



给定 "23"

返回 ["ad", "ae", "af", "bd", "be", "bf", "cd", "ce", "cf"]

class Solution {
public:vector<string> letterCombinations(string& digits) {vector<string> res;if(digits.empty()) return res;vector<string>dic(10);dic[0]=" ";dic[1]="1";dic[2]="abc";dic[3]="def";dic[4]="ghi";dic[5]="jkl";dic[6]="mno";dic[7]="pqrs";dic[8]="tuv";dic[9]="wxyz";return helper(digits,0,dic);}vector<string> helper(string& digits,int begin,vector<string>&dic){vector<string>res;if(digits.empty()) return vector<string>();if(begin==digits.size()) return vector<string>();int digit=digits[begin]-'0';string tmp=dic[digit];int n=tmp.size();for(int i=0;i<n;i++){string ttmp;ttmp.push_back(tmp[i]);vector<string>next=helper(digits,begin+1,dic);int m=next.size();if(m==0){res.push_back(ttmp);}else{for(int j=0;j<m;j++){res.push_back(ttmp+next[j]);}}}return res;}


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