【Solid Edge联盟】自2015年2月26日创建以来,历经九个月的发展,在长假后的第一天上班,关注者突破1000人!

-------------- Legal Notices -------------- �2015 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved Software, file formats, and audiovisual displays may be used pursuant to the applicable Software License Agreement and contain confidential and proprietary information of Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.; which is protected by copyright and trade secret law. Such materials may not be reproduced or transferred to other documents or used or disclosed to others for manufacturing or for any other purpose except as specifically authorized within the terms of the Software License Agreement, or as specifically authorized in writing by Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. 5800 Granite Parkway Suite 600 Plano, TX. 75024 -------------------- End of Legal Notices -------------------- -------------- Release Notes: -------------- Product:  ST7 MP10 Version: - Maintenance Pack Executables (.exe files) patch existing product dlls. Maintenance Pack executables are all inclusive and can be installed on top of a base release or any released Maintenance Pack. - Maintenance Pack Installs (.zip files) are complete product setups. Therefore, existing versions must be uninstalled using Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel prior to installing the new setup. - Maintenance Packs are available up to a maximum of 15 months following the release date of the English version. The English version of Solid Edge ST7 was released on 25-Jul-2014 making the Maintenance Pack cutoff date 25-Oct-2015. -------------------- End of Release Notes -------------------- ------------------- Installation Notes: ------------------- There were SEEC policy file updates in MP2. It�s vitally important that you install SEEC Administrator, which delivers the policy files to TC_DATA. - Maintenance Pack Executables (.exe files): After downloading the Maintenance Pack to your machine and dbl click on exe to install. - Maintenance Pack Installs (.zip files): After downloading the Maintenance Pack to your machine, extract the zip file contents and dbl click on the setup.exe to install. ------------------- End of Installation ------------------- -------------------------------------------------- This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs: -------------------------------------------------- ===API=== PR 7467945: Need a method to kill a command from the BeforeCommandRun event ===Assembly=== PR 1989085: Setting subassembly as adjustable and assemble it cause that patterned parts be PR 7383011: femap running in background, locking up my assembly PR 7478836: Solid Edge Physical Properties not matching results from API PR 7453978: Hole Feature recompute Fails in certain cases PR 7475687: Interpart Project with offset giving incorrect result ===Draft=== PR 7376599: Honor hidden explode flow line in drawing views with explode configurations PR 7445736: undesirable segments remained after converting a view to 2d PR 7454662: a custom property named "Positionsnummer" does not work anymore since ST6 PR 7460592: If there is not 3D model, the dimensions of the Dft file move PR 7467096: Problem with dimension placement PR 7476472: Dimensions disappear when they open the Dft file in "Inactive" PR 7479182: When there is not 3D model/ open Inactive, Feature Control Frame becomes longer PR 7481474: Parts List item numbers are N/A on file open when file is opened inactive PR 7488330: Linear dimension moves if draft file opened without 3D data /Inactivate dwg view PR 7494666: When there is not 3D model, the dimension moves PR 8508749: Dimension moves far away when used attach dimension PR 8510182: Linear dimension moves if draft file opened without 3D data /Inactivate dwg view PR 7400253: Fixed sectioning failures for some models PR 7495622: Parts List not displaying frame items ===Part/Profile/Sheet Metal=== PR 7448157: sheet metal part can no longer be edited PR 7510126: Not possible to connect to multiple elements ===Insight=== PR 7450577: Sporadic error message when creating a copy of a dft file with Revision Manager ===Insight Connect=== PR 7481541: API Regression since ST 7 MP7 concerning Revman ===Solid Edge SP, Server, Standalone Client, Solid Edge Client=== PR 7462078: Custom Properties can't be added to the BOM Report ===Solid Edge Embedded Client=== PR 1996834: Document Name formula problem within API, window will not update PR 7429671: Initial value required attribute not available in ATT Interactive PR 7428885: Create a new part returns a TC error ===Translators=== PR 7465071: Dxfout - Save As Flat: Etch Text alignment (Centered) exported as left justified --- End ---


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