
  • 一. 写作
    • (1)小作文
      • 题型一:归纳动态图
      • 题型二:归纳静态图
      • 题型三:归纳混合图
      • Practice
    • (2) 大作文
      • 开头段写法
      • Practice
  • 附录
    • 小作文技巧
    • 大作文技巧
    • 用词的准确性

一. 写作



  • introduction:

    介绍题目背景,用自己的话重述一遍题目,一般1~2 mins 内完成。

  • overview:


  • mainbody




2x, 1y型。只有一个描述对象(y)且有时间变量 (x)(考的频率非常之高)




y>= 2,每组数据的描述对象皆不一样 (很少考但是碰上了就下次再来吧,难度挺大,ps:大佬请自动忽视这句话)


P1: Introduction
模板: The 图形名称(table, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, map, process diagram注意不要加below等形容图片位置的词,因为答题卡上没有图,考官看了可能会很莫名奇妙。)compares how the 描述对象(y)of 非时间变量 change(changed) from…to…, namely/including … … and …(非t‘x)

e.g. The line graph compares how the consumption of 4 categories of meat, namely/including beef,lamb,chicken and fish, changed from 1979 to 2004.

P2: overview:
Overall, it is clear that 归纳极值。谁的描述对象 experience an upward trend (前面有两个对象,变成 trends), with the rest figures seeing the opposite tendency.


1.极值数据出现在哪一段,就在其段落最后加上:So , 归纳极值。2.上升段和下降段的顺序可以换(一般会受反超影响)

To be more specific,谁的描述对象(所有上升的列出来)increase over the time span in question.There is a slightly increase in 谁的描述对象,from…to…(from…to…and from… to…respectively.).The figure for msdx also rise(rose), but more significantly, from…to…

msdx(所有下降的列出来),on the other hand, fall(fell) during these years. There is a dramatically downward trend in msdx, from…to…(from…to… and from…to…respectively).The figure for msdx also decline,but less significantly, from…to…


P1: 介绍题目
P2: 组间比较和组内比较
P3: 组1情况(topic sentence 分类依据,数据从大到小)
P4: 组2情况(topic sentence 分类依据,数据从大到小)


P1 介绍段
P2 Overview 概述段:分别归纳每个描述对象中最大的数据;所有描述对象之间的关系。
P3 第一个描述对象
P4 第二个描述对象


Increase 用法
Describing an increase 描述增长

  1. 这个国家英语语⾔学校的学⽣⼈数从 2008 年的 66000 增长到 2009 年的
    84000 多⼀点
    The number of students in the country’s English language schools increased / rose from 66000 in 2008 to just over 84000 in 2009.

  2. 学⽣⼈数与去年相⽐增长了近 30%。
    The number of students has increased by nearly 30% compared with last year.

  3. 学⽣⼈数在 2009 年急剧增长。
    The number of students increased sharply in 2009

  4. 西班⽛学⽣所占⽐例从 2008 年的 5% 猛增到 2009 年的 14%。
    The proportion of Spanish students jumped from 5% in 2008 to 14% in 2009.

proportion 和 percentage的区别:

  1. 学⽣⼈数在 2009 年⼤幅上升。
    The number of students rose sharply in 2009.

  2. 2009 年的数据是 84000,⽐前⼀年增长了 28%。
    The figure for 2009 is 84000, up 28% from the previous year.

  3. 如图所⽰,这种情况的部分原因是西班⽛学⽣⼈数的急剧上升。
    As the chart shows, part of the reason for this is the sharp rise in the number of Spanish students.

Proportion 用法
Describing proportions and fractions

  1. 如饼分图所⽰,学⽣的闲暇时间有三分之⼀都花在看电视上。
    As shown in the pie chart / As can be seen from the pie chart , students spend one third of their leisure time watching TV.
    (闲暇时间:1.leisure time. 2.spare time)

  2. 每五个⼩时中有⼀个⼩时花在社交活动上。
    One hour out of five is spent socializing.

  3. 社交活动占去⼤约百分之⼆⼗的闲暇时间。
    Social activities occupy about twenty percent of leisure time.

  4. 学⽣们玩电脑游戏的时间是做运动时间的两倍。
    Students spend twice as much time playing computer as doing sports.

  5. 玩电脑游戏的时间是阅读时间的三倍。
    Playing computer games is three times as long as reading.

  6. 玩电脑游戏的时间⽐阅读时间多两倍。
    Playing computer games is two times longer than reading.

  7. ⼤部分时间都花在玩电脑游戏上。
    Most of the time is spent on playing computer games.

spend time/money doing …
spend time/money on sth
spend money for …

Fall 的用法
Describing a decrease

  1. 去年⽜津的汽车犯罪显著下降。
    Car crime in Oxford fell dramatically last year.

  2. 12 个⽉内汽车犯罪下降了约四分之⼀。
    Car crime fell by about 1 quarter in 12 months.

  3. 被盗汽车数量从 1013 辆减少到 780 辆,下降了 26%。
    The number of stolen cars fell from 1013 to 780, down 26%.

  4. 根据这份数据,780 辆车被盗,⽐去年下降了 26%。
    According to the data, 780 vehicles were stolen, down 26% from last year.

  5. 机动车财物盗窃案件数量下降了 11%,从 1871 下降到 1737。
    The number of motor vehicle thefts fell by 11%, from 1871 to 1737.

  6. 这些数据表明,就汽车犯罪⽽⾔,⼤趋势是下降的。
    These figures suggest that the trend is down in terms of car crime.

The difference between “data”, “figure” and “statistics”.
data: 多形容未经处理过的数据,e.g. raw data
statistics: 经过处理的数据,通常用于分析数据
figure: 数据外貌,简单描述趋势走向。 e.g.business figure 提供几个简单的指标向我们描述产业全貌

The difference between “between” and “among”
二者都形容:在 … 之间
between: 通常是表示两者之间,特殊情况也可以表示三者如:三者之间的区别,the difference between the three of them.
among: 通常表示三者以上,一群…之间,更倾向于一种笼统的数量的意思

(2) 大作文



  1. 问题型:必须有clear position 1. positive or negative.2.advantage outweigh disadvantage; 3. agree or disagree?

  2. 任务型:必须both views paraphrase — D&G [Discuss both views and give your own opinion] 【your opinion 不是必须出现在开头段】

  3. 混合【双问】类— 开头段必须有完整的答案的key words

  4. 不必须:背景—评分标准中不作要求(不要在背景中套模板—5.5)



Verbs for reporting an opinion 陈述观点的动词

  1. ⼀些评论家认为毕加索毕⽣都是⼀位⼤师。
    Some critics argue that Picasso remained a great master all his life.

  2. 其他⼈坚称他战后的作品质量明显下降。
    Others maintain that there is a significant deterioration in quality in his post-war work.

  3. 毕加索⾃⼰声称,好的艺术是创造出来的,伟⼤的艺术却是偷来的。
    Picasso himself claimed that good art is created, but great art is stolen.

  4. 正如史密斯所述,毕加索借⽤了⾮洲艺术的意象。
    As Smith has noted, Picasso borrowed imagery from Africa art.

  5. 正如作者指出的那样,毕加索借⽤了⾮洲艺术的意象。
    As the auther points out, Picasso borrowed imagery from Africa art.

  6. 作者对这种观点表⽰质疑,即毕加索的雕塑不及他的绘画。
    The author challenges the notion that Picasso’s sculpture was secondary to his paintings.

  7. 据说毕加索的绘画受到爵⼠乐的影响。
    It has been suggested that Picasso’s painting was influenced by Jazz music.

6,7两题中的painting和sculpture之所以用单数,是因为有picasso修饰,表示属于这个人的… 。

Explaining what you mean 解释意思

  1. 有些诗歌是记忆代码,即是说,其⽬的是帮助⼈们记起某事。
    Some poems are mnemonics, that is, their purpose is they are designed to help people remember something.

  2. 记事诗,即帮助⼈记起事情的诗歌,是记住⼀系列事物的极佳⽅式。
    Mnemonics, that is poems people remember things, is a great way to remember something with our spirit.

  3. 五⾏打油诗的韵律是 A-A-B-B-A。就是说,第⼀⾏、第⼆⾏和第五⾏押⼀个韵,
    A limerick’s rhyme scheme is A–A–B–B–A. In other words, the first, second, and fifth lines all rhyme with one another, while the third and fourth lines have their own rhyme.

  4. 这个练习⿎励读者弄清这⾸诗的意思,更确切地说是弄清其⼏种含意。
    In this exercise the reader is encouraged to work out the meaning, or rather the range of meanings, of the poem.

  5. 这是⼀⾸关于死亡的诗,更确切地说是关于临终的诗。
    This is a poem about death, or more precisely, dying.

  6. 他说他的诗涉及⼀些“重⼤问题”,这些问题是指爱、失去、痛苦和死亡。
    He said his poems deal with “the big issues”, by which he means love, loss, grief and death.




1.时态(在描述对未来的预测时,注意不要用 will! , 例:Be predicted to do sth/ Be expected to do sth/ Be estimated to do



赶超表述(A超过了B) overtake,exceed

A overtake B = B
be overtaken by A

e.g. The
consumption of chicken overtook that of beef in 1989 = The consumption of beef
was overtaken by that of chicken in 1989



Amount():the amount of
water i want is 3 liters.

Number/quantity/amount():the number of
eggs i bought was 3.


The production of
electricity = the amount of electricity produced.

The production of
electricity of coal = the amount of electricity produced by coal.

consumption = the amount of chicken consumed

green gas
emissions(排放量通常以复数形式存在) = the amount of green gas



描述对象 be the
highest/largest among 比较对象

描述对象 stand/stood
at the (leading/dominant position) // bottom.

描述对象 be the
most(least) popular/most(least) important

描述对象 enjoys the
highest level of popularity (immense/enormous popularity)

描述对象 plays a
dominant role in …

描述对象 plays a major
function in …



低于:lower than/less

than/higher than/over/above

below/slightly below

不低于:not less than/
具体数值 and over

不高于:no more than/ 具体数值 and below

四分之一:a fourth/one
in four/a quarter



1.The percentage
of A is C% among/in B

2.A constitute C%
of B./Among B , A constitute C%

for/make up/comprise


  1. C% of B is A.


1.谁的描述对象 增长/下降 (v.) adv. from … to … (between… and… )

2.谁的描述对象 experience/see/witness/show a(an)
adj 增长/下降 (n) from…to…(between…and…)

3.There is a(an)
adj 增长/下降 (n) in 谁的描述对象 from… to…(between…
and… )

adj 增长/下降 (n) = adv upward/downward trend



  • 动词:increase,rise,grow,climb

  • 名词:increase,rise,growth,climb

  • 过去式:increased,rose,grew,climbed


  • 动词:decrease,reduce,fall,decline

  • 名词:decrease,reduction,fall,decline

  • 过去式:decreased,reduced,fell,declined


  • 动词:level out,stay at,stay constant at,remain stable at,stand
    at,maintain the same level

  • 名词:no
    change,stability,levelling out










** 切勿死记硬背 **

Agree or Disagree立场句写法:

  • Personally speaking, I would be in favour of the claim mentioned-above.
  • From my perspective, it’s reasonable to adopt the above statement.
  • I would side with the advocate.


  • Personally speaking, I would however strongly resent the claim mentioned-above.
  • I am, however, not sure that this is necessarily the case.
  • Therefore I have to disagree almost entirely with the given statement.


  • My view is that sb should be encouraged to do so thanks to its advantages.
  • My view is that this is largely a benefical process and in this essay I will explain why.


  • However, in my view this solution is rather controversial and other solutions need to be found.(比较含蓄)
  • My own personal view is that it would be better not to introduce sth because it works only in theory and not in practice.
  • While there are a variety of benefits to this new approach, there are also significant drawbacks.

negetive or positive 立场句写法

  • While there are certainly strong feelings on both sides, my own view is that [sth.] has had a largely positive influence on our society.
  • This trend can certainly yield some promising outcomes to the society as a whole.


  • While this trend has some clear benefits to sb, I would argue this is a negative development.
  • My belief is that it will have an adverse effect on society.


significant/substantial/marked(= quite big)
profound/powerful(=very big, in a way that changes someone or something significantly)
dramatic(=very big and sudden)
negligible/minimal(= very small)
immediate(=quick and sudden)
positive/beneficial(=good,or help someone or something in some way)
negative/detrimental(= bad or harmful)
harmful/damaging(=causing harm or damage to something in some way)
visible/noticeble(=an effect that you can clearly see)
the adverse effect(= the bad effects)
the desired effect(= the effect you want)
the long-term/short-term effect(= having an effect for a long or short time)

have an effect on sth/sb
e.g. Eating junk food will eventually have an effect on your health.
have an effect of doing sth
e.g. The news had the effect of making everyone feel better
feel an effect
e.g. The small company will feel the effect of recession first.
lessen/reduce an effect
e.g. The government must take action to reduce the effect of pollution.
cushion the effect of something(=make it less bad)
an effect lasts(=continues)
The effect of the drug lasts about six hours.

meaning: to try to stop sth unpleasant of harmful from happening or increasing.

  • to combat crime/terrorism/inflation/disease
  • The government is spending millions of dollars in its attemp to combat drug abuse.
  • I have to combat the constant desire to eat chocolate.

meaning: to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem.

  • The issue of funding has yet to be adressed.
  • They are guilty of a cowardly failure to address the problem.
  • The government has to address the rise in violent crime.
  • Airports are trying to address security concerns without causing inconvenience to passengers.

meaning: a reason, cause or argument

  • Do you have any ground for suspecting them?
  • She is suing the company on grounds of unfair dismissal.
  • He refused to answer on the grounds that the question violated his rights to privacy.

meaning: an area of knowledge or experience

  • When the conversation turns to politics, he is on familiar ground(= he knows a lot about this subject)
  • Once we found some common ground(things we both knew about) we get along very well together.
  • The lecture covered a lot of ground.(= include information on many different subjects)

meaning: sth that is regularly or usually done, often as a habbit,tradition,or custom

  • What can European companies learn from Japanese bussiness practices?
  • Its common practice in the States to tip the hairdresser.
  • This is a cruel practice that should be banned immediately.
  • What is standard practice in a situation like this?

meaning: to use sth

  • I exercised my democratic rights by not voting in election.
  • Politicians these days seem less interested in exercising real influence on world events.

meaning: causing harm or damage

  • These chemicals have a detrimental effect/impact on the environment.
  • Their decision could be detrimental to the future of the company.

meaning: having a negative or detrimental effect on sth.

  • The match has been cancelled because of adverse weather conditions.
  • They received a lot of adverse publicity/

meaning: to reduce or cause sth to reduce

  • The long war had drained the resources of both countries.
  • War drains a nation of it’s youth and wealth.


meaning: limited to a small area of activities, interest or thought

  • They are unable to see beyond the narrow world of the theatre.
  • It was regarded as a very narrow interpretation of law.

meaning: in a way that opposes sth

  • Bob’s decision not to take the job ran counter to his family’s expectations.

meaning: have a negative or harmful effect on sth

  • The match has been cancelled because of adverse weather conditions.
  • They received a lot of adverse publicity/criticism about the changes.
  • So far the drug is thought not to have any adverse effects.


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