
You’ve decked out your house with all of the coolest smarthome products, and now you’re moving. What should you do with all those sweet smarthome gadgets?

您已经用所有最酷的智能家居产品布置了房屋,现在您要搬家了。 您应该如何处理所有这些可爱的智能家居小工具?

It’s easy to get comfortable and settle down in a new house (and you should!), but there’s always the possibility of moving in the future—even if you think you’re in your forever home. If you ever do decide to move, there are a whole host of things you have to do, but what about all your smarthome gear? There are a couple options at your disposal, as well as some things to keep in mind for the future.

轻松舒适并在新房子里安顿下来(您应该这样做!),但是将来总有可能搬家,即使您认为自己永远呆在家里。 如果您决定搬家,则必须做很多事情,但是所有智能家居设备呢? 您可以使用多种选择,还有一些将来需要牢记的注意事项。

离开齿轮并将其用作谈判工具 (Leave The Gear and Use It As a Negotiating Tool)

Smarthome devices are expensive, and if you’ve decked out your entire house with all sorts of fun smarthome toys, that’s thousands of dollars of extra value added onto your house, which can make for a great negotiating tool when it comes time to sell.


Of course, it really depends on the buyer and whether or not they’re even interested in smarthome devices in the first place. But if so, you may have the upper hand when it comes time to negotiate the final price for your crib, and there are several different ways you can handle it.

当然,这实际上取决于购买者,以及他们是否首先对智能家居设备感兴趣。 但是,如果是这样,当您需要协商婴儿床的最终价格时,您可能会占上风,并且有几种不同的处理方法。

The easiest way would be to negotiate a specific amount of cash that you would want from the seller in exchange for all your smarthome gear, or you could just include it in the price of the house. Be prepared to provide an itemized list of every smarthome device, and don’t be surprised if the buyer wants to negotiate each device one by one.

最简单的方法是从卖方那里协商特定数量的现金,以换取所有智能家居设备,或者您可以将其包括在房屋价格中。 准备好提供每个智能家居设备的逐项清单,如果买家想一一洽谈每个设备,请不要感到惊讶。

Keep in mind, though, that using your smarthome devices as a negotiating tool really only works if the buyer is even interested in all that stuff in the first place. If you have a buyer who could care less, you either have to take the loss or just uninstall everything and bring it with you to your new house.

但是请记住,只有当买家首先对所有这些东西都感兴趣时,才可以将智能家居设备用作谈判工具。 如果您有一个买家,他们可能不太在意,您要么承担损失,要么只是卸载所有物品,然后将其带到您的新房子里。

随身携带 (Take It All With You)

The last thing you probably want to think about when selling your house is taking the time to undo all that hard work that you did installing your smarthome devices, but if you couldn’t come up with an agreement with the seller, it’s probably for the best.


If you do this, you’ll still want to talk to the buyer about whether it’ll be your responsibility or their’s to replace any of the smarthome devices with their dumbhome counterparts. Switching back to regular light switches or thermostats are a good example of this.

如果这样做,您仍将与买方讨论是否有责任将其替换为笨拙的智能家居设备,这是您的责任还是他们的责任。 切换回常规的电灯开关或恒温器就是一个很好的例子。

Again, there are several ways you could negotiate this, such as having the buyer pay for the replacements and time to replace them, or just leaving it all bare for the buyer to take care of themselves. Do be aware, though, that in some area, it’s the seller’s responsibility to fix anything that is considered attached to the home. Leaving a heating and cooling system without a working thermostat might just not fly.

同样,您可以通过多种方式进行协商,例如让买方支付更换费用和更换时间,或者只是让买方自己照顾自己。 不过请注意,在某些区域,卖方有责任修理被认为附着在房屋上的任何物品。 离开供暖和制冷系统而无法使用自动调温器可能不会飞起来。

时刻谨记退出策略 (Always Have an Exit Strategy In Mind)

When it all comes down to it, it’s best to always keep the future in mind and assume that you may have to uninstall some of your smarthome devices down the road.


When my wife and I were shopping for our first house, our real estate agent always told us to have an “exit strategy.” That is, since it’s our first house, it probably won’t be our last, so it’s important that we do things to the house to improve its resale value once we decide to move on to a better house in the future.

当我和妻子买第一套房子时,我们的房地产经纪人总是告诉我们要制定“退出策略”。 也就是说,由于这是我们的第一所房屋,因此可能不会是我们的最后一所房屋,因此,一旦我们决定将来改建一所更好的房屋,对房屋进行处理以提高其转售价值就很重要。

The same can be said when you’re installing all your smarthome devices, albeit in a different sense. For example, when you’re installing your smart thermostat, smart light switches, or anything else for that matter, always ask yourself questions like: “How can I make it easier for myself or the next homeowner when this might need to be uninstalled?”

当您安装所有智能家居设备时,可以说同样的话,尽管意义不同。 例如,当您安装智能恒温器,智能电灯开关或其他任何东西时,请始终问自己一些问题,例如:“当需要卸载时,如何使我自己或下一个房主更容易? ”

And if you’re drilling holes into the wall to run cable for cameras or other stuff, it’s always a good idea to keep it as clean and up to code as possible in case you or the future owner of the house decides to remove any of those things—the last thing you want to do is scramble to fix a mess you created in order appease the inspector when you sell your house.


It’s also probably a good idea to save any of the old components—like dumb switches or thermostats—so that you can reinstall them in the future rather than buying new ones.


从一开始就让自己更轻松 (Make Things Easier for Yourself from the Start)

I know it can be tempting to change out all of your light switches with nifty smart versions and run hardwired security cameras all over your house, but there are other options out there that are easier to install (and uninstall if that time comes).


For example, instead of wiring up smart light switches, you can opt for smart bulbs instead. They’re as easy to change out as a screwing in a light bulb—literally. They can be a bit more expensive than smart light switches, but when it comes time to move, it’s a lot less work you’ll have to do.

例如,您可以选择使用智能灯泡,而不必连接智能灯开关。 从字面上看,它们就像拧入灯泡一样容易更换。 它们可能比智能灯开关贵一些,但是到了移动的时候,您要做的工作要少得多。

You can also use battery-powered security cameras instead of running power cables all over the place. Netgear’s Arlo Pro system is a great choice and the battery lasts a solid few months on a single charge.

您也可以使用电池供电的安全摄像机,而不用在各处铺设电源线。 Netgear的Arlo Pro系统是一个不错的选择,并且一次充电可以使电池持续使用几个月。

In the end, it’s up to you how you want to put together your smarthome, and a lot of it depends on how handy you are with certain tasks (like wiring and various DIY stuff). Just keep in mind that you may not be living in that same house forever, and think about how your smarthome gear could be affected when it comes time to move out.

最后,由您自己决定如何组合智能家居,这很大程度上取决于您在完成某些任务(例如接线和各种DIY物品)时的方便程度。 请记住,您可能不会永远住在同一所房子里,并想一想,当需要搬出时,您的智能家居设备将受到怎样的影响。




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