list object


ob_item: 指向分配的空间,元素是指针

allocated: 真实容量.


/* Ensure ob_item has room for at least newsize elements, and set

* ob_size to newsize. If newsize > ob_size on entry, the content

* of the new slots at exit is undefined heap trash; it's the caller's

* responsibility to overwrite them with sane values.

* The number of allocated elements may grow, shrink, or stay the same.

* Failure is impossible if newsize <= self.allocated on entry, although

* that partly relies on an assumption that the system realloc() never

* fails when passed a number of bytes <= the number of bytes last

* allocated (the C standard doesn't guarantee this, but it's hard to

* imagine a realloc implementation where it wouldn't be true).

* Note that self->ob_item may change, and even if newsize is less

* than ob_size on entry.


static int

list_resize(PyListObject *self, Py_ssize_t newsize)


PyObject **items;

size_t new_allocated, num_allocated_bytes;

Py_ssize_t allocated = self->allocated;

/* Bypass realloc() when a previous overallocation is large enough

to accommodate the newsize. If the newsize falls lower than half

the allocated size, then proceed with the realloc() to shrink the list.


if (allocated >= newsize && newsize >= (allocated >> 1)) {

assert(self->ob_item != NULL || newsize == 0);

Py_SET_SIZE(self, newsize);

return 0;


/* This over-allocates proportional to the list size, making room

* for additional growth. The over-allocation is mild, but is

* enough to give linear-time amortized behavior over a long

* sequence of appends() in the presence of a poorly-performing

* system realloc().

* Add padding to make the allocated size multiple of 4.

* The growth pattern is: 0, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 52, 64, 76, ...

* Note: new_allocated won't overflow because the largest possible value

* is PY_SSIZE_T_MAX * (9 / 8) + 6 which always fits in a size_t.


new_allocated = ((size_t)newsize + (newsize >> 3) + 6) & ~(size_t)3;

/* Do not overallocate if the new size is closer to overallocated size

* than to the old size.


if (newsize - Py_SIZE(self) > (Py_ssize_t)(new_allocated - newsize))

new_allocated = ((size_t)newsize + 3) & ~(size_t)3;

if (newsize == 0)

new_allocated = 0;

num_allocated_bytes = new_allocated * sizeof(PyObject *);

items = (PyObject **)PyMem_Realloc(self->ob_item, num_allocated_bytes);

if (items == NULL) {


return -1;


self->ob_item = items;

Py_SET_SIZE(self, newsize);

self->allocated = new_allocated;

return 0;


list resize

import sys

def print_list_size(nums=None):

nums_size = sys.getsizeof(nums)

if nums:

print(f"id({id(nums)}) v:{nums[-1]} len:{len(nums)} size:{nums_size}")


print(f"id({id(nums)}) v:{nums} len:{len(nums)} size:{nums_size}")

def test_0_4():

data = []


for i in range(1, 35):




def resize_list(x):

return (x + (x >> 3) + 6) & (~3)


## 3.9

Add padding to make the allocated size multiple of 4

The growth pattern is: 0, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 52, 64, 76

new_allocated = ((size_t)newsize + (newsize >> 3) + 6) & ~(size_t)3;

id(4554271168) v:[] len:0 size:56

id(4554271168) v:1 len:1 size:88

id(4554271168) v:2 len:2 size:88

id(4554271168) v:3 len:3 size:88

id(4554271168) v:4 len:4 size:88

id(4554271168) v:5 len:5 size:120

id(4554271168) v:6 len:6 size:120

id(4554271168) v:7 len:7 size:120

id(4554271168) v:8 len:8 size:120

id(4554271168) v:9 len:9 size:184

id(4554271168) v:10 len:10 size:184

id(4554271168) v:11 len:11 size:184

id(4554271168) v:12 len:12 size:184

id(4554271168) v:13 len:13 size:184

id(4554271168) v:14 len:14 size:184

id(4554271168) v:15 len:15 size:184

id(4554271168) v:16 len:16 size:184

id(4554271168) v:17 len:17 size:248

id(4554271168) v:18 len:18 size:248

id(4554271168) v:19 len:19 size:248

id(4539054528) v:20 len:20 size:248

id(4539054528) v:21 len:21 size:248

id(4539054528) v:22 len:22 size:248

id(4539054528) v:23 len:23 size:248

id(4539054528) v:24 len:24 size:248

id(4506298816) v:25 len:25 size:312

id(4506298816) v:26 len:26 size:312

id(4506298816) v:27 len:27 size:312

id(4506298816) v:28 len:28 size:312

id(4506298816) v:29 len:29 size:312

id(4506298816) v:30 len:30 size:312

id(4506298816) v:31 len:31 size:312

id(4506298816) v:32 len:32 size:312

id(4506298816) v:33 len:33 size:376

id(4506298816) v:34 len:34 size:376

## 3.7/3.8

The growth pattern is: 0, 4, 8, 16, 25, 35, 46, 58, 72, 88

new_allocated = (size_t)newsize + (newsize >> 3) + (newsize < 9 ? 3 : 6);

(py3) ➜ stu git:(hyh_debug_01_main) ✗ python --version

Python 3.7.4

(py3) ➜ stu git:(hyh_debug_01_main) ✗ python

id(4538606048) v:[] len:0 size:72

id(4538606048) v:1 len:1 size:104

id(4538606048) v:2 len:2 size:104

id(4538606048) v:3 len:3 size:104

id(4538606048) v:4 len:4 size:104 4个空间使用完. 增加4

id(4538606048) v:5 len:5 size:136

id(4538606048) v:6 len:6 size:136

id(4538606048) v:7 len:7 size:136

id(4538606048) v:8 len:8 size:136 8个空间使用完. 增加4

id(4538606048) v:9 len:9 size:200

id(4538606048) v:10 len:10 size:200

id(4538606048) v:11 len:11 size:200

id(4538606048) v:12 len:12 size:200

id(4538606048) v:13 len:13 size:200

id(4538606048) v:14 len:14 size:200

id(4538606048) v:15 len:15 size:200

id(4538606048) v:16 len:16 size:200 16个空间使用完. 增加8

id(4538606048) v:17 len:17 size:272

id(4538606048) v:18 len:18 size:272

id(4538606048) v:19 len:19 size:272

id(4538606048) v:20 len:20 size:272

id(4538606048) v:21 len:21 size:272

id(4538606048) v:22 len:22 size:272

id(4538606048) v:23 len:23 size:272

id(4538606048) v:24 len:24 size:272

id(4538606048) v:25 len:25 size:272 25个空间使用完. 增加9

id(4538606048) v:26 len:26 size:352

id(4538606048) v:27 len:27 size:352

id(4538606048) v:28 len:28 size:352

id(4538606048) v:29 len:29 size:352

id(4538606048) v:30 len:30 size:352

id(4538606048) v:31 len:31 size:352

id(4538606048) v:32 len:32 size:352

id(4538606048) v:33 len:33 size:352

id(4538606048) v:34 len:34 size:352

# 关于size不一致问题,_typeobject 类型对象结构体在py3.9中删除了部分元素比3.8更小



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