

Distinguished leadership:

A: hello!

A: hello! I would like to apply for your com#pany web site recruitment network maintenance engineer position. I'm confident that conform to the requirements of your com#pany.

More than a decade cold window study hard, to improve my knowledge and confidence. University level of learning and growing more hone my will, improved my accom#plishment! "No pains, no gains, no pains, no gains"! I will do my best efforts, hard work, realize their life values. University three years of training and their own efforts to work hard, make straight a's, especially professional class scores are generally very good, I think it is three years his diligence, studious, and the result of hard work. In the future work and study, I will be in his infinite love and dedication to the education cause, innovative work consciousness as the cornerstone of cooperation, continuously learn and progress, becom#e the cost engineer, to penetrate your work personality in engineering management.

I cost engineer professional XX university a level 2008 higher vocational graduates, through three years of learning, especially the two years of professional course learning, I think I have basic mastered some basic knowledge of civil engineering budget, and installation budget, through a period of time at work after practice com#petent units to my work.

Social practice in learning let me realize the importance is the team spirit at work, the synergy between colleagues is a necessary condition for the development of the com#pany. Optimistic, positive, good attitude will make me soon can find their own value in the work, find a sense of belonging! Work is his own after a big part of life, so I cherish my job! I hope I can get to work! I love your units engaged in the business, eagerly hope under your leadership, for the glorious cause. If you can provide me with a job opportunity, I will be grateful for, and take concrete actions to prove that he is not your choice. I really hope to get the job, work in your com#pany!

Regret in the choice of your com#pany, I believe that I hope you can give me a chance, I have confidence and ability to prove: you will regret for my choice! Heartfelt thank you in spite of being very busy toglance through my letter of application, and wishes the expensive unitenterprise to be prosperous, progresses day by day!

Enclosed personal resume, and look forward to working with your interviews!


Respected leaders:


First salute you sincere thanks, thank you for taking the time to consult the of my application letter!

I am aptech a student, now already graduated from junior year. Major direction, and is committed to be development engineer.

Originally enrolled in zhengzhou Yellow River at university of science and technology department of this law. For see problem of university students\ employment, and college education of the many ills. The first junior year give up college diploma, focus on software development field study. In September in began in aptech study, a software engineer. In the study of those days, let me understand what kind of talents is the enterprise needs. Therefore I will more previous unmatched learning. A double efforts, they finally in his junior year with honours successfully obtain a software engineer certificate.

The only regret is that I have no college education. But if make choice of words, I think I was right. The 21st century is the century of technology should be, is no longer in the era of winning. The 21st century the most important is a talent, but what is talent?

I\m sorry I took the liberty of give you write a cover letter. Wish eagerly to have an opportunity to interview. I wish you smooth work!

Blindly explain your own work ability how strong, perhaps others won\t get accurate understanding, even thought it was you exaggerate their own in order to successfully are hired, however, plus such examples, will let your ability become image specific, more instructions force!


Dear Manager:

Hello! My name pincai, Chongqing University Software College com#puter science graduates in the near graduation occasion, I heard your com#pany is hiring software engineers this post, I am told, so I wrote a letter to this job, hoping to your com#pany as a software engineer in this position.

University, I read a com#puter professional, the direction is biased in favor of software development, the main courses are Introduction to learn software engineering, programming languages, mathematics, com#piler theory, software engineering, project management, database theory, Microsoft operating systems programming courses mastered C ++, windows programming techniques, but also self-learned HTML5 language, his own to develop some APP games and applications, cloud com#puter technology has also been understood. So for the acquired skills, I am confident to do the job.

As for my personality, I am a person otaku things, basically one day 14 hours at the com#puter, it is a normal thing. The rest of the time sleeping and eating. But I have a hobby is playing basketball, and occasionally to the sport of basketball, so although my house, but from the basketball court but also know a lot of golfers. Between people is not the problem.

Finally, thank you, thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter to this busy schedule, hoping to get one from your com#pany the opportunity to interview the software engineer.

Yours sincerely




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