问题:MyEclipse导入项目的时候,会发生这个错误:Description Resource Path Location Type Java compiler level does not match the version of the installed Java project facet.d


解决方法:右键项目-->Properties-->myEclipse-->project Facets -->java,选择对应的Jdk版本,或者去掉勾。

Description Resource Path Location Type Java compiler level does not match the version of the instal相关推荐

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    解决办法 在项目上右键Properties->Project Facets,在打开的Project Facets页面中的Java下拉列表中,选择相应版本. 有可能是java1.6 改成java6 ...

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  5. 关于:Type Java compiler level does not match the version of the instal 的问题

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  9. Description Resource Path LocationType Java compiler level does not match the version of the instal

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