



#ifndef COMPCONT_H
#define COMPCONT_H#define NUM_EMPLOYEE 10000
#define MAX_SALARY 10000
template<class T>
class ListTemp;
class Company
{private:int bestPaid;ListTemp<int> container;public:void inputSalary(); //when input employee from keyboard, store the input data in the container for later use;//please implement the following two methodsvoid findBestPaid(); //go through the container to find the best paid employeevoid findBestPaidReverse(); //go through the container in the reverse order to find the best paid employeevoid printBestPaid() const;
}; #endif


#include "company.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib> // Header file needed to use srand and rand
#include <ctime> // Header file needed to use time
using namespace std;void Company::inputSalary()
{//set the seed for random number generation    srand((unsigned int)time(0));for(int i=0; i < NUM_EMPLOYEE; i++){int rand_number = rand() % MAX_SALARY;container.AddHead(rand_number); // add to the container}
}void Company::findBestPaid()
{bestPaid = 0;ListTemp<int>::Iterator itr = container.Begin();while (!(itr == container.End())){if (*itr >= bestPaid)bestPaid = *itr;itr++;}
}//please implement this
void Company::findBestPaidReverse()
{bestPaid = 0;ListTemp<int>::Iterator itr = container.End();while (!(itr == container.Begin())){itr--;if (*itr >= bestPaid)bestPaid = *itr;//itr--;}}void Company::printBestPaid() const
{cout << "The salary of the best-paid employee is: " << bestPaid << endl;
}// printBestPaid


#ifndef LISTTEMP_H
#define LESTTEMP_H#define NULL 0
template<class T>
class ListTemp
{private:struct Node{T data;Node *next;};Node *head;int size;public:ListTemp();~ListTemp();int getLength() const;bool isEmpty() const;void AddHead(const T newData);//************************declaration of the inner iterator class****************************class Iterator{friend class ListTemp<T>;private:Node *head;Node *curr;Iterator(Node *hear_ptr, Node *curr_ptr); //constructor with Node parameter, defined as privatepublic:Iterator(); //default constructorIterator operator++(int); //post-increment of ++//please implement thisIterator operator--(int); //post-decrement of --T& operator*() const;bool operator==(const Iterator other) const;};//class Iterator//please implement thisIterator Begin() const;//please implement thisIterator End() const;};//************************implementation of the iterator inner class**************************
template<class T>
{head = NULL;curr = NULL;
}template<class T>
ListTemp<T>::Iterator::Iterator(Node *head_ptr, Node *curr_ptr)
{head = head_ptr;curr = curr_ptr;
}template<class T>
typename ListTemp<T>::Iterator ListTemp<T>::Iterator::operator++(int)
{Iterator temp = *this;this->curr = curr->next;return temp;
}template<class T>
typename ListTemp<T>::Iterator ListTemp<T>::Iterator::operator--(int)
{Iterator temp = *this;Node *temp_ptr = this->head;while (temp_ptr != NULL && temp_ptr->next != this->curr)temp_ptr = temp_ptr->next;this->curr = temp_ptr;return temp;
}template<class T>
T& ListTemp<T>::Iterator::operator*() const
{return curr->data;
}template<class T>
bool ListTemp<T>::Iterator::operator==(const Iterator other) const
{return curr == other.curr;
}//************************implementation of the Begin and End position**************************
template<class T>
typename ListTemp<T>::Iterator ListTemp<T>::Begin() const
{return Iterator(head, head);
}template<class T>
typename ListTemp<T>::Iterator ListTemp<T>::End() const
{return Iterator(head, NULL);
}//************************implementation of the linked list class template**************************
template<class T>
{head = NULL;size = 0;
}template<class T>
{Node *current = head;Node *temp = NULL;while (current != NULL){temp = current;current = current->next;delete temp;}
}template<class T>
int ListTemp<T>::getLength() const
{return size;
}template<class T>
bool ListTemp<T>::isEmpty() const
{return size == 0;
}template<class T>
void ListTemp<T>::AddHead(const T newData)
{Node *temp = new Node;temp->next = head;temp->data = newData;head = temp;size++;


//#include "listTemp.h"
#include "company.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;int main()
{Company cmp;cmp.inputSalary();long start_t, end_t;long start_t2, end_t2;start_t = clock();cmp.findBestPaid();end_t = clock();cmp.printBestPaid();cout << "time cost: " << ((double)(end_t - start_t)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;//please measure the time coststart_t2 = clock();cmp.findBestPaidReverse();end_t2 = clock();cmp.printBestPaid();cout << "time cost of reverse: " << ((double)(end_t2 - start_t2)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;return 0;










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