
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');
const path = require('path');module.exports = {context: path.join(__dirname, 'app'),devServer: {// This is required for older versions of webpack-dev-server// if you use absolute 'to' paths. The path should be an// absolute path to your build destination.outputPath: path.join(__dirname, 'build')},plugins: [new CopyWebpackPlugin([// {output}/file.txt{ from: 'from/file.txt' },// equivalent'from/file.txt',// {output}/to/file.txt{ from: 'from/file.txt', to: 'to/file.txt' },// {output}/to/directory/file.txt{ from: 'from/file.txt', to: 'to/directory' },// Copy directory contents to {output}/{ from: 'from/directory' },// Copy directory contents to {output}/to/directory/{ from: 'from/directory', to: 'to/directory' },// Copy glob results to /absolute/path/{ from: 'from/directory/**/*', to: '/absolute/path' },// Copy glob results (with dot files) to /absolute/path/{from: {glob:'from/directory/**/*',dot: true},to: '/absolute/path'},// Copy glob results, relative to context{context: 'from/directory',from: '**/*',to: '/absolute/path'},// {output}/file/without/extension{from: 'path/to/file.txt',to: 'file/without/extension',toType: 'file'},// {output}/directory/with/extension.ext/file.txt{from: 'path/to/file.txt',to: 'directory/with/extension.ext',toType: 'dir'}], {ignore: [// Doesn't copy any files with a txt extension    '*.txt',// Doesn't copy any file, even if they start with a dot'**/*',// Doesn't copy any file, except if they start with a dot{ glob: '**/*', dot: false }],// By default, we only copy modified files during// a watch or webpack-dev-server build. Setting this// to `true` copies all files.copyUnmodified: true})]

一 忽略后缀(测试.txt)

 ignore: [// Doesn't copy any files with a txt extension    '*.txt'],

二 忽略编辑器文件或特殊文件(.gitkeep)

  ignore: ['.*']


三 忽略文件夹static下的文件夹js里的所有内容

  ignore: ['js/**']


  ignore: ['js/*']




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