In the previous example,
where we explicitly specified the type, we also marked the parameter as final.
This prevents us from modifying the parameter within the lambda expression.
In general, modifying parameters is in poor taste and leads to errors, so
marking them final is a good practice. Unfortunately, when we favor type
inference we have to practice extra discipline not to modify the parameter, as
the compiler is not there to protect us.


We have come a long way with this example and reduced the code quite a bit.
But there’s more. Let’s take one last step to tease out another ounce of conciseness.



In the preceding code we used a method reference. Java lets us simply replace
the body of code with the method name of our choice. We will dig into this
further in the next section, but for now let’s reflect on the wise words of
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: “Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing
more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”


Lambda expressions helped us concisely iterate over a collection. Next we’ll
cover how they help remove mutability and make the code even more concise
when transforming collections.


import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
import static fpij.Folks.friends;
import java.util.function.Consumer;public class Iteration {public static void main(final String[] args) {for(int i = 0; i < friends.size(); i++) {System.out.println(friends.get(i));}for(String name : friends) {System.out.println(name);}System.out.println("//" + "START:INTERNAL_FOR_EACH_OUTPUT");friends.forEach(new Consumer<String>() {public void accept(final String name) {System.out.println(name);}});System.out.println("//" + "END:INTERNAL_FOR_EACH_OUTPUT");System.out.println("//" + "START:INTERNAL_OUTPUT");friends.forEach((final String name) -> System.out.println(name));System.out.println("//" + "END:INTERNAL_OUTPUT");friends.forEach((name) -> System.out.println(name));friends.forEach(name -> System.out.println(name));friends.forEach(System.out::println);}

下面是vs code截图

Transforming a List


Manipulating a collection to produce another result is as easy as iterating
through the elements of a collection. Suppose we’re asked to convert a list of
names to all capital letters. Let’s explore some options to achieve this.

java 的String是immutable的,所以它的实例不能改变。

Java’s String is immutable, so instances can’t be changed. We could create
new strings in all caps and replace the appropriate elements in the collection.
However, the original collection would be lost; also, if the original list is
immutable, like it is when created with Arrays.asList(), then the list can’t change.
Another downside is it would be hard to parallelize the computations.


Creating a new list that has the elements in all caps is a better option.


That suggestion may seem quite naïve at first; performance is an obvious
concern we all share. Surprisingly, the functional approach often yields better
performance than the imperative approach, as we’ll see in Performance Concerns,
on page 153.


Let’s start by creating a new collection of uppercase names from the given

final List<String> uppercaseNames = new ArrayList<String>();
for(String name : friends) {uppercaseNames.add(name.toUpperCase());


In this imperative style, we created an empty list then populated it with all-uppercase
names, one element at a time, while iterating through the original list. As a first step to move toward a functional style, we could use the internal
iterator forEach() method from Iterating through a List, on page 19, to replace
the for loop, as we see next.

final List<String> uppercaseNames = new ArrayList<String>();
friends.forEach(name -> uppercaseNames.add(name.toUpperCase()));System.out.println(uppercaseNames);


We used the internal iterator, but that still required the empty list and the
effort to add elements to it. We can do a lot better.

Using Lambda Expressions


The map() method of a new Stream interface can help us avoid mutability and
make the code concise. A Stream is much like an iterator on a collection of
objects and provides some nice fluent functions. Using the methods of this
interface, we can compose a sequence of calls so that the code reads and
flows in the same way we’d state problems, making it easier to read.


The Stream’s map() method can map or transform a sequence of input to a
sequence of output—that fits quite well for the task at hand.

 friends.stream().map(name -> name.toUpperCase()).forEach(name -> System.out.print(name + " "));


map方法收集执行lambda表达式的结果,并且返回the result collection。最后一部是使用forEach方法来打印出来结果中的每个元素。

The method stream() is available on all collections in JDK 8 and it wraps the
collection into an instance of Stream. The map() method applies the given
lambda expression or block of code, within the parenthesis, on each element
in the Stream. The map() method is quite unlike the forEach() method, which
simply runs the block in the context of each element in the collection. In
addition, the map() method collects the result of running the lambda expression
and returns the result collection. Finally, we print the elements in this result
using the forEach() method.


The map() method is quite useful to map or transform an input collection into
a new output collection. This method will ensure that the same number of
elements exists in the input and the output sequence. However, element types
in the input don’t have to match the element types in the output collection.
In this example, both the input and the output are a collection of strings. We could have passed to the map() method a block of code that returned, for example, the number of characters in a given name. In this case, the input
would still be a sequence of strings, but the output would be a sequence of
numbers, as in the next example.


friends.stream().map(name -> name.length()).forEach(count -> System.out.print(count + " "));

使用lambda表达式没有explicit mutation;不需要初始化空的collection或者垃圾变量。这些东西完全被库函数cover掉了,更安全了。(它悄悄地退到了底层实现的阴影中)

The versions using the lambda expressions have no explicit mutation; they’re
concise. These versions also didn’t need any initial empty collection or garbage
variable; it quietly receded into the shadows of the underlying implementation.

Using Method References


We can nudge the code to be just a bit more concise by using a feature called
method reference. The Java compiler will take either a lambda expression or
a reference to a method where an implementation of a functional interface is
expected. With this feature, a short String::toUpperCase can replace name ->
name.toUpperCase(), like so:

 friends.stream().map(String::toUpperCase).forEach(name -> System.out.println(name));


Java knows to invoke the the String class’s given method toUpperCase() on the
parameter passed in to the synthesized method—the implementation of the
functional interface’s abstract method. That parameter reference is implicit
here. In simple situations like the previous example, we can substitute method
references for lambda expressions; see When should we use method references?,
on page 26.


In the preceding example, the method reference was for an instance method.
Method references can also refer to static methods and methods that take
parameters. We’ll see examples of these later.


但是有一种情况不能使用method reference: However, we can’t use this convenience if we have to manipulate parameters before sending them as arguments or tinker with the call’s results before returning them.

来源:Functional Programming in Java: Harnessing the Power Of Java 8 Lambda Expressions 1st Edition

后面学习从集合中选择元素 pick an element from a collection.

Lambda expressions helped us enumerate a collection and transform it into
a new collection. They can also help us concisely pick an element from a
collection, as we’ll see next


package fpij;import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import static fpij.Folks.friends;public class Transform {public static void main(final String[] args) {{final List<String> uppercaseNames = new ArrayList<String>();for(String name : friends) {uppercaseNames.add(name.toUpperCase());}System.out.println(uppercaseNames);}{final List<String> uppercaseNames = new ArrayList<String>();friends.forEach(name -> uppercaseNames.add(name.toUpperCase()));System.out.println(uppercaseNames);}/*friends.stream().map(name -> name.toUpperCase());
*/System.out.println("//" + "START:TRANSFORM_OUTPUT");friends.stream().map(name -> name.toUpperCase()).forEach(name -> System.out.print(name + " "));     System.out.println();System.out.println("//" + "END:TRANSFORM_OUTPUT");System.out.println("//" + "START:NUMBER_OUTPUT");friends.stream().map(name -> name.length()).forEach(count -> System.out.print(count + " "));System.out.println();
System.out.println("//" + "END:NUMBER_OUTPUT");/*friends.stream().map(String::toUpperCase);
*/friends.stream().map(String::toUpperCase).forEach(name -> System.out.println(name));}


5 4 4 4 4 5


caveat:发音 开via, 警告 = warning

nudge: 轻推


We can nudge the code to be just a bit more concise by using a feature called
method reference.




Functional Programming in Java: Harnessing the Power Of Java 8 Lambda Expressions 1st Edition:https://www.amazon.com/Functional-Programming-Java-Harnessing-Expressions/dp/1937785467

source code: https://pragprog.com/titles/vsjava8/functional-programming-in-java/

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