

#cd 版本目录/src/current/

#make linux


./iozone -a -n 4g -g 4g -i 0 -i 1 -i 5 -f /sde/iozone -Rb ./iozone.xls


1,  写测试文件时,由于文件小,内存足够,不存在数据刷新到硬盘的操作,数据被写到页高速缓存即返回;

2,  读测试文件时,由于数据已在高速缓存,亦可直接返回


Usage: iozone [-s filesize_Kb] [-r record_size_Kb] [-f [path]filename] [-h]

[-i test] [-E] [-p] [-a] [-A] [-z] [-Z] [-m] [-M] [-t children]

[-l min_number_procs] [-u max_number_procs] [-v] [-R] [-x] [-o]

[-d microseconds] [-F path1 path2...] [-V pattern] [-j stride]

[-T] [-C] [-B] [-D] [-G] [-I] [-H depth] [-k depth] [-U mount_point]

[-S cache_size] [-O] [-L cacheline_size] [-K] [-g maxfilesize_Kb]

[-n minfilesize_Kb] [-N] [-Q] [-P start_cpu] [-e] [-c] [-b Excel.xls]

[-J milliseconds] [-X write_telemetry_filename] [-w] [-W]

[-Y read_telemetry_filename] [-y minrecsize_Kb] [-q maxrecsize_Kb]

[-+u] [-+m cluster_filename] [-+d] [-+x multiplier] [-+p # ]

[-+r] [-+t] [-+X] [-+Z] [-+w percent dedupable] [-+y percent_interior_dedup]

[-+C percent_dedup_within]

-a  Auto mode

-A  Auto2 mode

-b Filename  Create Excel worksheet file

-B  Use mmap() files

-c  Include close in the timing calculations

-C  Show bytes transferred by each child in throughput testing

-d #  Microsecond delay out of barrier

-D  Use msync(MS_ASYNC) on mmap files

-e  Include flush (fsync,fflush) in the timing calculations

-E  Run extension tests

-f filename  to use

-F filenames  for each process/thread in throughput test

-g #  Set maximum file size (in Kbytes) for auto mode (or #m or #g)

-G  Use msync(MS_SYNC) on mmap files

-h  help

-H #  Use POSIX async I/O with # async operations

-i #  Test to run (0=write/rewrite, 1=read/re-read, 2=random-read/write

3=Read-backwards, 4=Re-write-record, 5=stride-read, 6=fwrite/re-fwrite

7=fread/Re-fread, 8=random_mix, 9=pwrite/Re-pwrite, 10=pread/Re-pread

11=pwritev/Re-pwritev, 12=preadv/Re-preadv)

-I  Use VxFS VX_DIRECT, O_DIRECT,or O_DIRECTIO for all file operations

-j #  Set stride of file accesses to (# * record size)

-J #  milliseconds of compute cycle before each I/O operation

-k #  Use POSIX async I/O (no bcopy) with # async operations

-K  Create jitter in the access pattern for readers

-l #  Lower limit on number of processes to run

-L #  Set processor cache line size to value (in bytes)

-m  Use multiple buffers

-M  Report uname -a output

-n #  Set minimum file size (in Kbytes) for auto mode (or #m or #g)

-N  Report results in microseconds per operation

-o  Writes are synch (O_SYNC)

-O  Give results in ops/sec.

-p  Purge on

-P #  Bind processes/threads to processors, starting with this cpu

-q #  Set maximum record size (in Kbytes) for auto mode (or #m or #g)

-Q  Create offset/latency files

-r #  record size in Kb

or -r #k .. size in Kb

or -r #m .. size in Mb

or -r #g .. size in Gb

-R  Generate Excel report

-s #  file size in Kb

or -s #k .. size in Kb

or -s #m .. size in Mb

or -s #g .. size in Gb

-S #  Set processor cache size to value (in Kbytes)

-t #  Number of threads or processes to use in throughput test

-T  Use POSIX pthreads for throughput tests

-u #  Upper limit on number of processes to run

-U  Mount point to remount between tests

-v  version information

-V #  Verify data pattern write/read

-w  Do not unlink temporary file

-W  Lock file when reading or writing

-x  Turn off stone-walling

-X filename  Write telemetry file. Contains lines with (offset reclen compute_time) in ascii

-y #  Set minimum record size (in Kbytes) for auto mode (or #m or #g)

-Y filename  Read  telemetry file. Contains lines with (offset reclen compute_time) in ascii

-z  Used in conjunction with -a to test all possible record sizes

-Z  Enable mixing of mmap I/O and file I/O

-+E Use existing non-Iozone file for read-only testing

-+K Sony special. Manual control of test 8.

-+m  Cluster_filename   Enable Cluster testing

-+d  File I/O diagnostic mode. (To troubleshoot a broken file I/O subsystem)

-+u  Enable CPU utilization output (Experimental)

-+x # Multiplier to use for incrementing file and record sizes

-+p # Percentage of mix to be reads

-+r Enable O_RSYNC|O_SYNC for all testing.

-+t Enable network performance test. Requires -+m

-+n No retests selected.

-+k Use constant aggregate data set size.

-+q Delay in seconds between tests.

-+l Enable record locking mode.

-+L Enable record locking mode, with shared file.

-+B Sequential mixed workload.

-+D Enable O_DSYNC mode.

-+A #  Enable madvise. 0 = normal, 1=random, 2=sequential

3=dontneed, 4=willneed

-+N Do not truncate existing files on sequential writes.

-+S # Dedup-able data is limited to sharing within each numerically

identified file set

-+V Enable shared file. No locking.

-+X Enable short circuit mode for filesystem testing ONLY

ALL Results are NOT valid in this mode.

-+Z Enable old data set compatibility mode. WARNING.. Published

hacks may invalidate these results and generate bogus, high

values for results.

-+w ## Percent of dedup-able data in buffers.

-+y ## Percent of dedup-able within & across files in buffers.

-+C ## Percent of dedup-able within & not across files in buffers.

-+H Hostname    Hostname of the PIT server.

-+P Service     Service  of the PIT server.

-+z Enable latency histogram logging.


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