1、首先  texturePacker 3.0.9 的破解版下载,

破解版的 texturePacker 下载路径在:https://blog.csdn.net/u013654125/article/details/80676715



D:/TexturePacker_3.0.9/bin/TexturePacker.exe temp.pvr.ccz --sheet temp.png --data temp.plist --allow-free-size --no-trim

TexturePacker:: warning: You are using TexturePacker in Essential (lite) mode.
TexturePacker:: warning:
TexturePacker:: warning: You are using some advanced features which will cause s
ome sprites to
TexturePacker:: warning: be colored red in the sprite sheet.
TexturePacker:: warning:
TexturePacker:: warning: List of advanced features you are using:
TexturePacker:: warning:     - Advanced algorithm (MaxRects)
TexturePacker:: error: Not all sprites could be packed into the texture!
TexturePacker:: warning: ui.pvr.ccz - (1024x2048)
Resulting sprite sheet is 2x2048.
Writing sprite sheet to E:/Project_Simple/plan/Amazingbricks/Resources/res/img/U
Writing data for cocos2d to E:/Project_Simple/plan/Amazingbricks/Resources/res/i

看到了  Resulting sprite sheet is 2x2048 生成的图片太小了,导致数据不全,

--max-size <int>            Sets the maximum width and height for the texture in auto size mode, default is 2048

这时候才知道,需要加 --max-size的设置值,否则默认是 2048

D:/TexturePacker_3.0.9/bin/TexturePacker.exe temp.pvr.ccz --sheet temp.png --data temp.plist --allow-free-size --no-trim --max-size 102400(大小自己设置)

texturePacker 指令 .pvr.ccz 转 .png, 报错 : Not all sprites could be packed into the texture!相关推荐

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