I’m hungry.
I’m starving.我快饿死了。
I’m starved. 我饿死了。
My mouth is watering.我都流口水了。
I’m quite thirsty. 我很渴。

When shall we eat?
When will supper be ready? 晚饭什么时候做好?
What’s to eat? 吃什么?

Please pass the pepper.

Help me set the table.
Would you set the table? 你愿意摆一下碗筷吗?

It would be more delicious if you put some salt in it.
Everything is absolutely delicious.每一样都很好吃。

It’s time to eat.
Time to eat.

What’s the smell?
What smell?
It smells good.问起来不错。

Call everyone to the table.
Call the family to dinner. 叫全家来吃饭。

Be quiet and eat your food.
Don’t talk with your mouth full. 不要满嘴东西时说话。

Clean up your plate.

Would you like some more?
Some more?
No more. 不要了。

It’s delicious.
It tastes great. 尝起来不错。

To keep slim, you can’t eat any more.

for fun:
Actually,I only come here to lie down. I can’t get any rest at home!

Linda:Oh, Henry. I haven’t seen you in ages. Come in. Let me take your coat. How are you getting along.
Henry:Very much, thank you.

Linda:Please take a seat. Everything will be ready in a minute.
Henry:Can you bring me a glass of orange juice, please? I am quite thirsty.

Linda: Here you are.
(at the table)
Linda:Here you go. We have your cocktail and there are salad, fried chicken, French fries and vanilla ice cream for dessert. Eat the chicken while it’s hot. It tastes better.
Henry:Wow! you’re right. Everything is absolutely delicious. Please pass the pepper.

Linda:Here you are. Taste the French fries.
Henry:They are soft.

Linda:Would you like some more?
Henry:No more. Thank you.

Linda:Here’s to our friendship and health!
Henry:Bottoms up!

get along 生活,进展 还可表示和某人相处的很好
We‘re always been getting along quite well. 我们一向相处的很好
They seems to get along with each other.他们好像处的不错。

French fries 炸薯片

here’s to sb/sth. 举杯祝福…
Here’s to the happy couple.举杯祝福这对幸福的夫妻。


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