1. strike—struck—struck

(1). V. ①擊打,碰撞 eg: The ship struck a stone.(觸礁)

He struck the table with his fist.(擊打)


Eg: When the two-day snowstorm struck our town, heavy snow fell on the tree』s limbs still full of leaves.

Two days latter, the terrible disease struck the whole town.

③ 突然想到,猛地意識到(= occur to / hit)


Eg: An awful thought has just struck me.

It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation.

④ 給某人以---印象,讓人覺得

How does the idea strike you?(你覺得這個主意怎麼樣?)

She strikes me as a very efficient person. (她給我留下了很乾練的印象.)

⑤ 擦、划(火柴);擊出火星

Eg: The sword strikes sparks off the stone floor.(劍砍在地上火星四濺。)

Strike a match, please.


(2) n. 罷工 be on strike (在罷工)

短語擴充: strike a balance (between A and B)找到折中辦法,平衡雙方

strike gold 打開(成功或財富)之門;踏上通往成功之路


2. stick – stuck stuck

v.① 將---刺入,戳

eg: I found a nail sticking in the tyre.

② 粘貼,粘住

Eg: He stuck a stamp on the envelope.

③ 卡住,陷入 be / get stuck in

Eg: The wheels were stuck in the mud.

We were stuck in traffic for over an hour.

④ 堅持 stick to 堅守,固守(工作,真理,原則,計劃,諾言等)

Insist on 堅持,強調(主張,看法,觀點)

Stick in one』s mind 銘記在心

Eg: Once you make a plan, you should stick to it.

He always sticks to his own opinions. (他總是固執己見.)

My aunt insisted on taking me to the English Corner on Sunday.

He insisted that he was right and that my father go to the beach and have a rest.


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