JavaScript学习笔记 (一)- Learning Advanced JavaScript

  • Learning Advanced JavaScript
    • #2: Goal: To be able to understand this function:
    • #3: Some helper methods that we have:
    • #5: What ways can we define functions?
    • #6: Does the order of function definition matter?
    • #7: Where can assignments be accessed?
    • #8: Can functions be defined below return statements?
    • #10: We can refer to a function, within itself, by its name.
    • #11: What is the name of a function?
    • #12: We can even do it if we're an anonymous function that's an object property.
    • #13: But what happens when we remove the original object?
    • #14: Let's give the anonymous function a name!
    • #15: What if we don't want to give the function a name?
    • #17: How similar are functions and objects?
    • #18: How similar are functions and objects?
    • #19: Is it possible to cache the return results from a function?
    • #20: QUIZ: Can you cache the results of this function?
    • #21: One possible way to cache the results:
    • #23: What happens if a function is an object property?
    • #24: What exactly does context represent?
    • #25: How can we change the context of a function?
    • #26: Different ways of changing the context:
    • #27: QUIZ: How can we implement looping with a callback?
    • #28: A possible solution for function looping:
    • #30: What does the new operator do?
    • #31: We have a 'this' context that is a Ninja object.
    • #32: QUIZ: Add a method that gives a name to the ninja.
    • #33: Add a new property and method to the object.
    • #34: What happens when we forget to use the new operator?
    • #35: What happens when we forget to use the new operator? (cont.)
    • #36: We need to make sure that the new operator is always used.
    • #37: QUIZ: Is there another, more generic, way of doing this?
    • #38: A solution using arguments.callee.
    • #40: Using a variable number of arguments to our advantage.
    • #41: How can we find the Min/Max number in an array?
    • #42: Another possible solution:
    • #43: Uh oh, what's going wrong here?
    • #44: QUIZ: We must convert array-like objects into actual arrays. Can any built-in methods help?
    • #45: We can use built-in methods to our advantage.
    • #46: QUIZ: Implement a multiplication function (first argument by largest number).
    • #47: We can use call and apply to build a solution.
    • #49: A basic closure.
    • #50: But why doesn't this work?
    • #51: Closures are frequently used for callbacks.
    • #52: They're also useful for timers.
    • #53: and they're also frequently used when attaching event listeners.
    • #54: Private properties, using closures.
    • #55: QUIZ: What are the values of the variables?
    • #56: The last one is quite tricky, we'll revisit it.
    • #58: Self-executing, temporary, function
    • #59: Now we can handle closures and looping.
    • #60: The anonymous wrapper functions are also useful for wrapping libraries.
    • #61: Another way to wrap a library:
    • #62: QUIZ: Fix the broken closures in this loop!
    • #63: A quick wrapper function will do the trick.
    • #65: Adding a prototyped method to a function.
    • #66: Properties added in the constructor (or later) override prototyped properties.
    • #67: Prototyped properties affect all objects of the same constructor, simultaneously, even if they already exist.
    • #68: QUIZ: Make a chainable Ninja method.
    • #69: The chainable method must return this.
    • #71: Examining the basics of an object.
    • #72: We can still use the constructor to build other instances.
    • #73: QUIZ: Make another instance of a Ninja.
    • #74: QUIZ: Use the .constructor property to dig in.
    • #76: The basics of how prototypal inheritance works.
    • #77: QUIZ: Let's try our hand at inheritance.
    • #78: The result is rather straight-forward.
    • #80: We can also modify built-in object prototypes.
    • #81: Beware: Extending prototypes can be dangerous.
    • #83: What happens when we try to bind an object's method to a click handler?
    • #84: We need to keep its context as the original object.
    • #85: Add a method to all functions to allow context enforcement.
    • #86: Our final target (the .bind method from Prototype.js).
    • #88: How does a function's length property work?
    • #89: We can use it to implement method overloading.
    • #90: How method overloading might work, using the function length property.

Learning Advanced JavaScript

Reference: Learning Advanced JavaScript
Courses: Web2.0 Programming.
Attention: 本博客为个人学习笔记,因此比较大部分内容来自他人博客或笔记,大多标明了来源。(有一些没有标的可能也来自于上面的博客(,是个不错的博客,推荐![因为后面有点偷懒没有挨着标出处了就在开头大力推荐一哈!也可以直接去看那篇博客,我这里只是做下整理,再添一些自己没能理解的内容,方便自己学习])

#2: Goal: To be able to understand this function:

// The .bind method from Prototype.js
Function.prototype.bind = function(){ var fn = this, args =, object = args.shift(); return function(){ return fn.apply(object, args.concat(; };


prototype是函数的一个属性,并且是函数的原型对象。引用它的必然是函数。call是函数的一个方法,关于这个方法,它也是只有函数才能够调用的,它的作用是:调用引用它的函数。slice(start[,end])是js的一个原生数组函数,作用是获取数组中从start下标开始到end下标结束的元素。 arguments是js函数对象的一个属性,作用是获取函数的实参,返回的是一个以函数实参为属性元素的对象。而Array是js中生成数组的关键字,数组的关键字Array不能这样子Array.xx直接调用js的数组函数,而是要用Array.prototype来调用数组函数。(给原型对象增加属性,也就是给对象增加公用的属性)Array.prototype是一个数组,String.prototype是一个字符串,Object.prototype是一个对象。




var obj = { x: 'prop x' };
//args =后args = [obj, 12, 23 ]
//object=args.shift()后,args =[12, 23] ,object =objvar boundExample = example.bind(obj, 12, 23);
boundExample(36, 49); // arguments => 36, 49 ,调用args.concat(后,arguments that our example() function receives => [12, 23, 36, 49]


#3: Some helper methods that we have:

assert( true, "I'll pass." ); //undefined
assert( "truey", "So will I." ); //undefined
assert( false, "I'll fail." ); //{ [AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: I'll fail.]//generatedMessage: false,//name: 'AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]',//code: 'ERR_ASSERTION',//actual: false,//expected: true,//operator: '==' }
assert( null, "So will I." ); //{ [AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: So will I.]//generatedMessage: false,//name: 'AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]',//code: 'ERR_ASSERTION',//actual: null,//expected: true,//operator: '==' }
log( "Just a simple log", "of", "values.", true ); //ReferenceError: log is not defined
error( "I'm an error!" ); //ReferenceError: error is not defined
// Terminal node v10.13.0


  1. assert(value[, message])
    这个测试函数在 【Boolean(value)】 为 【true】时通过断言测试,否则抛出 【AssertionError】。( value 为false,则抛出一个带有 message 属性的 【AssertionError】,其中 message 属性的值等于传入的 message 参数的值。 如果 message 参数为 undefined,则赋予默认的错误信息。)
  2. assert.ok(value[, message])
    assert.ok() 与 assert()的作用是一样的,都是测试【value】是否为真值。而且用法也一样,所以可以将assert()视为assert.ok()的语法糖


#5: What ways can we define functions?

function isNimble(){ return true; }
var canFly = function(){ return true; };
window.isDeadly = function(){ return true; };
log(isNimble, canFly, isDeadly);

#6: Does the order of function definition matter?

var canFly = function(){ return true; };
window.isDeadly = function(){ return true; };
assert( isNimble() && canFly() && isDeadly(), "Still works, even though isNimble is moved." );
function isNimble(){ return true; }

函数可定义在任何地方,次序不重要,javascript在执行之前会将所有的变量和函数进行升级(define promotion)。

#7: Where can assignments be accessed?

assert( typeof canFly == "undefined", "canFly doesn't get that benefit." ); //[AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: canFly doesn't get that benefit.]
assert( typeof isDeadly == "undefined", "Nor does isDeadly." );
var canFly = function(){ return true; }; //undefined
window.isDeadly = function(){ return true; };


提升(Hoisting)是 JavaScript 默认将当前作用域提升到前面去的的行为。
eg. var x = function (a, b) {return a * b}; //表达式声明
JavaScript 函数可以通过一个表达式定义。函数表达式可以存储在变量中;在函数表达式存储在变量后,变量也可作为一个函数使用;实际上是一个匿名函数 (函数没有名称)。函数存储在变量中,不需要函数名称,通常通过变量名来调用。

#8: Can functions be defined below return statements?

function stealthCheck(){ assert( stealth(), "We'll never get below the return, but that's OK!" ); return stealth(); function stealth(){ return true; }
} //undefinedstealthCheck();//true


#10: We can refer to a function, within itself, by its name.

function yell(n){ return n > 0 ? yell(n-1) + "a" : "hiy";
} //yell(4)=='hiyaaaa'
assert( yell(4) == "hiyaaaa", "Calling the function by itself comes naturally." );

#11: What is the name of a function?

var ninja = function myNinja(){ assert( ninja == myNinja, "This function is named two things - at once!" );
};  //undefined
ninja(); //true
//myNinja(); //ReferenceError: myNinja is not defined
assert( typeof myNinja == "undefined", "But myNinja isn't defined outside of the function." ); //true
log( ninja );//console.log(typeof(ninja)): functioin
//typeof myNinja == 'undefined'

以var fn= function doSth(){}这种形式定义的函数,在全局中只能以fn为名来调用。

#12: We can even do it if we’re an anonymous function that’s an object property.

var ninja = { yell: function(n){ return n > 0 ? ninja.yell(n-1) + "a" : "hiy"; }
}; //ninja.yell(4) == 'hiyaaaa'
assert( ninja.yell(4) == "hiyaaaa", "A single object isn't too bad, either." );


#13: But what happens when we remove the original object?

var ninja = { yell: function(n){ return n > 0 ? ninja.yell(n-1) + "a" : "hiy"; }
}; //ninja.yell(4) == 'hiyaaaa'
assert( ninja.yell(4) == "hiyaaaa", "A single object isn't too bad, either." ); var samurai = { yell: ninja.yell };
var ninja = null; //!! compared with #14try { samurai.yell(4);
} catch(e){ assert( false, "Uh, this isn't good! Where'd ninja.yell go?" ); //AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]


#14: Let’s give the anonymous function a name!

var ninja = { yell: function yell(n){ return n > 0 ? yell(n-1) + "a" : "hiy"; }
assert( ninja.yell(4) == "hiyaaaa", "Works as we would expect it to!" ); var samurai = { yell: ninja.yell };
var ninja = {}; //!!!!! not null
assert( samurai.yell(4) == "hiyaaaa", "The method correctly calls itself." ); //samurai.yell(4) == 'hiyaaaa'


#15: What if we don’t want to give the function a name?

var ninja = { yell: function(n){ return n > 0 ? arguments.callee(n-1) + "a" : "hiy"; }
}; //ninja.yell(4) == 'hiyaaaa'
assert( ninja.yell(4) == "hiyaaaa", "arguments.callee is the function itself." );

arguments和数组类似但不是数组、它保存着函数调用时传递过来的所有参数、下标从0开始顺序接收。arguments对象不是一个Array、它类似于Array,但不具有除了length方法的任何方法,例如 sort方法、pop方法等 ,但它可以被转换为一个真正的Array。

#17: How similar are functions and objects?

var obj = {};
var fn = function(){};
assert( obj && fn, "Both the object and function exist." );

函数就是对象,代表函数的对象就是函数对象。所有的函数对象是被 Function 这个函数对象构造出来的。也就是说,Function 是最顶层的构造器。它构造了系统中所有的对象,包括用户自定义对象,系统内置对象,甚至包括它自已。
Object 是最顶层的对象,所有的对象都将继承 Object 的原型,你也要知道 Object 也是一个函数对象,所以说 Object 是被 Function 构造出来的。

Function 与 Object 关系图:

var Foo= function(){}
var f1 = new Foo();
console.log(f1.__proto__ === Foo.prototype);  //true
console.log(Foo.prototype.constructor === Foo);  //true
var o1 =new Object();
console.log(o1.__proto__ === Object.prototype);  //true
console.log(Object.prototype.constructor === Object); //true
console.log(Foo.prototype.__proto__ === Object.prototype);  //true//Function and Object
console.log(Function.__proto__ === Function.prototype);  //true
console.log(Object.__proto__ === Function.prototype);  //true
console.log(Object.prototype.__proto__);  //null
console.log(Object.__proto__ === Function.prototype);  //true


#18: How similar are functions and objects?

var obj = {};
var fn = function(){};
obj.prop = "some value";
fn.prop = "some value";  //obj.prop == fn.prop, true
assert( obj.prop == fn.prop, "Both are objects, both have the property." );

#19: Is it possible to cache the return results from a function?

function getElements( name ) { var results; if ( getElements.cache[name] ) { results = getElements.cache[name]; } else { results = document.getElementsByTagName(name); getElements.cache[name] = results; } return results;
getElements.cache = {}; log( "Elements found: ", getElements("pre").length );
log( "Cache found: ", getElements.cache.pre.length );
//Elements found:  0
//Cache found:  0


#20: QUIZ: Can you cache the results of this function?

function isPrime( num ) { var prime = num != 1; // Everything but 1 can be prime for ( var i = 2; i < num; i++ ) { if ( num % i == 0 ) { prime = false; break; } } return prime;
} assert( isPrime(5), "Make sure the function works, 5 is prime." );
assert( isPrime.cache[5], "Is the answer cached?" );
//isPrime(5) true;
//isPrime.cache[5] TypeError: Cannot read property '5' of undefined


function isPrime(num) {if (isPrime.cache[num]) {return isPrime.cache[num];} else {var prime = num != 1; // Everything but 1 can be primefor (var i = 2; i < num; i++) {if (num % i == 0) {prime = false;break;}}isPrime.cache[num] = prime;return prime;}
isPrime.cache = {}; // 要初始化cache,否则访问其子元素会报错
assert(isPrime(5), "Make sure the function works, 5 is prime.");
assert(isPrime.cache[5], "Is the answer cached?");

#21: One possible way to cache the results:

function isPrime( num ) { if ( isPrime.cache[ num ] != null ) return isPrime.cache[ num ];//If the parm cached,return corresponding resultvar prime = num != 1; // Everything but 1 can be prime for ( var i = 2; i < num; i++ ) { if ( num % i == 0 ) { prime = false; break; } } isPrime.cache[ num ] = prime //cached the parm&resultreturn prime;
} isPrime.cache = {}; assert( isPrime(5), "Make sure the function works, 5 is prime." );
assert( isPrime.cache[5], "Make sure the answer is cached." );
//isPrime(5) true;
//isPrime.cache[5] true


#23: What happens if a function is an object property?

var katana = { isSharp: true, use: function(){ this.isSharp = !this.isSharp; }
assert( !katana.isSharp, "Verify the value of isSharp has been changed." );
//!katana.isSharp: true


  1. Katana is an object (created using the { … } notation). “use” is the name of the property of the object whose value will be the anonymous function (which is also an object).
  2. The function inverts the value of isSharp (so from true to false or false to true).
  3. It is asserting that isSharp is something which does not evaluate to true (this is nearly everything except undefined, null, false, 0, etc). In this case, since isSharp is always either true or false, it is asserting that it is false.

The main point (and cool part) of the sample is this line:


This first fetches the value of the “use” property from the katana object (that’s the katana.use part). The value is the anonymous function from before. Then, that function is executed (that’s the () part). The really cool part is that it is executed on behalf of the katana object – that means this in the anonymous function is a reference to the katana object when it’s called that way.

  1. Katana is an object. Katana.use is a function. Its a property that contains a function as value. The value it contains happens to be an anonymous function.
    The distinction is that Katana.use is a property of Katana and that the value of Katana.use is a function. use is a key defined on Katana since Katana[“use”] also works.
  2. It’s setting isSharp to NOT isSharp so either true -> false or false -> true
  3. the assert is saying katana.isSharp === false which it should be since it was orginally true but then set to false.


#24: What exactly does context represent?

function katana(){ this.isSharp = true;
assert( isSharp === true, "A global object now exists with that name and value." );
//truevar shuriken = { toss: function(){ this.isSharp = true; }
assert( shuriken.isSharp === true, "When it's an object property, the value is set within the object." );


#25: How can we change the context of a function?

var object = {};
function fn(){ return this;
assert( fn() == this, "The context is the global object." );
assert( == object, "The context is changed to a specific object." );
//true方法调用一个函数, 其具有一个指定的this值和分别地提供的参数(参数的列表)。

unction Product(name, price) { = name;this.price = price;
}function Food(name, price) {, name, price);this.category = 'food';
}console.log(new Food('cheese', 5).name);
console.log(new Food('cheese', 5).price);
// "cheese" 5

#26: Different ways of changing the context:

function add(a, b){ return a + b;
assert(, 1, 2) == 3, ".call() takes individual arguments" );
assert( add.apply(this, [1, 2]) == 3, ".apply() takes an array of arguments" );

apply() 方法调用一个具有给定this值的函数,以及作为一个数组(或类似数组对象)提供的参数。
语法:func.apply(thisArg, [argsArray])
可选的。在 func 函数运行时使用的 this 值。请注意,this可能不是该方法看到的实际值:如果这个函数处于非严格模式下,则指定为 null 或 undefined 时会自动替换为指向全局对象,原始值会被包装。
可选的。一个数组或者类数组对象,其中的数组元素将作为单独的参数传给 func 函数。如果该参数的值为 null 或 undefined,则表示不需要传入任何参数。

注意:call()方法的作用和 apply() 方法类似,区别就是call()方法接受的是参数列表,而apply()方法接受的是一个参数数组。

var numbers = [5, 6, 2, 3, 7];var max = Math.max.apply(null, numbers);console.log(max);
// 7var min = Math.min.apply(null, numbers);console.log(min);
// 2

Reference: MDN

#27: QUIZ: How can we implement looping with a callback?

function loop(array, fn){ for ( var i = 0; i < array.length; i++ ) { // Implement me! }
var num = 0;
loop([0, 1, 2], function(value){ assert(value == num++, "Make sure the contents are as we expect it."); assert(this instanceof Array, "The context should be the full array.");

填入:, array[i]);

#28: A possible solution for function looping:

function loop(array, fn){ for ( var i = 0; i < array.length; i++ ) array, array[i], i );
var num = 0;
loop([0, 1, 2], function(value, i){ assert(value == num++, "Make sure the contents are as we expect it."); assert(this instanceof Array, "The context should be the full array.");

#30: What does the new operator do?

function Ninja(){ = "Ninja";
} var ninjaA = Ninja();
assert( !ninjaA, "Is undefined, not an instance of Ninja." ); var ninjaB = new Ninja();
assert( == "Ninja", "Property exists on the ninja instance." );

new 运算符创建一个用户定义的对象类型的实例或具有构造函数的内置对象的实例。
语法: new constructor[([arguments])]
一个用来被constructor 调用的参数列表。


  1. 通过编写函数来定义对象类型。
  2. 通过new来创建对象实例。

当代码 new Foo(…) 执行时,会发生以下事情:
(1) 一个继承自 Foo.prototype 的新对象被创建。
(2) 使用指定的参数调用构造函数 Foo ,并将 this 绑定到新创建的对象。new Foo 等同于 new Foo(),也就是没有指定参数列表,Foo 不带任何参数调用的情况。
(3) 由构造函数返回的对象就是 new 表达式的结果。如果构造函数没有显式返回一个对象,则使用步骤1创建的对象。(一般情况下,构造函数不返回值,但是用户可以选择主动返回对象,来覆盖正常的对象创建步骤)

你始终可以对已定义的对象添加新的属性。例如, car1.color = “black” 语句给 car1 添加了一个新的属性 color , 并给这个属性赋值 “black”。但是,这不会影响任何其他对象。要将新属性添加到相同类型的所有对象,你必须将该属性添加到Car对象类型的定义中。
你可以使用 Function.prototype 属性将共享属性添加到以前定义的对象类型。这定义了一个由该函数创建的所有对象共享的属性,而不仅仅是对象类型的其中一个实例。下面的代码将一个值为null的color属性添加到car类型的所有对象,然后仅在实例对象car1中用字符串“black”覆盖该值。详见 prototype。

    function Car() {}car1 = new Car()console.log(car1.color)           // undefinedCar.prototype.color = nullconsole.log(car1.color)           // nullcar1.color = "black"console.log(car1.color)           // black


#31: We have a ‘this’ context that is a Ninja object.

function Ninja(){ this.swung = false; // Should return true this.swingSword = function(){ this.swung = !this.swung; return this.swung; };
} var ninja = new Ninja();
assert( ninja.swingSword(), "Calling the instance method." );
assert( ninja.swung, "The ninja has swung the sword." );
//truevar ninjaB = new Ninja();
assert( !ninjaB.swung, "Make sure that the ninja has not swung his sword." );
//ninjaB not swingSword()
//var ninjaB = new Ninja();
//console.log( ninjaB.swingSword()); //true
//console.log( !ninjaB.swung); //false

#32: QUIZ: Add a method that gives a name to the ninja.

function Ninja(name){ // Implement!
} var ninja = new Ninja("John");
assert( == "John", "The name has been set on initialization" ); ninja.changeName("Bob");
assert( == "Bob", "The name was successfully changed." );

Implement: = name;
this.changeName = function(name2){ = name2;

#33: Add a new property and method to the object.

function Ninja(name){this.changeName = function(name){ = name;};this.changeName( name );
}var ninja = new Ninja("John");
assert( == "John", "The name has been set on initialization" );ninja.changeName("Bob");
assert( == "Bob", "The name was successfully changed." );

#34: What happens when we forget to use the new operator?

function User(first, last){ = first + " " + last;
} var user = User("John", "Resig");
assert( typeof user == "undefined", "Since new wasn't used, the instance is undefined." );


#35: What happens when we forget to use the new operator? (cont.)

function User(first, last){ = first + " " + last;
} = "Resig";
var user = User("John", name); assert( name == "John Resig", "The name variable is accidentally overridden." );

#36: We need to make sure that the new operator is always used.

function User(first, last){ if ( !(this instanceof User) ) // 判断当前上下文是否在User中return new User(first, last); = first + " " + last;
} var name = "Resig";
var user = User("John", name); assert( user, "This was defined correctly, even if it was by mistake." );
//User { name: 'John Resig' }
assert( name == "Resig", "The right name was maintained." );


function Car(make, model, year) {this.make = make;this.model = model;this.year = year;
var auto = new Car('Honda', 'Accord', 1998);console.log(auto instanceof Car);
// trueconsole.log(auto instanceof Object);
// true


object instanceof constructor

object: 要检测的对象.
constructor: 某个构造函数

#37: QUIZ: Is there another, more generic, way of doing this?

function User(first, last){ if ( !(this instanceof ___) ) return new User(first, last); = first + " " + last;
} var name = "Resig";
var user = User("John", name); assert( user, "This was defined correctly, even if it was by mistake." );
assert( name == "Resig", "The right name was maintained." );

#38: A solution using arguments.callee.

function User(first, last){ if ( !(this instanceof arguments.callee) ) return new User(first, last); = first + " " + last;
} var name = "Resig";
var user = User("John", name); assert( user, "This was defined correctly, even if it was by mistake." );
assert( name == "Resig", "The right name was maintained." );

callee 在函数的名称未知时很有用.

#40: Using a variable number of arguments to our advantage.

function merge(root){ for ( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ ) for ( var key in arguments[i] ) root[key] = arguments[i][key]; return root;
} var merged = merge({name: "John"}, {city: "Boston"});
assert( == "John", "The original name is intact." );
assert( == "Boston", "And the city has been copied over." );

for in: key
for of: value
arguments is an Array-like object accessible inside functions that contains the values of the arguments passed to that function.

#41: How can we find the Min/Max number in an array?

function smallest(array){ return Math.min.apply( Math, array );
function largest(array){ return Math.max.apply( Math, array );
assert(smallest([0, 1, 2, 3]) == 0, "Locate the smallest value.");
assert(largest([0, 1, 2, 3]) == 3, "Locate the largest value.");

The static function Math.min() returns the lowest-valued number passed into it, or NaN if any parameter isn’t a number and can’t be converted into one.
Syntax: Math.min([value1[, value2[, …]]])

#42: Another possible solution:

function smallest(){ return Math.min.apply( Math, arguments );
function largest(){ return Math.max.apply( Math, arguments );
assert(smallest(0, 1, 2, 3) == 0, "Locate the smallest value.");
assert(largest(0, 1, 2, 3) == 3, "Locate the largest value.");

#43: Uh oh, what’s going wrong here?

function highest(){ return arguments.sort(function(a,b){ return b - a; });
assert(highest(1, 1, 2, 3)[0] == 3, "Get the highest value.");
assert(highest(3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)[1] == 4, "Verify the results.");

arguments 并不是数组,是类数组
arr.sort([compareFunction]),sort() 方法用原地算法对数组的元素进行排序,并返回数组。排序不一定是稳定的。默认排序顺序是根据字符串Unicode码点。


  • 拥有length属性,其它属性(索引)为非负整数(对象中的索引会被当做字符串来处理,这里你可以当做是个非负整数串来理解)。
  • 不具有数组所具有的方法。

比如 document.getElementsByTagName()。 的结果是将arrayLike对象转换成一个Array对象。
Array.from() 方法从一个类似数组或可迭代对象中创建一个新的数组实例。第二个参数指定map函数,第三个参数指定context。

  • 语法
    Array.from(arrayLike[, mapFn[, thisArg]])
    mapFn (可选参数):如果指定了该参数,新数组中的每个元素会执行该回调函数。
    thisArg (可选参数):可选参数,执行回调函数 mapFn 时 this 对象。


function highest(){ return,b){ return b - a; });
console.log(highest(1, 1, 2, 3)[0] );
// 3
console.log(highest(3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)[1] );
// 4

#44: QUIZ: We must convert array-like objects into actual arrays. Can any built-in methods help?

// Hint: Arrays have .slice and .splice methods which return new arrays.
function highest(){ return makeArray(arguments).slice(1).sort(function(a,b){ return b - a; });
} function makeArray(array){ // Implement me!
} // Expecting: [3,2,1]
assert(highest(1, 1, 2, 3)[0] == 3, "Get the highest value.");
// Expecting: [5,4,3,2,1]
assert(highest(3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)[1] == 4, "Verify the results.");
return Array.from(array);

#45: We can use built-in methods to our advantage.

function highest(){ return makeArray(arguments).sort(function(a,b){ return b - a; });
} function makeArray(array){ return Array() array );
} assert(highest(1, 1, 2, 3)[0] == 3, "Get the highest value.");
assert(highest(3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)[1] == 4, "Verify the results.");

#46: QUIZ: Implement a multiplication function (first argument by largest number).

function multiMax(multi){ // Make an array of all but the first argument var allButFirst = ___; // Find the largest number in that array of arguments var largestAllButFirst = ___; // Return the multiplied result return multi * largestAllButFirst;
assert( multiMax(3, 1, 2, 3) == 9, "3*3=9 (First arg, by largest.)" );


function multiMax(multi){// Make an array of all but the first argumentvar allButFirst = Array.from(arguments).slice(1);// Find the largest number in that array of argumentsvar largestAllButFirst = allButFirst.sort().pop();// Return the multiplied resultreturn multi * largestAllButFirst;
assert( multiMax(3, 1, 2, 3) == 9, "3*3=9 (First arg, by largest.)" );

pop() 方法用于删除数组的最后一个元素并返回删除的元素。
提示: 移除数组第一个元素,请使用 shift() 方法。
shift() 方法用于把数组的第一个元素从其中删除,并返回第一个元素的值。
sort(): 默认升序。

#47: We can use call and apply to build a solution.

function multiMax(multi){ // Make an array of all but the first argument var allButFirst = Array() arguments, 1 ); // Find the largest number in that array of arguments var largestAllButFirst = Math.max.apply( Math, allButFirst ); // Return the multiplied result return multi * largestAllButFirst;
assert( multiMax(3, 1, 2, 3) == 9, "3*3=9 (First arg, by largest.)" );

#49: A basic closure.

var num = 10; function addNum(myNum){ return num + myNum;
} assert( addNum(5) == 15, "Add two numbers together, one from a closure." );

JavaScript中的函数会形成闭包。 闭包是由函数以及创建该函数的词法环境组合而成。这个环境包含了这个闭包创建时所能访问的所有局部变量

#50: But why doesn’t this work?

var num = 10; function addNum(myNum){ return num + myNum;
} num = 15; assert( addNum(5) == 15, "Add two numbers together, one from a closure." );

num = 15;
addNum(5) == 20

#51: Closures are frequently used for callbacks.

var results = jQuery("#results").html("<li>Loading...</li>"); jQuery.get("test.html", function(html){ results.html( html ); assert( results, "The element to append to, via a closure." );

callbacks: 回调函数

#52: They’re also useful for timers.

var count = 0; var timer = setInterval(function(){ if ( count < 5 ) { log( "Timer call: ", count ); count++; } else { assert( count == 5, "Count came via a closure, accessed each step." ); assert( timer, "The timer reference is also via a closure." ); clearInterval( timer ); }
}, 100);

#53: and they’re also frequently used when attaching event listeners.

var count = 1;
var elem = document.createElement("li");
elem.innerHTML = "Click me!";
elem.onclick = function(){ log( "Click #", count++ );
}; //closure
document.getElementById("results").appendChild( elem );
assert( elem.parentNode, "Clickable element appended." );

#54: Private properties, using closures.

function Ninja(){ var slices = 0; this.getSlices = function(){ return slices; }; this.slice = function(){ slices++; };
} var ninja = new Ninja();
ninja.slice(); //slices++
assert( ninja.getSlices() == 1, "We're able to access the internal slice data." );
assert( ninja.slices === undefined, "And the private data is inaccessible to us." );


#55: QUIZ: What are the values of the variables?

var a = 5;
function runMe(a){ assert( a == ___, "Check the value of a." ); function innerRun(){ assert( b == ___, "Check the value of b." ); assert( c == ___, "Check the value of c." ); } var b = 7; innerRun(); var c = 8;
runMe(6); for ( var d = 0; d < 3; d++ ) { setTimeout(function(){ assert( d == ___, "Check the value of d." ); }, 100);

#56: The last one is quite tricky, we’ll revisit it.

var a = 5;
function runMe(a){ assert( a == 6, "Check the value of a." ); // 这时传入的变量明显在作用链上比全局变量先找到,因此是6function innerRun(){ assert( b == 7, "Check the value of b." ); //在调用这个函数的时候,b已经等于7了assert( c == undefined, "Check the value of c." ); //在调用函数之前,c并没有定义,由于变量提升但赋值不提升,因此为undefined} var b = 7; innerRun(); //innerRun在c之前var c = 8;
runMe(6); for ( var d = 0; d < 3; d++ ) { setTimeout(function(){ assert( d == 3, "Check the value of d." ); //当函数被调用的时候,d已经是等于3了,因此3次调用都是为3}, 100);
for ( var d = 0; d < 3; d++ ) { console.log(d);setTimeout(function(){ console.log( d); //当函数被调用的时候,d已经是等于3了,因此3次调用都是为3}, 100); (function(){console.log(d);})();
// 0 0 1 1 2 2 undefined 3 3 3

#58: Self-executing, temporary, function

(function(){ var count = 0; var timer = setInterval(function(){ if ( count < 5 ) { log( "Timer call: ", count ); count++; } else { assert( count == 5, "Count came via a closure, accessed each step." ); assert( timer, "The timer reference is also via a closure." ); clearInterval( timer ); } }, 100);
})(); assert( typeof count == "undefined", "count doesn't exist outside the wrapper" );
assert( typeof timer == "undefined", "neither does timer" );


#59: Now we can handle closures and looping.

for ( var d = 0; d < 3; d++ ) (function(d){ setTimeout(function(){ log( "Value of d: ", d ); assert( d == d, "Check the value of d." ); }, d * 200);
//d: 0 1 2


#60: The anonymous wrapper functions are also useful for wrapping libraries.

(function(){ var myLib = window.myLib = function(){ // Initialize }; // ...


#61: Another way to wrap a library:

var myLib = (function(){ function myLib(){ // Initialize } // ... return myLib;


#62: QUIZ: Fix the broken closures in this loop!

var count = 0;
for ( var i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { setTimeout(function(){ assert( i == count++, "Check the value of i." ); }, i * 200);



var count = 0;
for ( var i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {setTimeout(function(i){assert( i == count++, "Check the value of i." );}, i * 200, i);

#63: A quick wrapper function will do the trick.

var count = 0;
for ( var i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) (function(i){ setTimeout(function(){ assert( i == count++, "Check the value of i." ); }, i * 200);


#65: Adding a prototyped method to a function.

function Ninja(){} Ninja.prototype.swingSword = function(){ return true;
}; var ninjaA = Ninja();
assert( !ninjaA, "Is undefined, not an instance of Ninja." ); var ninjaB = new Ninja();
assert( ninjaB.swingSword(), "Method exists and is callable." );


#66: Properties added in the constructor (or later) override prototyped properties.

function Ninja(){ this.swingSword = function(){ return true; };
} // Should return false, but will be overridden
Ninja.prototype.swingSword = function(){ return false;
}; var ninja = new Ninja();
assert( ninja.swingSword(), "Calling the instance method, not the prototype method." );

这里看上去有点玄学,为什么明明重写了但是还是return true呢。其实这只是一个错觉。实际上是里面的重写了外面的属性。

#67: Prototyped properties affect all objects of the same constructor, simultaneously, even if they already exist.

function Ninja(){ this.swung = true;
} var ninjaA = new Ninja();
var ninjaB = new Ninja(); Ninja.prototype.swingSword = function(){ return this.swung;
}; assert( ninjaA.swingSword(), "Method exists, even out of order." );
assert( ninjaB.swingSword(), "and on all instantiated objects." );


#68: QUIZ: Make a chainable Ninja method.

function Ninja(){ this.swung = true;
} var ninjaA = new Ninja();
var ninjaB = new Ninja(); // Add a method to the Ninja prototype which
// returns itself and modifies swung assert( !ninjaA.swing().swung, "Verify that the swing method exists and returns an instance." );
assert( !ninjaB.swing().swung, "and that it works on all Ninja instances." );

#69: The chainable method must return this.

function Ninja(){ this.swung = true;
} var ninjaA = new Ninja();
var ninjaB = new Ninja(); Ninja.prototype.swing = function(){ this.swung = false; return this;
}; assert( !ninjaA.swing().swung, "Verify that the swing method exists and returns an instance." );
assert( !ninjaB.swing().swung, "and that it works on all Ninja instances." );

#71: Examining the basics of an object.

function Ninja(){} var ninja = new Ninja(); assert( typeof ninja == "object", "However the type of the instance is still an object." );
assert( ninja instanceof Ninja, "The object was instantiated properly." );
assert( ninja.constructor == Ninja, "The ninja object was created by the Ninja function." );


#72: We can still use the constructor to build other instances.

function Ninja(){}
var ninja = new Ninja();
var ninjaB = new ninja.constructor(); assert( ninjaB instanceof Ninja, "Still a ninja object." );

#73: QUIZ: Make another instance of a Ninja.

var ninja = (function(){ function Ninja(){} return new Ninja();
})(); // Make another instance of Ninja
var ninjaB = ___; //new. ninja.constructor()assert( ninja.constructor == ninjaB.constructor, "The ninjas come from the same source." );

#74: QUIZ: Use the .constructor property to dig in.

var ninja = (function(){ function Ninja(){} return new Ninja();
})(); // Make another instance of Ninja
var ninjaB = new ninja.constructor(); assert( ninja.constructor == ninjaB.constructor, "The ninjas come from the same source." );

#76: The basics of how prototypal inheritance works.

function Person(){} = function(){}; function Ninja(){} // Achieve similar, but non-inheritable, results
Ninja.prototype = Person.prototype;  // Ninja继承于Person
Ninja.prototype = { dance: }; // 这破坏了继承链,如果去掉那么下面就可以通过assert( (new Ninja()) instanceof Person, "Will fail with bad prototype chain." ); // Only this maintains the prototype chain
Ninja.prototype = new Person(); var ninja = new Ninja();
assert( ninja instanceof Ninja, "ninja receives functionality from the Ninja prototype" );
assert( ninja instanceof Person, "... and the Person prototype" );
assert( ninja instanceof Object, "... and the Object prototype" );

#77: QUIZ: Let’s try our hand at inheritance.

function Person(){}
Person.prototype.getName = function(){ return;
}; // Implement a function that inherits from Person
// and sets a name in the constructor var me = new Me();
assert( me.getName(), "A name was set." );

#78: The result is rather straight-forward.

function Person(){}
Person.prototype.getName = function(){ return;
}; function Me(){ = "John Resig";
Me.prototype = new Person(); var me = new Me();
assert( me.getName(), "A name was set." );

#80: We can also modify built-in object prototypes.

if (!Array.prototype.forEach) { Array.prototype.forEach = function(fn){ for ( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ) { fn( this[i], i, this ); } };
} ["a", "b", "c"].forEach(function(value, index, array){ assert( value, "Is in position " + index + " out of " + (array.length - 1) );

(built-in 内置)

#81: Beware: Extending prototypes can be dangerous.

Object.prototype.keys = function(){ var keys = []; for ( var i in this ) keys.push( i ); return keys;
}; var obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }; assert( obj.keys().length == 3, "We should only have 3 properties." ); delete Object.prototype.keys;

比如在这里,他为Object添加了一个keys的方法。然后使用for…in 遍历this的所有属性,这时候this上多了一个keys的属性,那么他的length自然就变成了4,并不是我们想要的结果。

#83: What happens when we try to bind an object’s method to a click handler?

var Button = { click: function(){ this.clicked = true; }
}; var elem = document.createElement("li");
elem.innerHTML = "Click me!";
elem.onclick =;
document.getElementById("results").appendChild(elem); elem.onclick();
assert( elem.clicked, "The clicked property was accidentally set on the element" );


#84: We need to keep its context as the original object.

function bind(context, name){ return function(){ return context[name].apply(context, arguments); };
} var Button = { click: function(){ this.clicked = true; }
}; var elem = document.createElement("li");
elem.innerHTML = "Click me!";
elem.onclick = bind(Button, "click");
document.getElementById("results").appendChild(elem); elem.onclick();
assert( Button.clicked, "The clicked property was correctly set on the object" );


#85: Add a method to all functions to allow context enforcement.

Function.prototype.bind = function(object){ var fn = this; return function(){ return fn.apply(object, arguments); };
}; var Button = { click: function(){ this.clicked = true; }
}; var elem = document.createElement("li");
elem.innerHTML = "Click me!";
elem.onclick =;
document.getElementById("results").appendChild(elem); elem.onclick();
assert( Button.clicked, "The clicked property was correctly set on the object" );


#86: Our final target (the .bind method from Prototype.js).

Function.prototype.bind = function(){ var fn = this, args =, object = args.shift(); return function(){ return fn.apply(object, args.concat(; };
}; var Button = { click: function(value){ this.clicked = value; }
}; var elem = document.createElement("li");
elem.innerHTML = "Click me!";
elem.onclick =, false);
document.getElementById("results").appendChild(elem); elem.onclick();
assert( Button.clicked === false, "The clicked property was correctly set on the object" );

#88: How does a function’s length property work?

function makeNinja(name){}
function makeSamurai(name, rank){}
assert( makeNinja.length == 1, "Only expecting a single argument" );
assert( makeSamurai.length == 2, "Multiple arguments expected" );


#89: We can use it to implement method overloading.

function addMethod(object, name, fn){ // Save a reference to the old method var old = object[ name ]; // Overwrite the method with our new one object[ name ] = function(){ // Check the number of incoming arguments, // compared to our overloaded function if ( fn.length == arguments.length ) // If there was a match, run the function return fn.apply( this, arguments ); // Otherwise, fallback to the old method else if ( typeof old === "function" ) return old.apply( this, arguments ); };


#90: How method overloading might work, using the function length property.

function addMethod(object, name, fn){ // Save a reference to the old method var old = object[ name ]; // Overwrite the method with our new one object[ name ] = function(){ // Check the number of incoming arguments, // compared to our overloaded function if ( fn.length == arguments.length ) // If there was a match, run the function return fn.apply( this, arguments ); // Otherwise, fallback to the old method else if ( typeof old === "function" ) return old.apply( this, arguments ); };
} function Ninjas(){ var ninjas = [ "Dean Edwards", "Sam Stephenson", "Alex Russell" ]; addMethod(this, "find", function(){ return ninjas; }); addMethod(this, "find", function(name){ var ret = []; for ( var i = 0; i < ninjas.length; i++ ) if ( ninjas[i].indexOf(name) == 0 ) ret.push( ninjas[i] ); return ret; }); addMethod(this, "find", function(first, last){ var ret = []; for ( var i = 0; i < ninjas.length; i++ ) if ( ninjas[i] == (first + " " + last) ) ret.push( ninjas[i] ); return ret; });
} var ninjas = new Ninjas();
assert( ninjas.find().length == 3, "Finds all ninjas" );
assert( ninjas.find("Sam").length == 1, "Finds ninjas by first name" );
assert( ninjas.find("Dean", "Edwards").length == 1, "Finds ninjas by first and last name" );
assert( ninjas.find("Alex", "X", "Russell") == null, "Does nothing" );function addMethod(object, name, fn){// Save a reference to the old methodvar old = object[ name ];// Overwrite the method with our new oneobject[ name ] = function(){// Check the number of incoming arguments,// compared to our overloaded functionif ( fn.length == arguments.length )// If there was a match, run the functionreturn fn.apply( this, arguments );// Otherwise, fallback to the old methodelse if ( typeof old === "function" )return old.apply( this, arguments );};
}function Ninjas(){var ninjas = [ "Dean Edwards", "Sam Stephenson", "Alex Russell" ];addMethod(this, "find", function(){return ninjas;});addMethod(this, "find", function(name){var ret = [];for ( var i = 0; i < ninjas.length; i++ )if ( ninjas[i].indexOf(name) == 0 )ret.push( ninjas[i] );return ret;});addMethod(this, "find", function(first, last){var ret = [];for ( var i = 0; i < ninjas.length; i++ )if ( ninjas[i] == (first + " " + last) )ret.push( ninjas[i] );return ret;});
}var ninjas = new Ninjas();
assert( ninjas.find().length == 3, "Finds all ninjas" );
assert( ninjas.find("Sam").length == 1, "Finds ninjas by first name" );
assert( ninjas.find("Dean", "Edwards").length == 1, "Finds ninjas by first and last name" );
assert( ninjas.find("Alex", "X", "Russell") == null, "Does nothing" );


This tutorial contains code and discussion from the upcoming book Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja by John Resig.

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