
The ConnectSense is a great smart outlet, but if you want to factory reset it in order to give it away–or if you just need to connect it to a new Wi-Fi network–here’s how to reset the device and start over from scratch.

ConnectSense是一个很棒的智能插座 ,但是如果您要恢复出厂设置以便将其赠送给您-或仅需要将其连接到新的Wi-Fi网络-以下是重置设备并从头开始的方法。

The ConnectSense Smart Outlet doesn’t allow users to easily change the Wi-Fi network that it’s connected to, and requires that the device be reset in order to make it happen. It’s one of the few annoying features about the product, but luckily it’s really easy to get it reset and set up again on a new WiFi network.

ConnectSense智能插座不允许用户轻松更改其连接的Wi-Fi网络,并且要求重置设备才能实现。 这是该产品为数不多的令人讨厌的功能之一,但幸运的是,将其重置并重新设置在新的WiFi网络上确实很容易。

To start off, you’re simply going to plug the device into an outlet if it isn’t already. From there, locate the two buttons on the side that turn on and off each individual receptacle.

首先,只需将设备插入插座即可(如果尚未插入)。 从那里找到侧面的两个按钮,分别打开和关闭每个单独的插座。

Hold down both buttons on the side at the same time until two red LED lights start to blink. This will take about 10 seconds.

同时按住侧面的两个按钮,直到两个红色LED灯开始闪烁。 这大约需要10秒钟。

Let go of the buttons and wait for the small green LED light in the top-left corner of the Smart Outlet to begin blinking.


If you’re planning on selling the device or giving it to someone else, you can go ahead and unplug it when the small green LED lights begins blinking. Otherwise, you can begin the setup process for the Smart Outlet and connect it to a new WiFi network.

如果您打算出售该设备或将其出售给他人,则可以在绿色的小LED指示灯开始闪烁时继续进行操作并拔下电源插头。 否则,您可以开始智能插座的设置过程,并将其连接到新的WiFi网络。

We have a guide on how to set up the ConnectSense Smart Outlet, so be sure to check that out if you don’t already know how to set up the device. It’s just a matter of downloading the ConnectSense app, connecting the Smart Outlet to your home Wi-Fi network, and then setting up HomeKit.

我们提供了有关如何设置ConnectSense智能插座的指南 ,因此,如果您还不知道如何设置设备,请确保将其签出。 只需下载ConnectSense应用程序,将智能插座连接到您的家庭Wi-Fi网络,然后设置HomeKit。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/254218/how-to-reset-your-connectsense-smart-outlet/



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