python 幂运算 整数

To solve this problem simply, we will use the log() function from the math module. The math module provides us various mathematical operations and here we will use the log() function from this module. In Python working of log() function, is the same as log work in mathematics. Here, the user will provide us two positive values a and b and we have to check whether a number is a power of another number or not in Python. The idea is simple to find the log of a base b and takes the integer part of it and assigns it to a variable s. After this just check if s to the power of b is equal to a then a is the power of another number b. Before going to solve this, we will see the algorithm to solve this problem and try to understand it.

为了简单地解决这个问题,我们将使用math模块中log()函数 。 数学模块为我们提供了各种数学运算,在这里我们将使用该模块中的log()函数 。 在Python中, log()函数的工作方式与数学中的日志工作相同。 在这里,用户将为我们提供两个正值a和b ,我们必须检查一个数字是否是Python中另一个数字的幂 。 这个想法是简单找到一个基极b的对数,并采取的它并给它分配的整数部分为变量s。 之后,只需检查s的b的幂是否等于a,则a是另一个数字b 。 在解决此问题之前,我们将看到解决该问题的算法并尝试理解它。

Algorithm to solve this problem:


  1. Initially, we will import the math module in the program.


  2. Takes the positive value of a and b from the user.


  3. Find the log of a base b and assign its integer part to variable s.


  4. Also, find the b to the power s and assign it to another variable p.

    同样,找到b的幂s并将其分配给另一个变量p 。

  5. Check if p is equal to a then a is a power of another number b and print a is the power of another number b.

    检查p是否等于a,那么a是另一个数字b的幂,而print a是另一个数字b的幂。

Now, we will write the Python program by the implementation of the above algorithm.




# importing the module
import math
# input the numbers
a,b=map(int,input('Enter two values: ').split())
if (b**p)==a:
print('{} is the power of another number {}.'.format(a,b))
print('{} is not the power of another number {}.'.format(a,b))



RUN 1:
Enter two values: 1228 2
1228 is the power of another number 2.
RUN 2:
Enter two values: 15625 50
15625 is not the power of another number 50.


python 幂运算 整数

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