中图法分类号(计算机,自动化)(CLC number (computer, automation))

中图法分类号(计算机,自动化)(CLC number (computer, automation))

In the graph classification (computer, automation)

A new computer core journals Guide

T Industrial Technology

TP automation technology, computer technology

TP3 computing and computer technology

The theory and method of TP3-0 computer

The relationship between TP3-05 computer and other disciplines.

TP30 general questions

TP301 theory and method

TP301.1 automaton theory

TP301.2 formal language theory

TP301.4 computability theory

TP301.5 computational complexity theory

The theory of TP301.6 algorithm

Design and performance analysis of TP302

The overall design, the design of TP302.1 system

TP302.2 logic design

TP302.4 drawing

TP302.7 performance analysis, functional analysis

TP302.8 fault tolerance technology

TP303 general structure, system structure

TP303+.1 element

TP303+.2 plug-in rack

TP303+.3 power supply system

TP304 material

TP305 manufacturing, assembly, modification

TP305+.1 micro miniaturization technology

TP305+.2 moisture, mildew, corrosion process

TP306 adjustment, test and calibration

TP306+.2 adjustment and test method

Fault diagnosis and elimination TP306+.3

TP307 repair and maintenance

TP308 room

TP309 security

TP309.1 computer security equipment

TP309.2 data security

TP309.3 data backup and recovery

TP309.5 computer virus and Prevention

TP309.7 encryption and decryption

TP31 computer software

TP311 program design, software engineering

TP311.1 program design

TP311.5 software engineering

The TP312 programming language, programming language

TP313 assembler

The TP314 compiler and interpreter

The TP315 management procedure, management system

TP316 operating system

TP316.1/.5 operating system: by type

TP316.1 time-sharing operating system

TP316.2 real time operating system

TP316.3 batch

TP316.4 distributed operating system, parallel operating system

TP316.5 multimedia operating system

TP316.6/.8 operating system: according to the name

TP316.6 DOS operating system

TP316.7 Windows operating system

TP316.8 netwo

计算机 分类号,中图法分类号(计算机,自动化)(CLC number (computer, automation)).doc...相关推荐

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