Given a string str1 and we have to count the total numbers of uppercase and lowercase letters.

给定字符串str1 ,我们必须计算大写和小写字母的总数。



"Hello World!"
Uppercase letters: 2
Lowercase letters: 8
"[email protected]"
Uppercase letters: 1
Lowercase letters: 4

Method 1:


(Manual) By checking each character of the string with a range of uppercase and lowercase letters using the conditional statement.


print("Input a string: ")
str1 = input()
no_of_ucase, no_of_lcase = 0,0
for c in str1:
if c>='A' and c<='Z':
no_of_ucase += 1
if c>='a' and c<='z':
no_of_lcase += 1
print("Input string is: ", str1)
print("Total number of uppercase letters: ", no_of_ucase)
print("Total number of lowercase letters: ", no_of_lcase)



RUN 1:
Input a string:
Hello World!
Input string is:  Hello World!
Total number of uppercase letters:  2
Total number of lowercase letters:  8
RUN 2:
nput a string:
[email protected]
Input string is:  [email protected]
Total number of uppercase letters:  1
Total number of lowercase letters:  4

Method 2:


By using islower() and isupper() methods


print("Input a string: ")
str1 = input()
no_of_ucase, no_of_lcase = 0,0
for c in str1:
no_of_ucase += c.isupper()
no_of_lcase += c.islower()
print("Input string is: ", str1)
print("Total number of uppercase letters: ", no_of_ucase)
print("Total number of lowercase letters: ", no_of_lcase)



RUN 1:
Input a string:
Hello World!
Input string is:  Hello World!
Total number of uppercase letters:  2
Total number of lowercase letters:  8
RUN 2:
nput a string:
[email protected]
Input string is:  [email protected]
Total number of uppercase letters:  1
Total number of lowercase letters:  4

翻译自: uppercase-and-lowercase-letters.aspx


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