
Note: This article is part of the advanced Room series which covers all the details about the Room persistence library. You can read all the articles here:

注意:本文是高级Room系列的一部分,该系列涵盖有关Room持久性库的所有详细信息。 您可以在此处阅读所有文章:

  • Introduction to Room Persistent Library in Android


  • Data Access Objects — DAO in Room


  • Entity Relationship in Room


  • How does Room work internally? [You are here]

    客房内部如何运作? [你在这里]

  • Room Database Migrations


  • Using Room with LiveData and other third-party libraries


客房内部如何运作? (How Room works internally?)

In the previous articles, we discussed how we can use Room library (part of Google’s Jetpack project) to create relational persistence in Android applications. Room makes it very easy for a developer to setup a database and start using it in production.

在先前的文章中,我们讨论了如何使用Room库(Google Jetpack项目的一部分)在Android应用程序中创建关系持久性。 Room使开发人员可以非常轻松地设置数据库并开始在生产中使用它。

In this article, we are going to focus on how Room accomplishes all these things.


We are going to use this project as reference for explaining how Room actually does everything. Following are the highlights of our project:

我们将使用该项目作为参考,以解释Room实际如何完成所有工作。 以下是我们项目的重点:

  • It has a single database(UserDatabase) which contains only one table/entity(User).

    它具有单个数据库( UserDatabase ),其中仅包含一个表/实体( User )。

@Database(entities = arrayOf(User::class), version = 1)
abstract class UserDatabase : RoomDatabase() {abstract fun userDao(): UserDao
  • User table has 3 columns: uid, first name and last name

    用户表具有3列: uid名字姓氏

data class User(@PrimaryKey val uid: Int,@ColumnInfo(name = "first_name") val firstName: String?,@ColumnInfo(name = "last_name") val lastName: String?
  • UserDao is the interface through which our application interacts with the database.


interface UserDao {@Query("SELECT * FROM $USERS_TABLE")fun getAll(): List<User>@Insertfun insertAll(vararg users: User)@Deletefun delete(user: User)

房间内部工作 (Internal Working of Room)

After creating a Room Database, the first time you compile your code, Room autogenerates implementation of your @Database and @Dao annotated classes. In the above example, implementation of UserDatabase and UserDao is autogenerated by Room annotation processor.

创建Room数据库后,首次编译代码时,Room会自动生成@Database@Dao注释类的实现。 在上面的示例中,Room注释处理器自动生成UserDatabaseUserDao实现。

Note: You can find the autogenerated code in build/generated/source/kapt/ folder.

注意:您可以在build / generated / source / kapt /文件夹中找到自动生成的代码。

In our example, implementation of UserDatabase is named as UserDatabase_Impl and implementation of UserDao is named as UserDao_Impl. These are the classes where actual processing happens. Let’s discuss both of the implementations individually.

在我们的示例中, UserDatabase实现名为UserDatabase_Impl ,而UserDao实现名为UserDao_Impl 。 这些是实际处理发生的类。 让我们分别讨论两个实现。

UserDatabase_Impl (UserDatabase_Impl)

An overview of UserDatabase_Impl looks like this:


public final class UserDatabase_Impl extends UserDatabase {private volatile UserDao _userDao;@Overrideprotected SupportSQLiteOpenHelper createOpenHelper(DatabaseConfiguration configuration) {//Implementation}@Overrideprotected InvalidationTracker createInvalidationTracker() {//Implementation}@Overridepublic void clearAllTables() {//Implementation}@Overridepublic UserDao userDao() {//Implementation}
  • createOpenHelper() is invoked when you build instance of your database using Room.databaseBuilder().build(). It creates and returns an instance of SupportSQLiteOpenHelper which is a helper class for managing database creation and version management.

    createOpenHelper()是当你使用建立数据库的实例调用Room.databaseBuilder().build() 它创建并返回SupportSQLiteOpenHelper的实例,该实例是用于管理数据库创建和版本管理的帮助程序类。

  • createInvalidationTracker() creates an invalidation tracker which keeps a list of tables modified by queries and notifies its callbacks about these tables.


  • clearAllTables() implements the behaviour of deleting data from all the tables of the specified database.


  • userDao() creates(if not exists) and returns the instance of UserDao_Impl for interacting with the users table.


UserDao_Impl (UserDao_Impl)

UserDao_Impl implements all the methods in UserDao. The overview of UserDao_Impl looks like this:

UserDao_Impl在UserDao中实现所有方法。 UserDao_Impl的概述如下所示:

public final class UserDao_Impl implements UserDao {private final RoomDatabase __db;private final EntityInsertionAdapter<User> __insertionAdapterOfUser;private final EntityDeletionOrUpdateAdapter<User> __deletionAdapterOfUser;public UserDao_Impl(RoomDatabase __db) {this.__db = __db;this.__insertionAdapterOfUser = new EntityInsertionAdapter<User>(__db) {//Implementation};this.__deletionAdapterOfUser = new EntityDeletionOrUpdateAdapter<User>(__db) {//Implementation};}@Overridepublic void insertAll(final User... users) {//Implementation}@Overridepublic void delete(final User user) {//Implementation}@Overridepublic List<User> getAll() {//Implementation}@Overridepublic List<User> loadAllByIds(final int[] userIds) {//Implementation}@Overridepublic User findByName(final String first, final String last) {//Implementation}

In the above example, UserDao_Impl has 3 fields: __db, __insertionAdapterOfUser and __deletionAdapterOfUser.

在上述例子中, UserDao_Impl有3个域:__db,__insertionAdapterOfUser__deletionAdapterOfUser。

  • __db is an instance of RoomDatabase which is used for multiple purposes like transaction and querying the database.


  • __insertionAdapterOfUser is an instance of EntityInsertionAdapter used for inserting entities into a table. This is used in insertAll() method.

    __insertionAdapterOfUser是用于插入实体到表EntityInsertionAdapter的一个实例。 这在insertAll()方法中使用。

  • __deletionAdapterOfUser is an instance of EntityDeletionOrUpdateAdapter used to update/delete entities from a table. This is used in delete() method.

    __deletionAdapterOfUserEntityDeletionOrUpdateAdapter的实例,用于从表中更新/删除实体。 这在delete()方法中使用。

建立RoomDatabase (Building the RoomDatabase)

Till now, we have understood what happens after our project is successfully compiled. Also we know that we need an instance of UserDatabase which gives us an instance of UserDao in order to perform any database related operations.

到目前为止,我们已经了解了成功编译项目后会发生什么。 我们也知道我们需要一个UserDatabase实例,该实例为我们提供UserDao实例,以便执行任何与数据库相关的操作。

To get an instance of UserDatabase, Room provides us a builder method named Room.databaseBuilder which gives us an instance of RoomDatabase.Builder. We can use this instance to get UserDatabase by invoking the build() method.

为了获得UserDatabase,的实例UserDatabase, Room为我们提供了一个名为Room.databaseBuilder的构建器方法,该方法为我们提供了RoomDatabase.Builder的实例。 我们可以通过调用build()方法使用此实例获取UserDatabase

val db = Room.databaseBuilder(applicationContext,UserDatabase::class.java, "users-db").build()

We can use this builder to configure our database like


  • createFromAsset()/createFromFile() to create and open database from an asset(located in the application ‘assets/’ folder)/a pre-packaged database file.

    createFromAsset() / createFromFile()以从资产(位于应用程序“ assets /”文件夹中)/预打包的数据库文件创建和打开数据库。

  • addMigrations() to add database migration from one version to another. A migration is needed whenever we are changing the version of our database even if there is no change in schema of both versions.

    addMigrations()添加从一个版本到另一个版本的数据库迁移。 每当我们更改数据库版本时,即使两个版本的架构都没有更改,也都需要进行迁移。

  • allowMainThreadQueries() to allow making database queries from main thread. By default, Room doesn’t allow this.

    allowMainThreadQueries()允许从主线程进行数据库查询。 默认情况下,“房间”不允许这样做。

  • fallbackToDestructiveMigration() allows Room to destructively recreate database tables if migration is not found.


There are also many other methods provided in RoomDatabase.Builder for database configuration.


Once we invoke build() method on thisRoomDatabase.Builder instance, Room validates and creates an instance of the autogenerated implementation of UserDatabase::class.java — i.e., UserDatabase_Impl. After the creation of UserDatabase_Impl, init() method is invoked on the database by passing the database configuration which in turn invokes the createOpenHelper() method of UserDatabase_Impl.

一旦我们在此RoomDatabase.Builder实例上调用build()方法,Room就会验证并创建UserDatabase:: class .java (即UserDatabase_Impl的自动生成的实现的实例。 创建UserDatabase_Impl ,通过传递数据库配置在数据库上调用init()方法,该数据库配置又调用UserDatabase_ImplcreateOpenHelper()方法。

Now we are going to discuss the implementation of some important methods in UserDatabase_Impl and UserDao_Impl discussed earlier.


UserDatabase_Impl userDao() (userDao() in UserDatabase_Impl)

@Overridepublic UserDao userDao() {  if (_userDao != null) {    return _userDao;  } else {    synchronized(this) {      if(_userDao == null) {        _userDao = new UserDao_Impl(this);      }      return _userDao;    }  } }

It lazily creates the implementation of UserDao — i.e., UserDao_Impl and returns it whenever userDao() is invoked. As we can see, it passes the instance of RoomDatabase in UserDao_Impl’s constructor.

它懒惰地创建UserDao的实现,即UserDao_Impl ,并在调用userDao()时将其返回。 正如我们所看到的,它通过实例RoomDatabaseUserDao_Impl's构造。

insertAll()中UserDao_Impl (insertAll() in UserDao_Impl)

@Overridepublic void insertAll(final User... users) {  __db.assertNotSuspendingTransaction();  __db.beginTransaction();  try {    __insertionAdapterOfUser.insert(users);    __db.setTransactionSuccessful();  } finally {    __db.endTransaction();  }}

It uses __db for creating the transaction and __insertionAdapterOfUser for insertion.


UserDao_Impl delete() (delete() in UserDao_Impl)

@Overridepublic void delete(final User user) {  __db.assertNotSuspendingTransaction();  __db.beginTransaction();  try {    __deletionAdapterOfUser.handle(user);    __db.setTransactionSuccessful();  } finally {    __db.endTransaction();  }}

It uses __db for creating the transaction and __deletionAdapterOfUser for deletion.


UserDao_Impl getAll() (getAll() in UserDao_Impl)

@Overridepublic List<User> getAll() {  final String _sql = "SELECT * FROM users";  final RoomSQLiteQuery _statement = RoomSQLiteQuery.acquire(_sql, 0);  __db.assertNotSuspendingTransaction();  final Cursor _cursor = DBUtil.query(__db, _statement, false, null);  try {    final int _cursorIndexOfUid = CursorUtil.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_cursor, "uid");    final int _cursorIndexOfFirstName = CursorUtil.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_cursor, "first_name");    final int _cursorIndexOfLastName = CursorUtil.getColumnIndexOrThrow(_cursor, "last_name");    final List<User> _result = new ArrayList<User>(_cursor.getCount());    while(_cursor.moveToNext()) {      final User _item;      final int _tmpUid;      _tmpUid = _cursor.getInt(_cursorIndexOfUid);      final String _tmpFirstName;      _tmpFirstName = _cursor.getString(_cursorIndexOfFirstName);      final String _tmpLastName;      _tmpLastName = _cursor.getString(_cursorIndexOfLastName);      _item = new User(_tmpUid,_tmpFirstName,_tmpLastName);      _result.add(_item);    }    return _result;  } finally {    _cursor.close();    _statement.release();  }}

As we can see, it creates a RoomSQLiteQuery object from the query specified in @Query annotation. It then simply creates a cursor to fetch data from the database.

如我们所见,它根据@Query注释中指定的查询创建一个RoomSQLiteQuery对象。 然后,它仅创建一个游标以从数据库中获取数据。

This is enough to get a basic understanding of how Room works internally.


Thank you!!!


翻译自: https://medium.com/mindorks/how-does-room-work-internally-c17572b03bed




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