一天 用户旅程

by Pramono Winata

通过Pramono Winata

我完成100天代码的旅程 (My journey in completing 100 days of code)

Here I’ll tell you my story how I completed 100 days of code, how I started, how I keep it going, and how I finally finished it.


初始点 (Starting Point)

About a year ago I actually heard a lot about the 100 days of code challenge, but I had never thought of doing it. The very sound of one hundred days felt so intimidating for me back then that I was not sure that I could actually finish it.

大约一年前,我实际上听到了很多有关100天代码挑战的信息,但我从未想到要这样做。 一百天的声音对我来说是如此的令人恐惧,以至于我不确定自己能否完成。

Then one day I read this article, and after reading so many inspiring stories from people doing 100 days of code on Twitter, I finally decided that the time for me to start was now or never. And I finally started doing my 100 days of code, about 100 days ago from when I am writing this article.

然后,有一天我读了这篇文章 ,并在Twitter上阅读了许多启发人心的故事,这些故事在Twitter上进行了100天的代码编写,我最终决定现在或现在开始的时间。 从写本文的大约100天前,我终于开始编写100天的代码。

管理和计划我的工作 (Managing and Planning my work)

First things first, I planned on what coding I would do and I decide that I would contribute to the GitHub open-source community. I would spend each day coding for about 1 hour and I would try to keep it to that timeframe — because I have got my me-time too ;)

首先,我计划要进行什么编码,然后决定为GitHub开源社区做出贡献。 我每天会花费大约1个小时进行编码,并且会尽量将其保持在该时间范围内-因为我也有自己的时间;)

My main challenge for this was actually finding out what to do every single day. For that, I always prepared two kinds of notes on my phone:

我的主要挑战实际上是找出每天要做的事情 。 为此,我总是在手机上准备两种笔记

The first type of note was a list of my progress in 100 days of code, each and every day. Not only that, but this note also served as my note on what to do the next day. I always planned on what I was going to do at night. Then the next day I would know what to work on, so I would not waste my time thinking of what to do when I should have been coding.

第一种便笺类型是每天100天的代码进度清单。 不仅如此,这篇笔记还作为我第二天要做什么的笔记。 我一直都计划着晚上要做什么。 然后第二天我就会知道要做什么,所以我不会浪费时间思考应该编写代码时该怎么做。

My second note is was list of what open source things I wanted to make, something like a bucket list or a wish list, but instead it is a code list.


Finding an idea for what to do was also a difficult task to do every day. That’s why I always spent my days reading Medium articles to find inspiration for what I should be exploring.

每天都想做些什么也是一个艰巨的任务。 这就是为什么我总是花大量时间阅读中型文章以寻找我应该探索的灵感的原因。

Since my expertise is in Android mobile application development, I started most of my repositories based on Android applications with Kotlin. Then after I started getting used to it, I finally started making repositories based on other things such as Serverless with go and nodejs, Flutter and Rust.

由于我的专长是Android移动应用程序开发,因此我大部分的存储库都是通过Kotlin基于Android应用程序启动的。 然后,当我开始习惯它之后,我终于开始基于其他东西来创建存储库,例如使用go和nodejs的Serverless , Flutter和Rust 。

Nearing the day that I finished my 100 days of code, I also made another note which listed my leftover tasks that usually had something to do with refactoring.


保持自己前进 (Keeping myself going)

100 days is quite a long time. You might wonder if there were actually days where I was thinking of quitting.

100天是很长的时间。 您可能想知道我是否真的有几天想退出。

Yes, there actually were — there have been several days where I doubted myself. Was I actually doing the right thing or was I just wasting my time doing this thing?

是的,实际上有-我已经怀疑自己几天了。 我实际上是在做正确的事情,还是只是在浪费时间做这个事情?

But I always kept myself going because of everything I have learned. Living in this Technology Era as a Software Engineer, I must always strive to learn new things and never stop. The moment I stop learning is the moment I stop growing as a Software Engineer. And seeing the stories about how people are finishing 100 days of code and even 360 days of code made me feel challenged since there were so many people out there doing it. If they could do it and even do more, why couldn’t I finish it?

但是由于我学到的一切,我一直保持前进。 作为软件工程师,身处这个技术时代,我必须始终努力学习新事物,并且永不止步。 我停止学习的那一刻就是我停止成长为软件工程师的那一刻。 看到有关人们如何完成100天甚至360天代码的故事,使我感到挑战,因为那里有很多人在做。 如果他们能做到甚至做更多,我为什么不能完成呢?

It’s very important to push yourself as much as you’re able. But don’t forget to limit yourself and give yourself a break sometimes. If you reach your limit, you can then call it a day and continue on tomorrow. There were also days when all I did was refactoring and making a new repository. It is always important to keep up, but do not forget to give yourself a break.

竭尽所能非常重要。 但不要忘了限制自己,有时会让自己休息一下。 如果您达到极限,则可以将其命名为一天,明天继续。 还有几天,我所做的就是重构并创建新的存储库。 跟上总是很重要的,但不要忘记休息一下

And also, the most important part of keeping myself going: Consistency.

而且,保持自己前进的最重要部分是: 一致性。

完成我的100天代码 (Completing my 100 days of code)

When I finally finished my 100 days of code, the first two things I felt were feelings of accomplishment and relief.


People may ask me why I did it. I didn’t gain things from it — no profit, no one is looking at my mediocre GitHub repositories, no forks or stars. But of course I learned a lot of things from a technical point of view. Also, most of the people that saw me doing this 100 days of code acknowledged me for being consistent and continuing to do it.

人们可能会问我为什么这样做。 我没有从中得到好处-没有利润,没有人看着我平庸的GitHub存储库,没有分叉或繁星。 但是我当然从技术角度学到了很多东西。 而且,大多数看到我执行这100天代码的人都承认我保持一致并继续这样做。

One thing I always believe is that people may betray you, but hard work will not betray you. Keep sharpening yourself. At the end of the day, you will see yourself reaping the good things that you have sown.

我一直相信的一件事是, 人们可能会背叛您,但是努力工作不会背叛您。 不断提高自己。 在一天结束时,您会看到自己收获了播种的美好事物

Feel free to check out my GitHub! I will be very thankful for any issue opened or any PR. I have produced several android components which are usable and tested.

随时查看我的GitHub ! 对于任何未解决的问题或任何公关,我将非常感谢。 我生产了几个可用并经过测试的android组件。

So then, this ends my story on my first 100 days of code. Where is your story?

因此,到此为止,我的头100天代码就结束了。 你的故事在哪里?

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/my-journey-in-completing-100-days-of-code-e657428b1fa6/

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