
Jointly learns the Detector and Embedding model (JDE)

什么意思呢?我们之前讨论的一些多目标追踪模型,比如SORT和DeepSORT,都是2015-2018年常见的MOT范式,也就是tracking by detection 。



  • 物体检测
  • 特征提取与物体关联


Separate Detection and Embedding (SDE)



论文:Towards Real-Time Multi-Object Tracking


1 JDE产生背景


1)、SDE(Separate Detection and Embedding)就是两阶段法。检测器和Reid模块是独立开来的,先检测后识别(感觉思想和Fast RCNN很像),这些方法需要分为两部分操作,两部分不相互干扰,精度高,但是耗时长。

2 JDE的网络结构和损失函数

既然作者提到该方法是基于One-stage检测器学习到物体的embedding的(代码中采用的是经典的YOLO V3模型)。那么JDE范式就应该在检测器的输出(head),多输出一个分支用来学习物体的embedding的。


这个结构图勾勒了作者大致的想法,在Prediction head中多出来了一个分支用于输出embedding。然后使用一个**多任务学习(multi-task learning)**的思路设置损失函数。看的时候觉得如此简单,但是深思了下,发现问题没有这么简单。



我们知道,理想情况下同一物体在不同的帧中,被同一跟踪标签锁定(即拥有同一track ID)。我们知道的信息就只有他们的标签索引(同一物体的track ID一致,不同物体的track ID不一样)。

那么网络在训练的过程中,应该需要对embedding进行转化,转化为足够强的语义信息,也就是这个embedding可以轻松的区分检测出来的目标属于哪个track ID的物体,那么这种就需要借鉴物体分类的思路了(将每个track ID当作一个类别),所以作者引入了全连接层将embedding信息转化为track ID分类信息。


因为刚才我们提到,要将每个track ID当作一个类别,但是这个track ID的数量十分庞大,甚至不可计数。这个输出节点应该如何设置呢?看了一圈代码,代码中设置了14455个输出节点,设置依据为训练集的总的Track ID数量。


注意:在Test的时候实际上是没有Embedding到14455的映射的,prediction head几乎没起什么作用

这样的话就没什么大的疑问了。有关YOLO V3的结构,熟悉目标检测的都不会陌生,我们这里忽略FPN网络的结构定义,直接看predicition head的代码部分,确定上面的分析是合理的。

该predicition head的代码定义在model.py文件下的 YOLOLayer类中。定义如下:

class YOLOLayer(nn.Module):def __init__(self, anchors, nC, nID, nE, img_size, yolo_layer):super(YOLOLayer, self).__init__()self.layer = yolo_layernA = len(anchors)self.anchors = torch.FloatTensor(anchors)self.nA = nA  # number of anchors (4)print('nA',nA)self.nC = nC  # number of classes (1)print('nC', nC)self.nID = nID # number of identities, 14455print('nID', nID)self.img_size = 0self.emb_dim = nE # 512print('nE', nE)self.shift = [1, 3, 5]self.SmoothL1Loss  = nn.SmoothL1Loss() #  for bounding box regressionself.SoftmaxLoss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=-1) # foreground and background classificationself.CrossEntropyLoss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()self.IDLoss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=-1) # loss of embeddingself.s_c = nn.Parameter(-4.15*torch.ones(1))  # -4.15self.s_r = nn.Parameter(-4.85*torch.ones(1))  # -4.85self.s_id = nn.Parameter(-2.3*torch.ones(1))  # -2.3self.emb_scale = math.sqrt(2) * math.log(self.nID-1) if self.nID>1 else 1


  • self.SmoothL1Loss 用于检测框的回归
  • self.SoftmaxLoss 用于前景和背景分类
  • self.IDLoss 用于计算embedding的损失

当然了,作者在论文中提到,JDE是一个多任务的学习,所以在计算损失函数的时候,需要采用任务独立不确定性(task-independent uncertainty)的自动学习方案进行以上三个损失函数的求和,有关参数在上述代码中已经定义,分别为

  • self.s_c
  • self.s_r
  • self.s_id


    def forward(self, p_cat,  img_size, targets=None, classifier=None, test_emb=False):p, p_emb = p_cat[:, :24, ...], p_cat[:, 24:, ...]nB, nGh, nGw = p.shape[0], p.shape[-2], p.shape[-1]if self.img_size != img_size:create_grids(self, img_size, nGh, nGw)if p.is_cuda:self.grid_xy = self.grid_xy.cuda()self.anchor_wh = self.anchor_wh.cuda()p = p.view(nB, self.nA, self.nC + 5, nGh, nGw).permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2).contiguous()  # predictionp_emb = p_emb.permute(0,2,3,1).contiguous()p_box = p[..., :4]p_conf = p[..., 4:6].permute(0, 4, 1, 2, 3)  # Conf# Trainingif targets is not None:if test_emb:tconf, tbox, tids = build_targets_max(targets, self.anchor_vec.cuda(), self.nA, self.nC, nGh, nGw)else:tconf, tbox, tids = build_targets_thres(targets, self.anchor_vec.cuda(), self.nA, self.nC, nGh, nGw)tconf, tbox, tids = tconf.cuda(), tbox.cuda(), tids.cuda()mask = tconf > 0# Compute lossesnT = sum([len(x) for x in targets])  # number of targetsnM = mask.sum().float()  # number of anchors (assigned to targets)nP = torch.ones_like(mask).sum().float()if nM > 0:lbox = self.SmoothL1Loss(p_box[mask], tbox[mask])else:FT = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if p_conf.is_cuda else torch.FloatTensorlbox, lconf =  FT([0]), FT([0])lconf =  self.SoftmaxLoss(p_conf, tconf)lid = torch.Tensor(1).fill_(0).squeeze().cuda()emb_mask,_ = mask.max(1)# For convenience we use max(1) to decide the id, TODO: more reseanable strategytids,_ = tids.max(1) tids = tids[emb_mask]embedding = p_emb[emb_mask].contiguous()embedding = self.emb_scale * F.normalize(embedding)nI = emb_mask.sum().float()if  test_emb:if np.prod(embedding.shape)==0  or np.prod(tids.shape) == 0:return torch.zeros(0, self.emb_dim+1).cuda()emb_and_gt = torch.cat([embedding, tids.float()], dim=1)return emb_and_gtif len(embedding) > 1:logits = classifier(embedding).contiguous()lid =  self.IDLoss(logits, tids.squeeze())# Sum loss componentsloss = torch.exp(-self.s_r)*lbox + torch.exp(-self.s_c)*lconf + torch.exp(-self.s_id)*lid + \(self.s_r + self.s_c + self.s_id)loss *= 0.5return loss, loss.item(), lbox.item(), lconf.item(), lid.item(), nTelse:p_conf = torch.softmax(p_conf, dim=1)[:,1,...].unsqueeze(-1)p_emb = F.normalize(p_emb.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1,self.nA,1,1,1).contiguous(), dim=-1)#p_emb_up = F.normalize(shift_tensor_vertically(p_emb, -self.shift[self.layer]), dim=-1)#p_emb_down = F.normalize(shift_tensor_vertically(p_emb, self.shift[self.layer]), dim=-1)p_cls = torch.zeros(nB,self.nA,nGh,nGw,1).cuda()               # Tempp = torch.cat([p_box, p_conf, p_cls, p_emb], dim=-1)#p = torch.cat([p_box, p_conf, p_cls, p_emb, p_emb_up, p_emb_down], dim=-1)p[..., :4] = decode_delta_map(p[..., :4], self.anchor_vec.to(p))p[..., :4] *= self.stridereturn p.view(nB, -1, p.shape[-1])




  • 包含embedding信息的p_emb
  • 包含检测框位置信息的p_box
  • 包含前景背景分类置信度的p_conf
        p_emb = p_emb.permute(0,2,3,1).contiguous()p_box = p[..., :4]p_conf = p[..., 4:6].permute(0, 4, 1, 2, 3)  # Conf




        # Trainingif targets is not None:if test_emb:tconf, tbox, tids = build_targets_max(targets, self.anchor_vec.cuda(), self.nA, self.nC, nGh, nGw)else:tconf, tbox, tids = build_targets_thres(targets, self.anchor_vec.cuda(), self.nA, self.nC, nGh, nGw)tconf, tbox, tids = tconf.cuda(), tbox.cuda(), tids.cuda()mask = tconf > 0




            # Compute lossesnT = sum([len(x) for x in targets])  # number of targetsnM = mask.sum().float()  # number of anchors (assigned to targets)nP = torch.ones_like(mask).sum().float()if nM > 0:lbox = self.SmoothL1Loss(p_box[mask], tbox[mask])else:FT = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if p_conf.is_cuda else torch.FloatTensorlbox, lconf =  FT([0]), FT([0])lconf =  self.SoftmaxLoss(p_conf, tconf)lid = torch.Tensor(1).fill_(0).squeeze().cuda()emb_mask,_ = mask.max(1)



接着作者计算embedding损失,值得注意的是,在该过程中作者采用了前面提到的全连结层来获得embedding的高级语义信息(track ID)。然后使用常见用于分类任务的交叉熵损失函数。


            # For convenience we use max(1) to decide the id, TODO: more reseanable strategytids,_ = tids.max(1) tids = tids[emb_mask]embedding = p_emb[emb_mask].contiguous()embedding = self.emb_scale * F.normalize(embedding)nI = emb_mask.sum().float()if  test_emb:if np.prod(embedding.shape)==0  or np.prod(tids.shape) == 0:return torch.zeros(0, self.emb_dim+1).cuda()emb_and_gt = torch.cat([embedding, tids.float()], dim=1)return emb_and_gtif len(embedding) > 1:logits = classifier(embedding).contiguous()lid =  self.IDLoss(logits, tids.squeeze())




            loss = torch.exp(-self.s_r)*lbox + torch.exp(-self.s_c)*lconf + torch.exp(-self.s_id)*lid + \(self.s_r + self.s_c + self.s_id)loss *= 0.5

至此,有关predicition head的部分就讲解结束了。JDE的主体部分就介绍完了,其他细节,大家可以看一下原论文和代码,进行探索。

3 匹配


匹配是根据prediction head输出的embedding来进行匹配的。





  1. Activated:表示当前帧中出现某个Tracks记录的人,则Tracks状态变为Activated

  2. Refined:处于Lost状态的Tracks记录的人出现在当前帧

  3. Lost:处于Lost状态的Tracks,但是并没有被删除(Remove)

  4. Removed(删除):剔除序列的Tracks



  1. 对处于Activated的Tracks,使用卡尔曼滤波预测物体当前帧的位置。

  2. 通过余弦相似性来计算Activated Tracks与Detections之间的appearance affinity matrix AE;通过马氏距离来计算Activated Tracks与Detections之间的motion affinity matrix AM。综合AE和AM得到最终的Cost Matrix,通过使用匈牙利算法来根据cost matrix进行Track与detection间的最佳匹配。

  3. 对于匹配到的且处于Activated 状态的Tracks,状态依旧处于Activated;对于新的detections,则新建一个处于Activated的Track;对于处于Lost状态的Tracks将重新处于Refined状态。

  4. 对于匹配失败的Track,则采用IOU距离度量指标重新进行匹配。

  5. 在IOU距离匹配下:匹配成功的Tracks处于Activated状态,失败的处于Lost状态。


class JDETracker(object):def __init__(self, opt, frame_rate=30):self.opt = optself.model = Darknet(opt.cfg, nID=14455)# load_darknet_weights(self.model, opt.weights)self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(opt.weights, map_location='cpu')['model'], strict=False)self.model.cuda().eval()self.tracked_stracks = []  # type: list[STrack]self.lost_stracks = []  # type: list[STrack]self.removed_stracks = []  # type: list[STrack]self.frame_id = 0self.det_thresh = opt.conf_thresself.buffer_size = int(frame_rate / 30.0 * opt.track_buffer)self.max_time_lost = self.buffer_sizeself.kalman_filter = KalmanFilter()def update(self, im_blob, img0):"""Processes the image frame and finds bounding box(detections).Associates the detection with corresponding tracklets and also handles lost, removed, refound and active trackletsParameters----------im_blob : torch.float32Tensor of shape depending upon the size of image. By default, shape of this tensor is [1, 3, 608, 1088]img0 : ndarrayndarray of shape depending on the input image sequence. By default, shape is [608, 1080, 3]Returns-------output_stracks : list of Strack(instances)The list contains information regarding the online_tracklets for the recieved image tensor."""# 定义不同的序列存放不同的frameself.frame_id += 1activated_starcks = []      # for storing active tracks, for the current framerefind_stracks = []         # Lost Tracks whose detections are obtained in the current framelost_stracks = []           # The tracks which are not obtained in the current frame but are not removed.(Lost for some time lesser than the threshold for removing)removed_stracks = []t1 = time.time()''' Step 1: Network forward, get detections & embeddings'''with torch.no_grad():pred = self.model(im_blob)# pred is tensor of all the proposals (default number of proposals: 54264). Proposals have information associated with the bounding box and embeddingspred = pred[pred[:, :, 4] > self.opt.conf_thres]# pred now has lesser number of proposals. Proposals rejected on basis of object confidence scoreif len(pred) > 0:dets = non_max_suppression(pred.unsqueeze(0), self.opt.conf_thres, self.opt.nms_thres)[0].cpu()# Final proposals are obtained in dets. Information of bounding box and embeddings also included# Next step changes the detection scalesscale_coords(self.opt.img_size, dets[:, :4], img0.shape).round()'''Detections is list of (x1, y1, x2, y2, object_conf, class_score, class_pred)'''# class_pred is the embeddings.detections = [STrack(STrack.tlbr_to_tlwh(tlbrs[:4]), tlbrs[4], f.numpy(), 30) for(tlbrs, f) in zip(dets[:, :5], dets[:, 6:])]else:detections = []t2 = time.time()# print('Forward: {} s'.format(t2-t1))''' Add newly detected tracklets to tracked_stracks'''unconfirmed = []tracked_stracks = []  # type: list[STrack]for track in self.tracked_stracks:if not track.is_activated:# previous tracks which are not active in the current frame are added in unconfirmed listunconfirmed.append(track)# print("Should not be here, in unconfirmed")else:# Active tracks are added to the local list 'tracked_stracks'tracked_stracks.append(track)''' Step 2: First association, with embedding'''# Combining currently tracked_stracks and lost_stracksstrack_pool = joint_stracks(tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks)# Predict the current location with KF 运用卡尔曼滤波进行motion state的更新STrack.multi_predict(strack_pool, self.kalman_filter)# appearance affinity matrixdists = matching.embedding_distance(strack_pool, detections)# dists = matching.gate_cost_matrix(self.kalman_filter, dists, strack_pool, detections)# motion affinity matrixdists = matching.fuse_motion(self.kalman_filter, dists, strack_pool, detections)# The dists is the list of distances of the detection with the tracks in strack_pool# 匈牙利算法做匹配matches, u_track, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.7)# The matches is the array for corresponding matches of the detection with the corresponding strack_poolfor itracked, idet in matches:# itracked is the id of the track and idet is the detectiontrack = strack_pool[itracked]det = detections[idet]if track.state == TrackState.Tracked:# If the track is active, add the detection to the tracktrack.update(detections[idet], self.frame_id)activated_starcks.append(track)else:# We have obtained a detection from a track which is not active, hence put the track in refind_stracks listtrack.re_activate(det, self.frame_id, new_id=False)refind_stracks.append(track)# None of the steps below happen if there are no undetected tracks.''' Step 3: Second association, with IOU'''detections = [detections[i] for i in u_detection]# detections is now a list of the unmatched detectionsr_tracked_stracks = [] # This is container for stracks which were tracked till the# previous frame but no detection was found for it in the current framefor i in u_track:if strack_pool[i].state == TrackState.Tracked:r_tracked_stracks.append(strack_pool[i])dists = matching.iou_distance(r_tracked_stracks, detections)matches, u_track, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.5)# matches is the list of detections which matched with corresponding tracks by IOU distance methodfor itracked, idet in matches:track = r_tracked_stracks[itracked]det = detections[idet]if track.state == TrackState.Tracked:track.update(det, self.frame_id)activated_starcks.append(track)else:track.re_activate(det, self.frame_id, new_id=False)refind_stracks.append(track)# Same process done for some unmatched detections, but now considering IOU_distance as measurefor it in u_track:track = r_tracked_stracks[it]if not track.state == TrackState.Lost:track.mark_lost()lost_stracks.append(track)# If no detections are obtained for tracks (u_track), the tracks are added to lost_tracks list and are marked lost'''Deal with unconfirmed tracks, usually tracks with only one beginning frame'''detections = [detections[i] for i in u_detection]dists = matching.iou_distance(unconfirmed, detections)matches, u_unconfirmed, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.7)for itracked, idet in matches:unconfirmed[itracked].update(detections[idet], self.frame_id)activated_starcks.append(unconfirmed[itracked])# The tracks which are yet not matchedfor it in u_unconfirmed:track = unconfirmed[it]track.mark_removed()removed_stracks.append(track)# after all these confirmation steps, if a new detection is found, it is initialized for a new track""" Step 4: Init new stracks"""for inew in u_detection:track = detections[inew]if track.score < self.det_thresh:continuetrack.activate(self.kalman_filter, self.frame_id)activated_starcks.append(track)""" Step 5: Update state"""# If the tracks are lost for more frames than the threshold number, the tracks are removed.for track in self.lost_stracks:if self.frame_id - track.end_frame > self.max_time_lost:track.mark_removed()removed_stracks.append(track)# print('Remained match {} s'.format(t4-t3))# Update the self.tracked_stracks and self.lost_stracks using the updates in this step.self.tracked_stracks = [t for t in self.tracked_stracks if t.state == TrackState.Tracked]self.tracked_stracks = joint_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, activated_starcks)self.tracked_stracks = joint_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, refind_stracks)# self.lost_stracks = [t for t in self.lost_stracks if t.state == TrackState.Lost]  # type: list[STrack]self.lost_stracks = sub_stracks(self.lost_stracks, self.tracked_stracks)self.lost_stracks.extend(lost_stracks)self.lost_stracks = sub_stracks(self.lost_stracks, self.removed_stracks)self.removed_stracks.extend(removed_stracks)self.tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks = remove_duplicate_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks)# get scores of lost tracksoutput_stracks = [track for track in self.tracked_stracks if track.is_activated]logger.debug('===========Frame {}=========='.format(self.frame_id))logger.debug('Activated: {}'.format([track.track_id for track in activated_starcks]))logger.debug('Refind: {}'.format([track.track_id for track in refind_stracks]))logger.debug('Lost: {}'.format([track.track_id for track in lost_stracks]))logger.debug('Removed: {}'.format([track.track_id for track in removed_stracks]))# print('Final {} s'.format(t5-t4))return output_stracks


4 总结

tracking by detection是非常常见的MOT范式,但是目前MOT领域为了平衡追踪速度和精度,慢慢放弃了这种范式,转而投入将检测与embedding匹配进行结合的范式研究中。本文介绍的JDE就是一个网络同时输出图像画面中的检测框位置和检测框内物体的embedding,从而加速MOT的速度。


5 参考



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