
  • 3min版本

Good Morning,respected professors!It's my honor to attend this interview. My name is XXX, from Quanzhou city, Fujian province. I will graduated from Fuzhou university, majoring in data science and Big Data Technology as an undergraduate.Now I would like to introduce myself from two aspects: my past experience and my future plan.

First,during my college years,I spent most of my time on study and I had made certain progress in academic achievement. For example, I have won the honor of Merit Student and the third-class scholarship of the university. When I was a sophomore, I passed the CET-4 and CET-6 examinations with good scores,which I think will be of certain help to my future academic research.

Generally, I'm a kind of person which gives people the impression of being both open minded and passionate. And what's really special in me is that I'm a goal-oriented person, I have a clean blueprint of my study and direction, it tooks me almost three years to find out what my real passion is. When I was a junior, I participated in the university's undergraduate laboratory program.During this period, I was further exposed to the knowledge of artificial intelligence, especially in the field of computer vision. I read several papers and tried algorithms such as facial recognition, convolutional neural network and object detection,which deepen my understanding of machine learning, I suddenly found myself more interested in the field of artificial intelligence, so I chose to take the postgraduate entrance exam, and hope to further my study.

If I am lucky enough to be admitted, I will devote all my time and energy to study and research, to lay a solid foundation of professional knowledge,read literature extensively,so as to improve my practical ability and apply what I have learned into practice.

My selfintroduction is over,thank you for your listening.



Why did you choose to take the postgraduate entrance exam? What is the original intention of postgraduate entrance examination?

Thank you for your question! When I was a junior, I participated in the university's undergraduate laboratory program.During this period, I was further exposed to the knowledge of artificial intelligence, especially in the field of computer vision. I read several papers and tried algorithms such as facial recognition, convolutional neural network and object detection,which deepen my understanding of machine learning, I suddenly found myself more interested in the field of artificial intelligence, so I chose to take the postgraduate entrance exam, and hope to further my study.

That's my answer, thank you!



Why did you choose to apply for our university?

Here are some reasons for me to choose XMUniversity.

Firstly, as a native of Fujian, I have heard the most about Xiamen University,I choose XM University because it has been my dream school since childhood.

Secondly, the more important reason is that when I was a junior, I participated in the university's undergraduate laboratory program.During this period, I was further exposed to the knowledge of artificial intelligence, especially in the field of computer vision. I read several papers and tried algorithms such as facial recognition, convolutional neural network and object detection,which deepen my understanding of machine learning, I suddenly found myself more interested in the field of artificial intelligence, so I chose to take the postgraduate entrance exam, and hope to further my study. As we all know,XMU has good teachers and strong academic atmosphere,which has attracted me. I especially hope that I can be a member of such an excellent school , make some academic achievements and progress with the help of tutor.

That's my answer, thank you!



What are your strengths and weakness?

When it comes to my strengths, I would like to describe it with three key words: adaptability, goal-oriented and active. When it comes to unfamiliar areas, I can quickly adapt to the environment and work arrangement. Before I do anything, I will plan well in advance and arrange my affairs in an organized way,no metter in life or study, I never delay.

Of course, like everyone else, I have my flaws. I will get anxious and nervous about the unknown things, so I always have to be more prepared than others.

That's my answer, thank you!



Do you have any hobbies?

My hobby is sports. Among many sports, I like jogging and dancing the most. I like running because it's good for my health, I think that good health is the foundation of quality life, during the process of running ,I can strengthen my willpower,and will get a sense of achievement after running.I like dancing because I can meet like-minded friends in the dance studio and enhance my social skills.It's also a great way to release stress.

That's my answer, thank you!



Talk about your hometown.

My hometown is Quanzhou, but I have lived in Kunming for a longer time.So I would like to introduce kunming for you.Kunming is a beautiful city in Yunnan province, it has always been known as 'Spring City', because Kunming is like spring all year round, the flowers are always in full bloom. This is not a joke. Even the roadside is covered with flowers. I think it's a city with a comfortable pace of life and high happiness index. There are many places of interest and famous food, such as 过桥米线.

Teachers are very welcome to visit kunming. I'm sure you'll have a pleasant experience in Kunming.



Did you take part in any extra-curricular activities at college?

I once joined the Community management department ,and orginized such activities as the school New Year's Eve party with my partners together, from which I developed a strong sense of responsibility and are able to schedule,organize and coordinate projects in high efficiency with team work spirit.

That's my answer, thank you!



What did you get in the process of taking part in the national entrance examination for postgraduate?
What is your most memorable experience?
What would you do if you weren't admitted?

In the past year,I was preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination . During this process, on the one hand. I get knowledge, and more importantly, I accumulated the ability and willpower to learn. Now I have the opportunity to present myself here, which proves that all my hard work has been rewarded. In this process, I have tried my best to prepare for this examination, so no matter what this experience bring me,at least I have no regrets.

If I am not admitted, It means that I still have a lot to improve. I will first make a review and correct my bad points in this exam, adjust my attitude, and prepare for this examination for another year.

That is my answer, thank you!



Do you think you meet the requirement of a postgraduate student?

Thank you for your question. I think my learning ability and adaptability meet the requirements of postgraduate students.In the previous study, when I touched on unfamiliar fields, I was able to quickly adapt to the environment and work schedule, integrate into the team and get along with partners.Moreover, I am good at self-learning, and I enjoy the feeling of learning knowledge gradually. So I think myself meet the requirement of a postgraduate student.

That is my answer, thank you!



How did you solve the difficulties you encountered in preparing for the exam?

Thank you for your question.The difficulties I encountered in preparing for this exam were the atmosphere of epidemic. I always worried that I will be infected, which affected my mental state and made me feel more presure.But I quickly adjusted my mindset,I exercise everyday, keep a good rest and eating habits, my learning efficiency improved quickly.

That is my answer, thank you!



Talk about your plans during postgraduate?

Thank you for your question.If I am lucky enough to be admitted, I will study professional knowledge during the first postgraduate year, so as to lay a solid foundation for my future research work. I will read domestic and foreign literature extensively and find the appropriate research direction. In the second year, I will focus on improving my practical ability, actively participate in scientific research, and determine the framework of the paper so that make preparation before start writing the paper. The third year I will focuses on the graduation article and determines the career development after graduation.

That is my answer, thank you!



There are four people in our family, including my father, mother and brother. They not only focus on the development of children's study habits, but also pay attention to the behavior aspects.At the same time, they are also very open-minded parents. The family atmosphere in our family is equal communication and mutual understanding, and they strongly support us to freely choose our interests.



Artificial intelligence (AI) is an attempt to make machines imitate human thinking process and behavior, machines can learn from a large amount of empirical data, so as to possess intelligence. It can be applied to different areas, such as natural language processing, computer vision, etc., assist people to make decisions or replace people to complete some repetitive work.



Compare adjacent elements in turn.If the former element is larger than the latter, swap the two of them. Repeat for each pair of adjacent elements, from the last pair to the first. In each bubble, one of the smallest elements reaches its final position. Keep repeating the above steps with fewer and fewer elements until there are no pairs of numbers to compare.


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