
FeedingBottle is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Aircrack-ng, similar in functionality to Spoon applications (SpoonWEP/SpoonWPA), the old GRIM WEPA and the most recent WiFite project.

This tool is included in Beini (GNU-Linux distribution) based on Tiny Core Linux and used to test the Security of Wireless Networks.

Some versions have already been packaged for various different distributions dedicated to Pentesting, which now are almost all based on Ubuntu, so I decided to create a Debian package for it, also compatible with other generic Debian based Distributions.

Installing FeedingBottle on Ubuntu

1) - First update your Aircrack-ng suite and install recommended package by following this Tutorial about how to install Aircrack-ng suite.

2) - Go to the section Pentest-Tools of this site and download the Debian package FeedingBottle3.2-Ubuntu.deb in your /home directory or Desktop.

3) - To install simply Double click on feedingbottle3.2-ubuntu.deb just downloaded, or if you prefer to use the Linux shell, open a terminal and run this command:


sudo dpkg -i feedingbottle3.2-ubuntu.deb

4) - And finally 

cp ~/.bashrc .bashrc_backup
printf "PATH=$%sPATH:%s/bin/feedingbottle/\n" | tee -a ~/.bashrc

Now, to run the program open a Linux shell/terminal and digit:



Or go in the  Internet menu  of Ubuntu: 
Applications --> Internet --> FeedingBottle  For uninstall the program

You can use Synaptic Package Manager:

System --> Administration --> Synaptic Package Manager

Alternatively open a shell/terminal and type this command:


sudo apt-get remove --purge feedingbottle-3.2

Direct download  FeedingBottle3.2-Ubuntu.deb

File Name: feedingbottle3.2-ubuntu.deb 
Version: feedingbottle3.2-ubuntu-1 
MD5: d6d1dc7af9730020461266642e793a9e 
File Size: 540.3 KB 
Release Date: 20-may-2011

For more details and video tutorials visit the Beini official Website where you can find also other packages for the main Penetration Testing distributions, including Back|Track 5.

Instead for support refer to this thread on the Aircrack-ng Forum.


As everyone knows, I do not like the GUI for use Aircrack-ng, but I think it is right to support the good work done by Beini Team, that support the Open Source Software.

Enjoy, Jano  
Written: 20/May/2011 

Published by JanoWeb.Net http://www.janoweb.net/tutorials/installing-feedingbottle-on-ubuntu.html#ixzz1V5kSJbM0 
Wireless Security Questions 
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives

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