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Default Trace Audit documentation and FAQ

Here is some documentation of the Default Trace Audit Lite tool:

Product name: DefaultTraceAuditLite Version 1.0.0

Created by: Feodor Georgiev

Release date: May 10, 2011

Download: (见附件)

Product information:

This product contains a set of reports for SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) which explore the performance and security auditing capabilities of the SQL Server’s Default trace. These reports work with SQL Server versions 2005 and up.

Features in this release:

This release contains total of 12 reports grouped in 2 categories: performance and security.

The reports included are:


Data file autogrow and autoshrink  
    Log file autogrow and autoshrink    
    Error Logging event    
    Sort and hash warnings    
    Missing statistics and joins    
    Full Text Search events    
    Object creation, deletion and change    
    Server Start and Stop    
    Server Memory Change


Created logins and DB Users  
    Deleted logins and DB Users    
    Failed Logins

System requirements:

SQL Server 2005 and up.

SQL Server Management Studio.


The default installation folder for the reports is %program files%\SQLService\DefaultTraceAuditLite. After running this executable file you will have the reports in the folder on your computer’s file system.

In order to run the reports, open SSMS and connect to an instance of SQL Server. Right-click on the SQL Server instance name in SSMS and select Reports –> Custom reports. At the prompt navigate to the installation folder of DefaultTraceAuditLite and select the DefaultTraceAudit_Main.rdl file.

The Default trace report should open in your SSMS. Just click the links and enjoy.


In order to run the reports you need to have ALTER TRACE permission. If you are not a sysadmin on the SQL Server instance, then you would need to ask your sysadmin to grant you the ALTER TRACE permission. (GRANT ALTER TRACE TO [Username] )


Q: How much data is stored in the default trace and for how long?

A: Depends on how busy the server is; the Default trace has 5 files 20 Mb each, and depending on how many events are written to the Default trace files, the files may roll over and overwrite the oldest file.

Q: Can we change the settings of the Default trace in SQL Server?

A: No. More details can be found here.

Q: Do I need to install this tool on every server?

A: No, you can install the tool on one server and use the SQL Server Management studio to connect to any server in the network and run the reports this way.

Q: What should I do if I find bugs or if I have questions and comments?

A: Send a message to the author by using the contact form.


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