

//coraenv 设置环境





# $Header: coraenv.sh.pp 16-jun-2005.10:45:53 mlfallon Exp $ coraenv



# Copyright 1987 Oracle Corporation


# This routine is used to condition a C shell user's environment

# for access to an ORACLE database.  It should be installed in

# the system local bin directory.


# The user will be prompted for the database SID, unless the variable

# ORAENV_ASK is set to NO, in which case the current value of ORACLE_SID

# is used.

# An asterisk '*' can be used to refer to the NULL SID.


# 'dbhome' is called to locate ORACLE_HOME for the SID.  If

# ORACLE_HOME cannot be located, the user will be prompted for it also.

# The following environment variables are set:

//dbhome 其实根据sid读/etc/oratab中的home目录啦



# $Header: dbhome.sh.pp 1.1 95/02/22 14:37:23 rdhoopar Osd $ dbhome.sh.pp Copyr (c) 1991 Oracle




# usage: ORACLE_HOME=`dbhome [SID]`

# NOTE:  A NULL SID is specified with "" on the command line


# The only sane way to use this script is with SID specified on the

# command line or to have ORACLE_SID set for the database you are looking

# for.  The return code will be 1 if dbhome can't find ANY value, 2 if

# it finds a questionable value, 0 if it finds a good one (ie. out of

# oratab).


# If ORACLE_SID is set or provided on the command line the script

# will write to the standard output the first of the following that

# it finds:

#       1.  The value of the 2nd field in oratab where the

#           value of the 1st field equals $ORACLE_SID.

#       2.  The home directory for the user 'oracle' in /etc/passwd

#           or in the yellow pages password entries.

"dbhome" 88L, 2417C

//. oraenv 这东东也是设置oracle环境的。



# $Header: oraenv.sh.pp 16-jun-2005.10:46:09 mlfallon Exp $ oraenv.sh.pp Copyr (c) 1991 Oracle




# usage: . oraenv


# This routine is used to condition a user's environment for access to

# an ORACLE database. It will prompt for the value of the new SID unless

# the variable ORAENV_ASK is set to NO, in which case it will use the

# current value of ORACLE_SID.

# The character "*" denotes a null SID.


# NOTE:         Due to constraints of the shell in regard to environment

# -----         variables, the command MUST be prefaced with ".". If it

#               is not, then no permanent change in the user's environment

#               can take place.



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