


【定义】 文件:xiunophp/xiunophp.php 大约 63 行:

empty($conf) AND $conf = array("db"=>array(), "cache"=>array(), "tmp_path"=>"./", "log_path"=>"./", "timezone"=>"Asia/Shanghai");


$conf = include "./conf.php";

include "./xiunophp/xiunophp.php";



return array (

// -------------> xiunophp 依赖的配置



"pdo_mysql" => array (

"master" => array (

"host" => "localhost",

"user" => "root",

"password" => "root",

"name" => "test",

"charset" => "utf8",


"engine"=>"myisam", // innodb


"slaves" => array()



"tmp_path" => "./", // 可以配置为 linux 下的 /dev/shm ,通过内存缓存临时文件

"log_path" => "./"



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