NOTE: deferred map free for map id 8
Tue Feb 19 14:08:13 2013
WARNING: ASM communication error: op 0 state 0x0 (15055)
ERROR: direct connection failure with ASM
NOTE: Deferred communication with ASM instance
Errors in file /home/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/outtrack/outtrack2/trace/outtrack2_pmon_19654.trc:
ORA-15055: 无法连接到 ASM 实例
ORA-04031: unable to allocate 12312 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","unknown object","KKSSP^1","kglseshtTable")
Tue Feb 19 14:08:14 2013
WARNING: ASM communication error: op 0 state 0x0 (15055)
ERROR: direct connection failure with ASM
WARNING: ASM communication error: op 0 state 0x0 (15055)
ERROR: direct connection failure with ASM
NOTE: Deferred communication with ASM instance
Errors in file /home/app/oracle/

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