canvas 平滑运动

Willy Barton/Shutterstock.com威利·巴顿/

If you’ve just bought a new TV, you might be wondering why everything you watch feels eerily sped up and smooth, like you’re watching a live broadcast all the time. You’re not imagining things: Your TV might be suffering from Motion Smoothing.

如果您刚刚购买了一台新电视,您可能想知道为什么观看的所有内容都感觉快慢而流畅,就像您一直在观看直播一样。 您没有想像的东西:您的电视可能正遭受运动平滑的困扰。

什么是运动平滑,它如何工作? (What is Motion Smoothing, and How Does it Work?)

Every TV manufacturer calls their specific tech by a different name, for marketing reasons of course. Action Smoothing, TruMotion, Motionflow—these are all names for the same function: making your TV’s picture feel smoother. And that’s motion smoothing. It’s also known as the “soap opera effect” because low-budget soap operas used to have cheap video cameras that produced a higher frame rate, smoother-looking video.

当然,每个电视制造商都出于营销原因用不同的名称称呼其特定技术。 动作平滑,TruMotion,Motionflow-这些都是同一功能的名称:使电视图像更平滑。 这就是运动平滑。 它也被称为“肥皂剧效果”,因为低预算的肥皂剧曾经拥有廉价的摄像机,可以产生更高的帧频和更流畅的视频。

Most TV shows, movies, and broadcasts are filmed at 24 or 30 frames per second (fps, also called “hertz” or “Hz”), which is fast enough for the eye to perceive them as smooth video and not a choppy slideshow. However, the standard most TVs and monitors are capable of is 60 Hz and some more expensive displays clock in at 120 Hz and even 240 Hz.

大多数电视节目,电影和广播都是以每秒24或30帧(fps,也称为“赫兹”或“ Hz”)进行拍摄的,其速度足以使眼睛察觉到它们是流畅的视频,而不是断断续续的幻灯片。 但是,大多数电视和监视器所支持的标准频率为60 Hz,某些更昂贵的显示器时钟频率为120 Hz,甚至240 Hz。

But, movies and TV shows are still 30fps, which presents a problem: what’s the point of 60hz displays if the content you watch only updates at half of that? The refresh rate of film isn’t changing anytime soon, so this is where “Motion Smoothing” comes in. Motion smoothing tries to fix this issue by taking a guess at the 30 frames missing from each second, usually by comparing a before and after shot and attempting to find the middle ground between the two of them.

但是,电影和电视节目仍然是30fps,这带来了一个问题:如果您观看的内容仅更新一半,则60hz显示的意义何在? 影片的刷新率不会很快改变,因此这就是“运动平滑”的原因。运动平滑通过猜测每秒丢失的30帧来解决此问题,通常通过比较前后射击并试图找到两者之间的中间地带。

为什么会有这样的问题? (Why Is It Such a Problem?)

Most people have trouble with motion smoothing. After all, we’ve spent years training our brains to enjoy movies and TV shows filmed at 24 or 30fps, and our brains have come to think of that as how a movie or TV show should look.

大多数人在运动平滑方面遇到麻烦。 毕竟,我们已经花了很多年训练我们的大脑来欣赏以24fps或30fps拍摄的电影和电视节目,并且我们的大脑已经将其视为电影或电视节目的外观。

TV manufacturers, on the other hand, are just trying to advertise bigger numbers to consumers. 240 Hz must be better than 120 Hz and much better than 60 Hz, right? Well, sometimes it is, yes—especially when the content is designed for it.

另一方面,电视制造商只是试图向消费者宣传更多的广告。 240 Hz必须好于120 Hz,好于60 Hz,对吗? 是的,有时候是的,尤其是在为内容设计内容时。

But most consumers don’t enjoy the higher frame rates on most of the content they watch. Viewing content filmed at 24 or 30fps looks especially weird on TVs that run at 120 Hz and above. The insanely smooth motion makes the video almost seem real, which breaks the immersion of cinema completely. Honestly, it often feels more like you’re watching a behind-the-scenes documentary about the movie than the movie itself.

但是大多数消费者并不喜欢他们观看的大多数内容的更高帧速率。 在以120 Hz或更高频率运行的电视上,观看以24或30fps拍摄的内容看起来特别奇怪。 疯狂的流畅运动使视频看起来几乎真实,这完全打破了电影的沉浸感。 老实说,通常感觉就像您在看一部关于电影的幕后纪录片,而不是电影本身。

For some things, motion smoothing makes sense. Live action sports and video games, for example, have fast-moving content that could use a bit more clarity. Unfortunately, two other problems associated with motion smoothing break these two use cases as well.

对于某些事情,运动平滑是有意义的。 例如,实况体育和视频游戏具有快速移动的内容,可能需要更多的清晰度。 不幸的是,与运动平滑相关的其他两个问题也打破了这两个用例。

  • For sports, things sometimes move so fast that the smoothing algorithm doesn’t know what to do, and ends up producing a strange, often blurry image instead of a clear “in between” frame. This defect, which results in incorrect or glitch pictures, is called artifacting.

    对于体育运动来说,有时候运动太快了,以至于平滑算法不知道该怎么做,最终会产生奇怪的,通常是模糊的图像,而不是清晰的“中间”帧。 导致错误图像或毛刺图像的这种缺陷称为伪影

  • For video games, the extra input lag required to add motion smoothing completely ruins being able to play the game effectively. The controls feel sluggish and unresponsive, which is why most TVs offer a “Game Mode” that disable motion smoothing and other advanced picture effects.

    对于视频游戏,添加运动平滑所需的额外输入延迟完全破坏了能够有效玩游戏的能力。 控件感觉迟钝且React迟钝,这就是为什么大多数电视提供“游戏模式”以禁用运动平滑和其他高级图片效果的原因。

And other kinds of content, like cable news or reality TV, can still look uncanny despite not being “cinema.”


我有吗? 我如何摆脱它? (Do I Have It? How Do I Get Rid of It?)

You’d probably notice if your TV had it enabled. If you have a newer, name brand TV, motion smoothing might be enabled by default. Most of the time, the option to turn it off is hidden in the picture settings in the menu, but if you can’t find it, you can read our guides on how to disable the effect for Samsung, LG, Sony, Vizio, and Roku TVs.

您可能会注意到您的电视是否启用了它。 如果您拥有较新的品牌电视,则默认情况下可能会启用运动平滑。 在大多数情况下,菜单中的图片设置中都会隐藏着将其关闭的选项,但是如果找不到它,则可以阅读有关如何为Samsung , LG , Sony , Vizio ,和Roku电视。

Otherwise, consult your TV’s manual and support site.



canvas 平滑运动

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