I got a pocket, 我有一个口袋
Got a pocket full of sunshine 一个充满阳光的口袋
I got a love and I know that it's all mine 我得到了一种爱 一种只属于我的爱
Oh, oh, oh
Do what you want, 随便你去做
But you never gonna break me, 但你别想改变我
Sticks and stones are never gonna shake me 责难与惩罚永远不能将我动摇
Oh, oh, oh

Take me away (take me away) 带我走吧
A secret place (a secret place) 去一个秘密的领域
A sweet escape (a sweet escape) 一个甜美的逃离
Take me away (take me away)
Take me away (take me away
To better days (to better days) 去拥有更美丽的时光
Take me away (take me away)
A hiding place (a hiding place) 谁都别想找到我

I got a pocket,
Got a pocket full of sunshine
I got a love and I know that it's all mine
Oh, oh, oh
Do what you want,
But you never gonna break me,
Sticks and stones are never gonna shake me
Oh, oh, oh

I got a pocket,
Got a pocket full of sunshine
I got a love that knows that it's all mine
Oh, oh, oh

Wish that you could,
But you ain't gonna own me
Do anything you can to control me
Oh, oh, oh

Take me away (take me away)
A secret place (a secret place)
A sweet escape (A sweet escape)
Take me away (take me away)
Take me away (take me away
To better days (to better days)
Take me away (take me away)
My hiding place (my hiding place)

There's a place that I go 我要去一个

Where nobody knows 无人知晓的地方
Where the rivers flow 那里小河流淌
And I call it home 那里才是我的家
When there's no more lies 当那里没有谎言
And darkness is light 黑暗被光明所终结
And nobody cries 也无人哭泣
There's only butterflies 只有蝴蝶飞舞

[Chorus 2x]
Take me away (take me away)
A secret place (a secret place)
The sweet escape (the sweet escape)
Take me away (take me away)
Take me away (take me away
To better days (to better days)
Take me away (take me away)
My hiding place (my hiding place)

Take me away (take me away)
A secret place (a secret place)
A sweet escape (A sweet escape)
Take me away (take me away)
Take me away (take me away
To better days (to better days)
Take me away (take me away)
My hiding place (my hiding place)

[Chorus & Interlude]
Take me away (take me away)
A secret place (a secret place)
A sweet escape (A sweet escape)
Take me away (take me away)
Take me away (take me away
To better days (to better days)
Take me away (take me away)
My hiding place (my hiding place)

I got a pocket,
Got a pocket full of sunshine
I got a love and I know that it's all mine
Oh, oh, oh
Do what you want,
But you never gonna break me,
Sticks and stone are never gonna shake me
Oh, oh, oh

The sun's on my side
Take me for a ride
I smile up to the sky
I know I'll be alright

The sun's on my side
Take me for a ride
I smile up to the sky
I know I'll be alright

Comments from online
i love this song, finally a song that's not about love (between people) or sex..she's talking about her little pony she had when she was a kid..i can listen to this song whenever and whenever
This songs means that that person is a high spirited person where nothing could bring him/her down. That person got his/her own source of motivation and most of them are nature itself. that person is simple minded where he/she thinks that everything can be solve. He/she is tough... (",)
this song descibes my imagination! I love to think in a place i can go and no one else can...IN MY HEAD BABEYY!!!
I think she wants someone to sweep her up and so her life will get better so she can escape from her hards times and live hapilly ever after
I think she is going through a troublesome time and she just wants to go to a place that she can call her own and sit and think about what it is and she needs some help to get to that place so she is also asking for help from someone to do it
omg i love this song its so happy and uplifting and everything it always cheers me up!!! =)
这歌的旋律优美 也没有什么高深复杂的辞藻却在我脑海中不断的replay 绕梁三日 mtv中natasha最后那段坐莲飞升的情景虽然牵强 但却入木三分 挥之不去

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