问题:Eclipse新建web项目出现The superclass “javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet” was not found on the Java Build Path

新建web项目后都,jsp页面顶端出现“红色”的报错信息:The superclass “javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet” was not found on the Java Build Path,经过仔细查看,原来是javaweb工程中没有添加tomcat运行时的相关类导致
方法2:(1)右击web工程->属性或Build Path->Java Build Path -> Libraries -> Add Library… ->Server Runtime -> Tomcat Server
(2)切换到Java Build Path界面中的Orader and Export,选择Tomcat。

注意:按以上方法操作室,若打开Server Runtime 后一篇空白,需要设置Apache服务器。
步骤:Window->Preferences ->Server ->Runtime->Environment->add->选择Apache的版本后点next,再填入你的Apache服务器软件的安装地址


Eclipse新建web项目出现The superclass javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet was not found on the Java Build Path相关推荐

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