La Ballade of Lady Bird[Lady Bird]

Bird : Lady?
Lady : Yes Bird?
Bird : It's cold
Lady : I know
Lady : Bird... I cannot see a thing
Bird : It's all in your mind
Lady : I'm worried
Bird : No one will come to see us
Lady : Maybe they come but we just don't see them .What do you see?
Bird : I see what's outside
Lady : And what exactly is outside?
Bird : It's grown-ups
Lady : Well maybe if we scream they can hear us
Bird : Yeah, maybe we should try to scream
Lady : Ok, Bird
Lady & Bird : Heeeelp, Heeeelp .Can you hear us now ? Hello ! Help ! Hello it's me .Hey .Can you see .Can you see me. I'm here .Nana come and take us.Hello. Are you there Hello...
Lady : I don't think they can hear us
Bird : I can hear you lady
Bird : Do you want to come with me lady
Lady : Will you be nice to me Bird
Lady : You're always be nice to me because you're my friend
Bird : I try but sometimes I make mistakes
Lady : Nana says we all make mistakes
Bird : Maybe we should scream more
Lady : Yes, Bird let's scream more
Lady & Bird : Help ! Help us ! Come on ! Help Hello ! Help !Hello ! We're lost
Lady : I don't think they cannot see us
Bird : Nobody likes us
Lady : But they all seem so big
Bird : Maybe we should just jump
Lady : What if we fall from the bridge and then nobody can catch us
Bird : I don't know let's just see what happens
Lady : Okay
Bird : Come with me
Lady : Shall we do it together
Bird : Yeah
Lady & Bird : 1 2 3....Aaaaaaah

Bird : Lady?
Lady : Yes Bird
Bird : It's cold
Lady : I know
Lady : Bird...I cannot see a thing
Bird : It's all in your mind



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