
  • Signaling via Shared Objects
  • Busy Wait
  • wait(),notify() and notifyAll()
  • Missed Signals
  • Spurious Wakeups
  • Multiple Threads Waiting for the Same Signals
  • Don’t call wait() on constant String’s or global objects


Signaling via Shared Objects


    public class MySignal {protected boolean hasDataToProcess = false;public synchronized boolean hasDataToProcess() {return this.hasDataToProcess;}public synchronized void setHasDataToProcess(boolean hasData) {this.hasDataToProcess = hasData;}}


Busy Wait

一个线程一直在等待另外一个线程改变共享变量的为其期望值,称为 Busy Wait。

protected MySignal sharedSignal = ...
while(!sharedSignal.hasDataToProcess()){//do nothing... busy waiting

wait(),notify() and notifyAll()

Busy waiting 不是一种非常有效地利用CPU来运行等待线程,即容易造成CPU的浪费,除非等待线程所耗费的时间非常短。更好的方式waiting thread 能够sleep或者inactive当接受到等待信号时。

A thread that calls wait() on any object becomes inactive until another thread calls notify() on that object. In order to call either wait() or notify the calling thread must first obtain the lock on that object. In other words, the calling thread must call wait() or notify() from inside a synchronized block. Here is a modified version of MySignal called MyWaitNotify that uses wait() and notify().


    public class MyWaitNotify {MonitorObject myMonitorObject = new MonitorObject();public void doWait() {synchronized (myMonitorObject) {try {myMonitorObject.wait();} catch (InterruptedException e) {...}}}public void doNotify() {synchronized (myMonitorObject) {myMonitorObject.notify();}}}

Missed Signals

如果一个线程在调用wait时先调用了notify,容易出现信号丢失的情况,直接导致线程waiting forever

    public class MyWaitNotify2 {MonitorObject myMonitorObject = new MonitorObject();boolean wasSignalled = false;public void doWait() {synchronized (myMonitorObject) {if (!wasSignalled) {//  In fact it only calls wait() if no signal was received in between the previous doWait() call and this.try {myMonitorObject.wait();} catch (InterruptedException e) {...}}//clear signal and continue running.wasSignalled = false;}}public void doNotify() {synchronized (myMonitorObject) {wasSignalled = true;myMonitorObject.notify();}}}

Spurious Wakeups

For inexplicable reasons it is possible for threads to wake up even if notify() and notifyAll() has not been called. This is known as spurious wakeups. Wakeups without any reason.

    public class MyWaitNotify3 {MonitorObject myMonitorObject = new MonitorObject();boolean wasSignalled = false;public void doWait() {synchronized (myMonitorObject) {// 线程可能被一些未知的原因而唤醒,所以必须使用循环while (!wasSignalled) {try {myMonitorObject.wait();} catch (InterruptedException e) {...}}//clear signal and continue running.wasSignalled = false;}}public void doNotify() {synchronized (myMonitorObject) {wasSignalled = true;myMonitorObject.notify();}}}

Multiple Threads Waiting for the Same Signals

The while loop is also a nice solution if you have multiple threads waiting, which are all awakened using notifyAll(), but only one of them should be allowed to continue. Only one thread at a time will be able to obtain the lock on the monitor object, meaning only one thread can exit the wait() call and clear the wasSignalled flag. Once this thread then exits the synchronized block in the doWait() method, the other threads can exit the wait() call and check the wasSignalled member variable inside the while loop. However, this flag was cleared by the first thread waking up, so the rest of the awakened threads go back to waiting, until the next signal arrives.

Don’t call wait() on constant String’s or global objects


    public class MyWaitNotify{String myMonitorObject = "";boolean wasSignalled = false;public void doWait(){synchronized(myMonitorObject){while(!wasSignalled){try{myMonitorObject.wait();} catch(InterruptedException e){...}}//clear signal and continue running.wasSignalled = false;}}public void doNotify(){synchronized(myMonitorObject){wasSignalled = true;myMonitorObject.notify();}}}

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