swf格式转换成html(Swf format conversion HTML)

swf格式转换成html(Swf format conversion HTML)

Now basically is the use of this method is simple. Here is the code and the use of the process I simply say will not see.

Don't halo is very simple and I will talk about it in your right to build a new desktop Notepad which is a text document

Copy the code into the building to open your Flash address on the specified location and click on the file

In the name written just rename Notepad

The end must be HTM or HTML such as 12.htm or 12.html can then upload address so you can get good

You can open the HTM animation you can also jump in your address in the address of the HTM this time to open the jump

Htm well as some web fonts so below is some love I jump at the top with the stars

The font code is the following


If (title_tmp1.indexOf ("=-1") {!)


"Title_last= - > +title_tmp2[1];

Title_last=title_last + "- >" + title_tmp2[2];


If (title_tmp1.indexOf ("-") {=-1!)

Title_tmp2=title_tmp1.split ("-");

"Title_last= - > +title_tmp2[1];

If (title_last== "- >" {title_last= ">"});

If (title_last== "- >" {title_last= ">"});


Else {title_last= "QQ: your number"}


Title_new= "space your name" +title_last+""


Function (flash_title)



If (step==7) {step=1}

If (step==1) {document.title='* *'+title_new+' * * * * * *'}

If (step==2) {document.title='* *'+title_new+' * * * * * *'}

If (step==3) {document.title='* *'+title_new+' * * * * * *'}

If (step==4) {document.title='*'+title_new+' * * * * * *'}

If (step==5) {document.title='* *'+title_new+' * * * * * *'}

If (title_last== "- >" {title_last= ">"});


Else {title_last= "QQ: your number"}


Title_new= "space your name" +title_last+""


Function (flash_title)



If (step==

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