



java -jar abe.jar unpack app3.ab app3.rar







package com.example.yaphetshan.tencentwelcome;import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import com.example.yaphetshan.tencentwelcome.a.a;
import net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteDatabase;public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener {private SQLiteDatabase a;private a b;private Button c;private void a() {SQLiteDatabase.loadLibs((Context)this);this.b = new a((Context)this, "Demo.db", null, 1);ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues();contentValues.put("name", "Stranger");contentValues.put("password", Integer.valueOf(123456));a a1 = new a();String str2 = a1.a(contentValues.getAsString("name"), contentValues.getAsString("password"));String str3 = a1.b(str2, contentValues.getAsString("password"));String str1 = a1.a(str2 + str3);this.a = this.b.getWritableDatabase(str1.substring(0, 7));this.a.insert("TencentMicrMsg", null, contentValues);}public void onClick(View paramView) {if (paramView == this.c) {Intent intent = new Intent();intent.putExtra("name", "name");intent.putExtra("password", "pass");intent.setClass((Context)this, AnotherActivity.class);startActivity(intent);} }protected void onCreate(Bundle paramBundle) {super.onCreate(paramBundle);setContentView(2130968603);this.c = (Button)findViewById(2131427417);this.c.setOnClickListener(this);SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSharedPreferences("test", 0).edit();editor.putString("Is_Encroty", "1");editor.putString("Encryto", "SqlCipher");editor.putString("ver_sion", "3_4_0");editor.apply();a();}


protected void onCreate(Bundle paramBundle) {super.onCreate(paramBundle);setContentView(2130968603);this.c = (Button)findViewById(2131427417);this.c.setOnClickListener(this);SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSharedPreferences("test", 0).edit();editor.putString("Is_Encroty", "1");       //设置加密标志位为1editor.putString("Encryto", "SqlCipher");  //????editor.putString("ver_sion", "3_4_0");     //版本为3.4.0editor.apply();a();                                      //上述操作执行完毕,执行本地a()方法}


 private void a() {SQLiteDatabase.loadLibs((Context)this);            //加载数据库libthis.b = new a((Context)this, "Demo.db", null, 1); //创建Demo.db的数据库文件
//create table TencentMicrMsg(name text,password integer,F_l_a_g text)ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues();   //ContentValues用于存储基本数据类型contentValues.put("name", "Stranger");contentValues.put("password", Integer.valueOf(123456));a a1 = new a();       //实例化一个a对象String str2 = a1.a(contentValues.getAsString("name"), contentValues.getAsString("password"));String str3 = a1.b(str2, contentValues.getAsString("password"));String str1 = a1.a(str2 + str3);this.a = this.b.getWritableDatabase(str1.substring(0, 7));this.a.insert("TencentMicrMsg", null, contentValues);}

实例化这个a a1 = new a()的时候,a的代码如下:

package com.example.yaphetshan.tencentwelcome.a;public class a {private String a = "yaphetshan";public String a(String paramString) {new b();return b.b(paramString + this.a);}public String a(String paramString1, String paramString2) {paramString1 = paramString1.substring(0, 4);paramString2 = paramString2.substring(0, 4);return paramString1 + paramString2;}public String b(String paramString1, String paramString2) {new b();return b.a(paramString1);}


new b();
    return b.a(paramString1);


package com.example.yaphetshan.tencentwelcome.a;public class b {public static final String a(String paramString) { // Byte code://   0: iconst_0//   1: istore_1//   2: bipush #16//   4: newarray char//   6: astore #6//   8: aload #6//   10: dup//   11: iconst_0//   12: ldc 48//   14: castore//   15: dup//   16: iconst_1//   17: ldc 49//   19: castore//   20: dup//   21: iconst_2//   22: ldc 50//   24: castore//   25: dup//   26: iconst_3//   27: ldc 51//   29: castore//   30: dup//   31: iconst_4//   32: ldc 52//   34: castore//   35: dup//   36: iconst_5//   37: ldc 53//   39: castore//   40: dup//   41: bipush #6//   43: ldc 54//   45: castore//   46: dup//   47: bipush #7//   49: ldc 55//   51: castore//   52: dup//   53: bipush #8//   55: ldc 56//   57: castore//   58: dup//   59: bipush #9//   61: ldc 57//   63: castore//   64: dup//   65: bipush #10//   67: ldc 97//   69: castore//   70: dup//   71: bipush #11//   73: ldc 98//   75: castore//   76: dup//   77: bipush #12//   79: ldc 99//   81: castore//   82: dup//   83: bipush #13//   85: ldc 100//   87: castore//   88: dup//   89: bipush #14//   91: ldc 101//   93: castore//   94: dup//   95: bipush #15//   97: ldc 102//   99: castore//   100: pop//   101: aload_0//   102: invokevirtual getBytes : ()[B//   105: astore_0//   106: ldc 'MD5'//   108: invokestatic getInstance : (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/MessageDigest;//   111: astore #7//   113: aload #7//   115: aload_0//   116: invokevirtual update : ([B)V//   119: aload #7//   121: invokevirtual digest : ()[B//   124: astore_0//   125: aload_0//   126: arraylength//   127: istore_3//   128: iload_3//   129: iconst_2//   130: imul//   131: newarray char//   133: astore #7//   135: iconst_0//   136: istore_2//   137: goto -> 155//   140: new java/lang/String//   143: dup//   144: aload #7//   146: invokespecial <init> : ([C)V//   149: astore_0//   150: aload_0//   151: areturn//   152: astore_0//   153: aconst_null//   154: areturn//   155: iload_1//   156: iload_3//   157: if_icmpge -> 140//   160: aload_0//   161: iload_1//   162: baload//   163: istore #4//   165: iload_2//   166: iconst_1//   167: iadd//   168: istore #5//   170: aload #7//   172: iload_2//   173: aload #6//   175: iload #4//   177: iconst_4//   178: iushr//   179: bipush #15//   181: iand//   182: caload//   183: castore//   184: iload #5//   186: iconst_1//   187: iadd//   188: istore_2//   189: aload #7//   191: iload #5//   193: aload #6//   195: iload #4//   197: bipush #15//   199: iand//   200: caload//   201: castore//   202: iload_1//   203: iconst_1//   204: iadd//   205: istore_1//   206: goto -> 155// Exception table://   from  to  target  type//   101    135 152 java/lang/Exception//   140 150 152 java/lang/Exception }public static final String b(String paramString) { // Byte code://   0: iconst_0//   1: istore_1//   2: bipush #16//   4: newarray char//   6: astore #6//   8: aload #6//   10: dup//   11: iconst_0//   12: ldc 48//   14: castore//   15: dup//   16: iconst_1//   17: ldc 49//   19: castore//   20: dup//   21: iconst_2//   22: ldc 50//   24: castore//   25: dup//   26: iconst_3//   27: ldc 51//   29: castore//   30: dup//   31: iconst_4//   32: ldc 52//   34: castore//   35: dup//   36: iconst_5//   37: ldc 53//   39: castore//   40: dup//   41: bipush #6//   43: ldc 54//   45: castore//   46: dup//   47: bipush #7//   49: ldc 55//   51: castore//   52: dup//   53: bipush #8//   55: ldc 56//   57: castore//   58: dup//   59: bipush #9//   61: ldc 57//   63: castore//   64: dup//   65: bipush #10//   67: ldc 97//   69: castore//   70: dup//   71: bipush #11//   73: ldc 98//   75: castore//   76: dup//   77: bipush #12//   79: ldc 99//   81: castore//   82: dup//   83: bipush #13//   85: ldc 100//   87: castore//   88: dup//   89: bipush #14//   91: ldc 101//   93: castore//   94: dup//   95: bipush #15//   97: ldc 102//   99: castore//   100: pop//   101: aload_0//   102: invokevirtual getBytes : ()[B//   105: astore_0//   106: ldc 'SHA-1'//   108: invokestatic getInstance : (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/security/MessageDigest;//   111: astore #7//   113: aload #7//   115: aload_0//   116: invokevirtual update : ([B)V//   119: aload #7//   121: invokevirtual digest : ()[B//   124: astore_0//   125: aload_0//   126: arraylength//   127: istore_3//   128: iload_3//   129: iconst_2//   130: imul//   131: newarray char//   133: astore #7//   135: iconst_0//   136: istore_2//   137: goto -> 155//   140: new java/lang/String//   143: dup//   144: aload #7//   146: invokespecial <init> : ([C)V//   149: astore_0//   150: aload_0//   151: areturn//   152: astore_0//   153: aconst_null//   154: areturn//   155: iload_1//   156: iload_3//   157: if_icmpge -> 140//   160: aload_0//   161: iload_1//   162: baload//   163: istore #4//   165: iload_2//   166: iconst_1//   167: iadd//   168: istore #5//   170: aload #7//   172: iload_2//   173: aload #6//   175: iload #4//   177: iconst_4//   178: iushr//   179: bipush #15//   181: iand//   182: caload//   183: castore//   184: iload #5//   186: iconst_1//   187: iadd//   188: istore_2//   189: aload #7//   191: iload #5//   193: aload #6//   195: iload #4//   197: bipush #15//   199: iand//   200: caload//   201: castore//   202: iload_1//   203: iconst_1//   204: iadd//   205: istore_1//   206: goto -> 155// Exception table://   from  to  target  type//   101    135 152 java/lang/Exception//   140 150 152 java/lang/Exception }



package com.example.yaphetshan.tencentwelcome.a;import java.security.MessageDigest;/* compiled from: SHA1Manager */
public class b {public static final String a(String str) {char[] cArr = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'};try {byte[] bytes = str.getBytes();MessageDigest instance = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");instance.update(bytes);char[] cArr2 = new char[(r4 * 2)];int i = 0;for (byte b : instance.digest()) {int i2 = i + 1;cArr2[i] = cArr[(b >>> 4) & 15];i = i2 + 1;cArr2[i2] = cArr[b & 15];}return new String(cArr2);} catch (Exception e) {return null;}}public static final String b(String str) {char[] cArr = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'};try {byte[] bytes = str.getBytes();MessageDigest instance = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");instance.update(bytes);char[] cArr2 = new char[(r4 * 2)];int i = 0;for (byte b : instance.digest()) {int i2 = i + 1;cArr2[i] = cArr[(b >>> 4) & 15];i = i2 + 1;cArr2[i2] = cArr[b & 15];}return new String(cArr2);} catch (Exception e) {return null;}}



JEB2下载好之后配置一下JAVA_HOME为jdk 1.8.121及以下版本,高了会闪退。





public static final String a(String arg9) {String v0_2;int v0 = 0;char[] v2 = new char[]{'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'};try {byte[] v1 = arg9.getBytes();MessageDigest v3 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");v3.update(v1);byte[] v3_1 = v3.digest();int v4 = v3_1.length;char[] v5 = new char[v4 * 2];int v1_1 = 0;while(v0 < v4) {int v6 = v3_1[v0];int v7 = v1_1 + 1;v5[v1_1] = v2[v6 >>> 4 & 15];v1_1 = v7 + 1;v5[v7] = v2[v6 & 15];++v0;}v0_2 = new String(v5);}catch(Exception v0_1) {v0_2 = null;}return v0_2;}public static final String b(String arg9) {String v0_2;int v0 = 0;char[] v2 = new char[]{'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'};try {byte[] v1 = arg9.getBytes();MessageDigest v3 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");v3.update(v1);byte[] v3_1 = v3.digest();int v4 = v3_1.length;char[] v5 = new char[v4 * 2];int v1_1 = 0;while(v0 < v4) {int v6 = v3_1[v0];int v7 = v1_1 + 1;v5[v1_1] = v2[v6 >>> 4 & 15];v1_1 = v7 + 1;v5[v7] = v2[v6 & 15];++v0;}v0_2 = new String(v5);}catch(Exception v0_1) {v0_2 = null;}return v0_2;}




package Test;import java.security.MessageDigest;public class Test {public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {String name = "Stranger",password="123456";String v2 = v1a(name, password);System.out.println(v1a(v2+v1b(v2,password)).substring(0,7));}public static String v1b(String arg2, String arg3) {return MD5(arg2);}public static String v1a(String arg4, String arg5) {return arg4.substring(0, 4) + arg5.substring(0, 4);}public static String v1a(String arg3) {String a = "yaphetshan";return SHA1(arg3+a);}public static final String MD5(String arg9) {String v0_2;int v0 = 0;char[] v2 = new char[]{'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'};try {byte[] v1 = arg9.getBytes();MessageDigest v3 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");v3.update(v1);byte[] v3_1 = v3.digest();int v4 = v3_1.length;char[] v5 = new char[v4 * 2];int v1_1 = 0;while(v0 < v4) {int v6 = v3_1[v0];int v7 = v1_1 + 1;v5[v1_1] = v2[v6 >>> 4 & 15];v1_1 = v7 + 1;v5[v7] = v2[v6 & 15];++v0;}v0_2 = new String(v5);}catch(Exception v0_1) {v0_2 = null;}return v0_2;}public static final String SHA1(String arg9) {String v0_2;int v0 = 0;char[] v2 = new char[]{'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'};try {byte[] v1 = arg9.getBytes();MessageDigest v3 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");v3.update(v1);byte[] v3_1 = v3.digest();int v4 = v3_1.length;char[] v5 = new char[v4 * 2];int v1_1 = 0;while(v0 < v4) {int v6 = v3_1[v0];int v7 = v1_1 + 1;v5[v1_1] = v2[v6 >>> 4 & 15];v1_1 = v7 + 1;v5[v7] = v2[v6 & 15];++v0;}v0_2 = new String(v5);}catch(Exception v0_1) {v0_2 = null;}return v0_2;}


其他大神的wp我不知道是因为他们太吊所以省略步骤,还是题目有所变动,他们的wp在拿到数据库密码之后直接就用DB Browser for SQLite或者SQLiteStudio直接就能打开,太(芬芳)了。


1.命令行在sqlcipher的安装目录中输入:sqlcipher-shell64.exe encryted.db
3.sqlite> PRAGMA key = '这里是数据库的密码';
4.sqlite> ATTACH DATABASE '这里是要复制到的新数据库名' AS plaintext KEY '';
5.sqlite> SELECT sqlcipher_export('plaintext');
6.sqlite> DETACH DATABASE plaintext;





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