
Do you still launch programs on Windows by hunting down a desktop shortcut and double-clicking it? There are better ways – Windows has several built-in tricks for quickly launching applications.

您仍然可以通过查找桌面快捷方式并双击在Windows上启动程序吗? 有更好的方法– Windows具有一些内置技巧,可用于快速启动应用程序。

Even if you know all the built-in tricks, you may want to try out Launchy or another third-party launcher – some people swear by them. They offer more features than the Start menu search built into Windows.

即使您知道所有内置的技巧,您也可能想尝试Launchy或其他第三方启动器-有些人向他们发誓。 与Windows内置的“开始”菜单搜索相比,它们提供的功能更多。

任务栏键盘快捷键 (Taskbar Keyboard Shortcuts)

On Windows 7, you can press the Windows key along with a number to quickly launch the corresponding application on your taskbar.

在Windows 7上,您可以按Windows键以及数字以快速启动任务栏上的相应应用程序。

For example, WinKey+1 launches the first application pinned to your taskbar, while WinKey+2 launches the second one.

例如,WinKey + 1启动固定在任务栏上的第一个应用程序,而WinKey + 2启动第二个应用程序。

If the program is already open, pressing this shortcut will switch to it. If the program has multiple windows open, pressing this shortcut will switch between them – it behaves just like clicking the taskbar icon.

如果程序已经打开,则按此快捷方式将切换到该程序。 如果程序打开了多个窗口,则按下此快捷方式将在它们之间切换–其行为就像单击任务栏图标一样。

开始菜单搜索 (Start Menu Search)

You can use the Start menu’s search feature to launch a program with just a few key presses. First, press the Windows key on your keyboard.

您可以使用“开始”菜单的搜索功能,只需按几次键即可启动程序。 首先,按键盘上的Windows键。

Next, start typing part of a program’s name – you can start typing immediately after pressing the Windows key. Typing a program’s full name, such as Mozilla Firefox will work, but you can also type part of a program’s name to launch it even faster.

接下来,开始键入程序名称的一部分–您可以在按Windows键后立即开始键入。 键入程序的全名,例如Mozilla Firefox即可 ,但是您也可以键入程序名的一部分以更快地启动它。

For example, you can press the Windows key, type fir, and press Enter to quickly launch Firefox. (This may not work if you have another application installed with fir in its name.)

例如,您可以按Windows键,键入fir ,然后按Enter键以快速启动Firefox。 (如果您安装了另一个名称为fir的应用程序,则此方法可能无效。)

You can also use this trick to quickly open files on your computer – just type part of their name.


自定义快捷键 (Custom Shortcut Key)

If you launch an application frequently, you can assign a custom keyboard shortcut to it.


First, locate the application in your start menu or on your desktop, right-click its shortcut, and select Properties.


Click the Shortcut key box and type your desired keyboard shortcut. Press the keyboard shortcut you define here to launch the application from anywhere in Windows.

单击快捷键框,然后键入所需的键盘快捷键。 按下您在此处定义的键盘快捷键,以从Windows中的任何位置启动应用程序。

运行对话框 (Run Dialog)

You can also use the Run dialog to quickly launch applications. Open it by pressing WinKey+R.

您也可以使用“运行”对话框快速启动应用程序。 通过按WinKey + R将其打开。

In the Run dialog, type the name of a program’s .exe file and press Enter to launch it. For example, type firefox and press Enter to launch Firefox or type chrome and press Enter to launch Chrome.

在“运行”对话框中,键入程序的.exe文件的名称,然后按Enter启动它。 例如,键入firefox并按Enter启动Firefox,或键入chrome并按Enter启动Chrome。

发射和其他第三方发射器 (Launchy and Other Third-Party Launchers)

Launchy is one of the most popular launcher applications for Windows, and it’s free.


After installing it, press Alt+Space anywhere in Windows and the Launchy window will appear (you can change this shortcut in Launchy’s preferences, if you like.)

安装后,在Windows中的任意位置按Alt + Space,将出现Launchy窗口(您可以根据需要在Launchy的首选项中更改此快捷方式。)

Type a search and press Enter to launch an application, open a file, or visit a website. It’s smarter than the Start menu in several ways – for example, typing ffx into Launchy will match Firefox.

输入搜索内容,然后按Enter键启动应用程序,打开文件或访问网站。 它在某些方面比“开始”菜单更智能-例如,在Launchy中键入ffx将与Firefox匹配。

It also includes other features, such as a quick calculator and plug-ins for searching your bookmarks.


Launchy also works on Windows XP, where it’s even more useful – it brings the quick application search feature found in Windows Vista and Windows 7’s Start menu to Windows XP users.

Launchy还可以在Windows XP上运行,它甚至更有用–它为Windows XP用户带来了Windows Vista和Windows 7的“开始”菜单中的快速应用程序搜索功能。




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