


总核数 = 物理CPU个数 * 每颗物理CPU的核数
总逻辑CPU数 = 物理CPU个数 * 每颗物理CPU的核数 * 超线程数



# grep 'physical id' /proc/cpuinfo | sort -u

physical id    : 0
physical id    : 1


# grep 'core id' /proc/cpuinfo | sort -u | wc -l



# grep 'processor' /proc/cpuinfo | sort -u | wc -l




# dmidecode -s processor-version

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2658 @ 2.10GHz
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2658 @ 2.10GHz


A core is the most basic computational unit of a processor. A processor is made up of one or more cores. Tradition processors had only one core while modern processors have multiple cores.

A core consists of an ALU, CU, and a set of registers.

A core consists of two levels of caches called L1 and L2 which is there in each core.

A processor consists of a cache that is shared by call cores called L3 cache. It is common to all cores.

A processor depending on the architecture can consist of a memory controller and an input/output controller.

Certain processor packages consist of Graphics Processing Units (GPU) as well.

A core that does not have hyper-threading can execute only one instruction at a time while a multicore processor made up of several cores can execute several instructions parallel. If a processor is made up of 4 cores that do not support hyper threading then that processor can execute 4 instructions at the same time.

A core having hyper-threading technology has redundant functional units so that they can execute multiple instructions at a time. For example, a core with 2 threads can execute 2 instructions at the same time hence a processor with 4 such cores can execute 2×4 instructions parallel. These threads are usually called logical cores and the task manager of Windows generally show the number of logical cores but not the physical cores.



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