No matter how diligently you clear your cache and erase your history, web browsing leaves traces on your computer. If you need keep your browsing private, then an Ubuntu Live CD is the answer.

无论您多么努力地清除缓存并清除历史记录,Web浏览都会在您的计算机上留下痕迹。 如果您需要保持浏览私密,那么答案就是Ubuntu Live CD。

The key to this trick is that the Live CD environment runs completely in RAM, so things like your cache, cookies, and history don’t get saved to a persistent storage location. On a hard drive, even deleted files can be recovered, but once a computer is turned off the data stored in RAM is unrecoverable.

此技巧的关键是Live CD环境完全在RAM中运行,因此诸如缓存,Cookie和历史记录之类的内容不会保存到永久存储位置。 在硬盘驱动器,甚至删除的文件可以恢复,但是一旦计算机关闭时存储在RAM中的数据无法恢复。

In addition, since the Ubuntu Live CD environment is the same no matter what computer you use it on, there’s very little identifying information that a website can use to track you!

此外,由于Ubuntu Live CD环境无论在什么计算机上使用都相同,因此几乎没有识别信息可被网站用来跟踪您!

The first step is to either burn an Ubuntu Live CD, or prepare a non-persistent Ubuntu USB flash drive. Ubuntu treats non-persistent flash drives like CDs, so files will not be written to it, but if you’re paranoid, then using a physical CD ensures that nothing gets written to a storage device.

第一步是刻录Ubuntu Live CD,或者准备一个非持久的Ubuntu USB闪存驱动器。 Ubuntu将非永久性闪存驱动器像CD一样对待,因此不会将文件写入其中,但是如果您偏执,那么使用物理CD可以确保不会将任何内容写入存储设备。

Boot up from the CD or flash drive, and choose to Run Ubuntu from the CD or flash drive if prompted (for more detailed instructions on booting from a CD or USB drive, see this article, or our guide on booting from a flash drive even if your BIOS won’t let you).


Once the graphical Ubuntu environment comes up, you can click on the Firefox icon at the top of the screen to start browsing.


If your browsing requires Flash, then you can install it by clicking on System at the top-left of the screen, then Administration > Synaptic Package Manager.

如果您的浏览需要Flash,则可以通过单击屏幕左上方的“系统”,然后单击“管理”>“ Synaptic软件包管理器”来安装它。

Click on Settings at the top of the Synaptic window, and then select Repositories.

单击“ Synaptic”窗口顶部的“设置”,然后选择“存储库”。

Add a check in the checkbox with the label ending in “multiverse”. Click Close.

在复选框中添加标签为“ multiverse”的复选框。 单击关闭。

Click the Reload button in the main Synaptic window. The list of available packages will reload. When they’ve reloaded, type “restricted” in the Quick search box.

单击主“ Synaptic”窗口中的“重新加载”按钮。 可用软件包列表将重新加载。 重新加载后,在快速搜索框中输入“受限”。

Right-click on ubuntu-restricted-extras and select Mark for Installation. It will note a number of other packages that will be installed. This list includes audio and video codecs, so after installing these, you should be able to play downloaded movies and songs.

右键单击ubuntu-restricted-extras,然后选择“标记为安装”。 它将注意将要安装的许多其他软件包。 该列表包括音频和视频编解码器,因此在安装它们之后,您应该可以播放下载的电影和歌曲。

Click Mark to accept the installation of these other packages.


Once you return to the main Synaptic window, click the Apply button and go through the dialogs to finish the installation of Flash and the other useful packages.


If you open up Firefox now, you’ll have no problems using websites that use Flash.


When you’re done browsing and shut down or restart your computer, all traces of your web browsing will be gone.


It’s a bit of work compared to just using a privacy-centric browser, but if it’s very important that your browsing leave no traces on your hard drive, an Ubuntu Live CD is your best bet.

与仅使用以隐私为中心的浏览器相比,这有点麻烦,但是如果您的浏览在硬盘上没有任何痕迹非常重要,那么最好使用Ubuntu Live CD。

Download Ubuntu



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