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I feel like I've been locked up tight

For a century of lonely nights

Waiting for someone to release me

You're licking your lips

And blowing kisses my way

But that don't mean I'm gonna give it away

Baby baby baby (baby baby baby)


My body's saying lets go


But my heart is saying no

If you wanna be with me

Baby there's a price to pay

I'm a genie in a bottle

You gotta rub me the right way

If you wanna be with me

I can make your wish come true

You gotta make a big impression

I gotta like what you do

I'm a genie in a bottle baby

Gotta rub me the right way honey

I'm a genie in a bottle baby

Come, come, come on and let me out

The music's playing

The light's down low

Just one more dance

And then we're good to go

Waiting for someone

Who needs me

Hormones racing at the speed of light

But that don't mean its gotta be tonight

Baby, baby, baby (baby, baby, baby)


My body's saying lets go


But my heart is saying no

If you wanna be with me

Baby there's a price to pay

I'm a genie in a bottle (I'm a genie in a bottle)

You gotta rub me the right way

If you wanna be with me (Ooh)

I can make your wish come true (Wish come true, woah...)

Just come and set me free

And I'll be with you

I'm a genie in a bottle baby

You gotta rub me the right way honey

I'm a genie in a bottle baby

Come, come, come on and let me out

I'm a genie in a bottle baby

Gotta rub me the right way honey (If you wanna be with me)

I'm a genie in a bottle baby

Come, come, come on and let me out


My body's saying let's go


But my heart is saying no

If you wanna be with me

Baby there's a price to pay

I'm a genie in a bottle

You gotta rub me the right way

If you wanna be with me

I can make your wish come true (Ooh)

You gotta make a big impression

I gotta like what you do (Oh yeah)

If you wanna be with me

Baby there's a price to pay

I'm a genie in a bottle

You gotta rub me the right way (you gotta rub me the right way)

If you wanna be with me

I can make your wish come true

Just come and set me free baby

And I'll be with you

I'm a genie in a bottle baby

Come, come, come on in



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