
AHCI:高级主机控制器接口 (AHCI: Advanced Host Controller Interface)

AHCI is an abbreviation of the "Advanced Host Controller Interface".


It is a procedural and technological standard described by Intel that details the operation of Serial ATA (SATA) host controllers in a non-execution detailed approach in its motherboard chipsets.

它是英特尔描述的一种程序和技术标准,以其主板芯片组中的非执行详细方法详细介绍了串行ATA (SATA)主机控制器的操作。

The arrangement of the design illustrates a system memory format for computer hardware sellers to swap data among host system memory and connected storage devices. AHCI provides software developers and hardware designers a standard technique for detecting, configuring, and programming SATA/AHCI adapters. AHCI is unrelated and disparate from the SATA 3 Gbit/s standard, even if it reveals SATA's advanced abilities like hot swapping and native command queuing, such that host systems can make use of them. In the case of current solid-state drives, the interface has been outdated by NVMe.

设计的安排说明了计算机硬件销售商在主机系统内存和连接的存储设备之间交换数据的系统内存格式。 AHCI为软件开发人员和硬件设计人员提供了一种用于检测,配置和编程SATA / AHCI适配器的标准技术。 AHCI与SATA 3 Gbit / s标准无关,并且与SATA 3 Gbit / s标准完全不同,即使它显示了SATA的高级功能(如热插拔和本机命令排队),主机系统也可以使用它们。 对于当前的固态驱动器,该接口已被NVMe过时。

As of December 2019, the existing version of the design is 1.3.1.


操作系统支持 (Operating system support)

AHCI is supported unconventionally on:


  • Windows Vista and afterward,

    Windows Vista及更高版本,

  • Linux-based operating systems (since version 2.6.19 of the kernel),


  • OpenBSD (since version 4.1),


  • NetBSD (since version 4.0),


  • FreeBSD (since version 8.0),


  • MacOS,


  • EComStation (since version 2.1),


  • Solaris 10 (since version 8/07).

    Solaris 10(版本8/07起)。

DragonFlyBSD based its AHCI execution on OpenBSD's and supplemented extensive features such as port multiplier support. Older versions of operating systems have need of hardware-specific drivers in order to support AHCI. Windows XP and older versions do not give AHCI support unconventionally.

DragonFlyBSD的AHCI执行基于OpenBSD,并补充了广泛的功能,例如端口乘法器支持。 较早版本的操作系统需要特定于硬件的驱动程序才能支持AHCI 。 Windows XP和更早版本没有非常规地提供AHCI支持。

系统驱动器启动问题 (System drive boot issues)

  • Several operating systems, particularly Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, do not arrange and organize themselves to install the AHCI driver upon boot if the SATA controller was not in AHCI mode at the duration when the operating system was installed. Even if this is a without difficulty rectifiable state of the situation, it stays a continuing subject of matter with the AHCI standard.

    如果SATA控制器在操作系统运行期间未处于AHCI模式,则某些操作系统(尤其是Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 8.1和Windows 10)在启动时不会自行安排和组织安装AHCI驱动程序。已安装。 即使这是可以轻松纠正的情况,它仍然是AHCI标准的持续主题。

  • The most widespread and established indicator for an operating system (or systems) that are installed in IDE mode (the mode which are in several BIOS firmware executions or else known as 'Combined IDE mode'), is that the system drive normally is unsuccessful to boot, with a subsequent resulting error message, if the SATA controller (in BIOS) is involuntarily switched to AHCI mode after OS installation.


  • In Microsoft Windows, the indicator is a boot loop that starts with a Blue Screen error, if not rectified - and during no error of the Windows OS.

    在Microsoft Windows中,指示器是引导循环,如果没有纠正,则以蓝屏错误开始,并且在Windows操作系统没有错误的情况下开始。

Reference: Advanced_Host_Controller_Interface

参考: Advanced_Host_Controller_Interface

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/ahci-full-form.aspx




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