##¥##2019年结束前最后两小时,写出本年度最后一篇博客,不是博主没地方去跨年,实在是Coding乐趣无穷ahhhh ##¥##




一个COCO标注文件中包含info、lisenses、categories、images以及annotations,代码初始预先设定了前三项,categories可以根据自己的需要进行修改,我保留的类别有5类,car、pedestrian(person)、truck、bus、rider,对应cityscapes中类别id的24-28, 以下是cityscapes完整的类别定义:

List of cityscapes labels:name |  id | trainId |       category | categoryId | hasInstances | ignoreInEval--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------unlabeled |   0 |     255 |           void |          0 |            0 |            1ego vehicle |   1 |     255 |           void |          0 |            0 |            1rectification border |   2 |     255 |           void |          0 |            0 |            1out of roi |   3 |     255 |           void |          0 |            0 |            1static |   4 |     255 |           void |          0 |            0 |            1dynamic |   5 |     255 |           void |          0 |            0 |            1ground |   6 |     255 |           void |          0 |            0 |            1road |   7 |       0 |           flat |          1 |            0 |            0sidewalk |   8 |       1 |           flat |          1 |            0 |            0parking |   9 |     255 |           flat |          1 |            0 |            1rail track |  10 |     255 |           flat |          1 |            0 |            1building |  11 |       2 |   construction |          2 |            0 |            0wall |  12 |       3 |   construction |          2 |            0 |            0fence |  13 |       4 |   construction |          2 |            0 |            0guard rail |  14 |     255 |   construction |          2 |            0 |            1bridge |  15 |     255 |   construction |          2 |            0 |            1tunnel |  16 |     255 |   construction |          2 |            0 |            1pole |  17 |       5 |         object |          3 |            0 |            0polegroup |  18 |     255 |         object |          3 |            0 |            1traffic light |  19 |       6 |         object |          3 |            0 |            0traffic sign |  20 |       7 |         object |          3 |            0 |            0vegetation |  21 |       8 |         nature |          4 |            0 |            0terrain |  22 |       9 |         nature |          4 |            0 |            0sky |  23 |      10 |            sky |          5 |            0 |            0person |  24 |      11 |          human |          6 |            1 |            0rider |  25 |      12 |          human |          6 |            1 |            0car |  26 |      13 |        vehicle |          7 |            1 |            0truck |  27 |      14 |        vehicle |          7 |            1 |            0bus |  28 |      15 |        vehicle |          7 |            1 |            0caravan |  29 |     255 |        vehicle |          7 |            1 |            1trailer |  30 |     255 |        vehicle |          7 |            1 |            1train |  31 |      16 |        vehicle |          7 |            1 |            0motorcycle |  32 |      17 |        vehicle |          7 |            1 |            0bicycle |  33 |      18 |        vehicle |          7 |            1 |            0license plate |  -1 |      -1 |        vehicle |          7 |            0 |            1


import cv2
import numpy as np
import os, glob
import datetime
import json
import os
import re
import fnmatch
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
from pycococreatortools import pycococreatortoolsROOT_DIR = '/data/cityscapes/val'
IMAGE_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "images/frankfurt")
ANNOTATION_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "gt/frankfurt")
INSTANCE_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "instances") INFO = {"description": "Cityscapes_Instance Dataset","url": "https://github.com/waspinator/pycococreator","version": "0.1.0","year": "2019","contributor": "Kevin_Jia","date_created": "2019-12-30 16:16:16.123456"
}LICENSES = [{"id": 1,"name": "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License","url": "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/"}
]CATEGORIES = [{'id': 1,'name': 'car','supercategory': 'cityscapes',},{'id': 2,'name': 'pedestrian','supercategory': 'cityscapes',},{'id': 3,'name': 'truck','supercategory': 'cityscapes',},{'id': 4,'name': 'bus','supercategory': 'cityscapes',},{'id': 5,'name': 'rider','supercategory': 'cityscapes',}
]background_label = list(range(-1, 24, 1)) + list(range(29, 34, 1))def masks_generator(imges):idx = 0for pic_name in imges:annotation_name = pic_name.split('_')[0] + '_' + pic_name.split('_')[1] + '_' + pic_name.split('_')[2] + '_gtFine_instanceIds.png'print(annotation_name)annotation = cv2.imread(os.path.join(ANNOTATION_DIR, annotation_name), -1)name = pic_name.split('.')[0]h, w = annotation.shape[:2]ids = np.unique(annotation)for id in ids:if id in background_label:continueinstance_id = idclass_id = instance_id // 1000if class_id == 24:instance_class = 'pedestrian'elif class_id == 25:instance_class = 'rider' elif class_id == 26:instance_class = 'car'elif class_id == 27:instance_class = 'truck'elif class_id == 28:instance_class = 'bus'else:continueprint(instance_id)instance_mask = np.zeros((h, w, 3),dtype=np.uint8)mask = annotation == instance_idinstance_mask[mask] = 255mask_name = name + '_' + instance_class + '_' + str(idx) + '.png'cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(INSTANCE_DIR, mask_name), instance_mask)idx += 1def filter_for_pic(files):file_types = ['*.jpeg', '*.jpg', '*.png']file_types = r'|'.join([fnmatch.translate(x) for x in file_types])files = [f for f in files if re.match(file_types, f)]# files = [os.path.join(root, f) for f in files]return filesdef filter_for_instances(root, files, image_filename):file_types = ['*.png']file_types = r'|'.join([fnmatch.translate(x) for x in file_types])files = [f for f in files if re.match(file_types, f)]basename_no_extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_filename))[0]file_name_prefix = basename_no_extension + '.*'# files = [os.path.join(root, f) for f in files]files = [f for f in files if re.match(file_name_prefix, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0])]return filesdef main():# for root, _, files in os.walk(ANNOTATION_DIR):files = os.listdir(IMAGE_DIR)image_files = filter_for_pic(files)masks_generator(image_files)coco_output = {"info": INFO,"licenses": LICENSES,"categories": CATEGORIES,"images": [],"annotations": []}image_id = 1segmentation_id = 1files = os.listdir(INSTANCE_DIR)instance_files = filter_for_pic(files)# go through each imagefor image_filename in image_files:image_path = os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR, image_filename)image = Image.open(image_path)image_info = pycococreatortools.create_image_info(image_id, os.path.basename(image_filename), image.size)coco_output["images"].append(image_info)# filter for associated png annotations# for root, _, files in os.walk(INSTANCE_DIR):annotation_files = filter_for_instances(INSTANCE_DIR, instance_files, image_filename)# go through each associated annotationfor annotation_filename in annotation_files:annotation_path = os.path.join(INSTANCE_DIR, annotation_filename)print(annotation_path)class_id = [x['id'] for x in CATEGORIES if x['name'] in annotation_filename][0]category_info = {'id': class_id, 'is_crowd': 'crowd' in image_filename}binary_mask = np.asarray(Image.open(annotation_path).convert('1')).astype(np.uint8)annotation_info = pycococreatortools.create_annotation_info(segmentation_id, image_id, category_info, binary_mask,image.size, tolerance=2)if annotation_info is not None:coco_output["annotations"].append(annotation_info)segmentation_id = segmentation_id + 1image_id = image_id + 1with open('{}/frankfurt.json'.format(ROOT_DIR), 'w') as output_json_file:json.dump(coco_output, output_json_file)if __name__ == "__main__":main()






原始的COCO API中只能够像下图一样显示instance的polygon区域,没有bounding box以及class,不便于查看。








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