【论文阅读】A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Networks [图神经网络入门](1)


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A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Networks

Neural networks have been adapted to leverage the structure and properties of graphs. We explore the components needed for building a graph neural network - and motivate the design choices behind them.




Hover over a node in the diagram below to see how it accumulates information from nodes around it through the layers of the network.


可以看到,每个节点是通过下一层与其的有联系的节点来收集信息的。例如图1-1中Layer 2中的一个节点就是通过Layer 3中与这个节点有联系的节点来收集信息的。每一层都是通过下一层的节点来收集信息的。

This article is one of two Distill publications about graph neural networks. Take a look at Understanding Convolutions on Graphs1 to understand how convolutions over images generalize naturally to convolutions over graphs.

Graphs are all around us; real world objects are often defined in terms of their connections to other things. A set of objects, and the connections between them, are naturally expressed as a graph. Researchers have developed neural networks that operate on graph data (called graph neural networks, or GNNs) for over a decade.2 Recent developments have increased their capabilities and expressive power. We are starting to see practical applications in areas such as antibacterial discovery 3, physics simulations4 , fake news detection5 , traffic prediction6 and recommendation systems7 .

This article explores and explains modern graph neural networks. We divide this work into four parts. First, we look at what kind of data is most naturally phrased as a graph, and some common examples. Second, we explore what makes graphs different from other types of data, and some of the specialized choices we have to make when using graphs. Third, we build a modern GNN, walking through each of the parts of the model, starting with historic modeling innovations in the field. We move gradually from a bare-bones implementation to a state-of-the-art GNN model. Fourth and finally, we provide a GNN playground where you can play around with a real-word task and dataset to build a stronger intuition of how each component of a GNN model contributes to the predictions it makes.
本文探讨并解释了现代图神经网络。我们把这项工作分成四个部分。首先,我们看看什么样的数据可以自然地用图来表达,以及列举一些常见的例子。其次,我们将探讨是什么使图不同于其他类型的数据,以及在使用图时必须做出的一些特殊的选择。第三,我们将构建一个现代GNN模型,从该领域的历史建模创新开始,遍历模型的每个部分。我们逐步从一个最基本的实现过渡到最先进的GNN模型。第四,也是最后,我们提供了一个GNN playground,在这里您可以使用一个real word任务和相关数据集来对GNN有一个更好的理解,了解GNN模型的每个部分如何对其所做的预测发挥作用。

To start, let’s establish what a graph is. A graph represents the relations (edges) between a collection of entities (nodes).

Three types of attributes we might find in a graph, hover over to highlight each attribute. Other types of graphs and attributes are explored in the Other types of graphs section.

V: Vertex (or node) attributes.
e.g., node identity, number of neighbors
V: 顶点(或节点)属性。例如,节点标识,邻居的数量

E: Edge (or link) attributes and directions.
e.g., edge identity, edge weight
E: 边(或连接)属性和边的方向。例如,边标识,边权值

U: Global (or master node) attributes.
e.g., number of nodes, longest path
U: 全局(或主节点)属性。例如,节点数,最长路径

To further describe each node, edge or the entire graph, we can store information in each of these pieces of the graph. 为了进一步描述每个节点、边或者整个图,我们可以在图的每个部分中存储信息。


可以看到,节点使用长度为6的向量来表示; 边使用长度为8的向量来表示; 全局使用长度为5的向量来表示。这个图的意思是怎样把我们想要的信息表示成向量的形式进行存储。

We can additionally specialize graphs by associating directionality to edges (directed, undirected).


Graphs are very flexible data structures, and if this seems abstract now, we will make it concrete with examples in the next section.


  1. [1] Understanding Convolutions on Graphs Daigavane, A., Ravindran, B. and Aggarwal, G., 2021. Distill. DOI: 10.23915/distill.00032 ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. [2] The Graph Neural Network Model Scarselli, F., Gori, M., Tsoi, A.C., Hagenbuchner, M. and Monfardini, G., 2009. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol 20(1), pp. 61–80. ↩︎ ↩︎

  3. [3] A Deep Learning Approach to Antibiotic Discovery Stokes, J.M., Yang, K., Swanson, K., Jin, W., Cubillos-Ruiz, A., Donghia, N.M., MacNair, C.R., French, S., Carfrae, L.A., Bloom-Ackermann, Z., Tran, V.M., Chiappino-Pepe, A., Badran, A.H., Andrews, I.W., Chory, E.J., Church, G.M., Brown, E.D., Jaakkola, T.S., Barzilay, R. and Collins, J.J., 2020. Cell, Vol 181(2), pp. 475–483. ↩︎ ↩︎

  4. [4] Learning to simulate complex physics with graph networks Sanchez-Gonzalez, A., Godwin, J., Pfaff, T., Ying, R., Leskovec, J. and Battaglia, P.W., 2020. ↩︎ ↩︎

  5. [5] Fake News Detection on Social Media using Geometric Deep Learning Monti, F., Frasca, F., Eynard, D., Mannion, D. and Bronstein, M.M., 2019. ↩︎ ↩︎

  6. [6] Traffic prediction with advanced Graph Neural Networks *, O.L. and Perez, L… ↩︎ ↩︎

  7. [7] Pixie: A System for Recommending 3+ Billion Items to 200+ Million Users in {Real-Time} Eksombatchai, C., Jindal, P., Liu, J.Z., Liu, Y., Sharma, R., Sugnet, C., Ulrich, M. and Leskovec, J., 2017. ↩︎ ↩︎

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