



解决nginx: [emerg] “ssl“ directive is not allowed here in /etc/nginx/conf.d/xxx.conf:5相关推荐

  1. nginx: [emerg] “location“ directive is not allowed here

    nginx配置出错. D:\nginx>nginx.exe -t nginx: [emerg] "location" directive is not allowed her ...

  2. 哎呦报错啦怎么办?nginx: [emerg] “server“ directive is not allowed here in /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf53

    报错怎么办?不要慌,排它! 1.具体报错提示信息 nginx: [emerg] "server" directive is not allowed here in /usr/loc ...

  3. nginx: [emerg] “location“ directive is not allowed here in /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf:72

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  4. Nginx 配置问题 server directive is not allowed here in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:69

    前沿 今天在其他服务器上重新配置 nginx.conf 文件,配置结束启动 nginx 发现遇到了这样一个错误,我擦-?我配置文件都是从上个服务器上 复制粘贴过来的,怎么会遇到这个问题呢?百思不得其解 ...

  5. 【Nginx】错误: [emerg] “proxy_set_header“ directive is not allowed here in D:\sde\phpstudy_pro\...

    前言 nginx 1.15.11(下面的代码在此版本测试通过) win10 phpstudy 错误 nginx: [emerg] "proxy_set_header" ...

  6. Nginx解决配置SSL证书报错:nginx: [emerg] unknown directive “ssl_certificate1“ in /usr/local/nginx/conf/ngi...

    前段时间自己尝试了下Nginx的反向代理, 将请求转发到Tomcat上; 应公司项目需要就自己研究了下配置添加证书, 实现https的请求; 我的证书是从阿里云买的免费的证书, 按照阿里云的提示, 将 ...

  7. Nginx配置SSL证书时——nginx:[emerg]unknown directive ssl错误

    一.引言 当我们的Linux服务器上当中发布了web项目,有时候需要配置一个SSL证书,这样表示你这个网站还比较正式哈哈哈.当我把证书下载好,把nginx.conf配置好,简直就是万事俱备,只欠重启. ...

  8. nginx: [emerg] unknown directive ssl  Nginx配置SSL报错

    配置环境: nginx:1.8.0版本 CentOS: 6.8版本 问题描述: 本人是在使用nginx 访问方式由http转成https过程中出现的以下问题,参考的是该博文完美解决,大家有什么问题可以 ...

  9. 问题解决:“nginx: [emerg] unknown directive “ “ in /etc/nginx/conf.d/XXX.conf:122”

    nginx: [emerg] unknown directive " " in /etc/nginx/conf.d/XXX.conf:122 总结: 该问题为文本从Windows中 ...


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