Azure IoT Hub DPS custom allocation policies by functions- 在DPS中启用设备自定义分配策略


azure iot hub DPS 自定义策略



在实际的业务中,可能存在某个DPS服务根据特定的策略将设备分配到不同的Azure IoT Hub 的情况,比如:

1. 大型项目中,将不同客户的设备分配到该客户独有的IoT Hub中;

2. 根据硬件版本号,将V1.1的版本号分配到中国东部2的IoT Hub,将V1.2的分配到中国北部的IoT Hub;

3. 根据硬件种类,将冰箱分配到冰箱专用的IoT Hub, 将空调分配到空调专用的IoT Hub;

4. 其他场景

这时候的这个分配规则,就是自定义规则,通过Azure functions实现,示意图如下:


1. 创建了两个IoT Hub,一个是冰箱专用的,Hub名称包含 fridge字样,一个是空调专用的,hub名称包含conditioner字样;

2. 1个DPS服务,链接了上述两个IoT Hub, 配置了一个Function 自定义分配规则;

3. 1个function app,通过http触发,规则如上述图片所示;

4. 使用示例代码(C#)模拟设备进行测试,下载链接:


1.创建两个IoT Hub, 一个是冰箱专用的,Hub名称包含 fridge字样,一个是空调专用的,hub名称包含conditioner字样

2. 创建1个DPS服务

3.链接两个IoT Hub:

4. 准备Functions, Http 触发:


<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Provisioning.Service" Version="1.5.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Shared" Version="1.16.0" />  


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Shared;               // For TwinCollection
using Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Provisioning.Service; // For TwinStatenamespace Company.Function
{public static class HttpTriggerCSharp1{[FunctionName("HttpTriggerCSharp1")]public static async Task<IActionResult> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,ILogger log){log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");// Get request bodystring requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody);log.LogInformation("Request.Body:...");log.LogInformation(requestBody);// Get registration ID of the devicestring regId = data?.deviceRuntimeContext?.registrationId;string message = "Uncaught error";bool fail = false;ResponseObj obj = new ResponseObj();if (regId == null){message = "Registration ID not provided for the device.";log.LogInformation("Registration ID : NULL");fail = true;}else{string[] hubs = data?.linkedHubs.ToObject<string[]>();// Must have hubs selected on the enrollmentif (hubs == null){message = "No hub group defined for the enrollment.";log.LogInformation("linkedHubs : NULL");fail = true;}else{// This is a air-conditionerif (regId.Contains("-conditioner")){//Find the "conditioner" IoT hub configured on the enrollmentforeach(string hubString in hubs){if (hubString.Contains("-conditioner"))obj.iotHubHostName = hubString;}if (obj.iotHubHostName == null){message = "No conditioner hub found for the enrollment.";log.LogInformation(message);fail = true;}else{// Specify the initial tags for the device.TwinCollection tags = new TwinCollection();tags["deviceType"] = "conditioner";// Specify the initial desired properties for the device.TwinCollection properties = new TwinCollection();properties["state"] = "code";// Add the initial twin state to the response.TwinState twinState = new TwinState(tags, properties);obj.initialTwin = twinState;}}// This is fridgeelse if (regId.Contains("-fridge")){//Find the "-heatpumps-" IoT hub configured on the enrollmentforeach(string hubString in hubs){if (hubString.Contains("-fridge"))obj.iotHubHostName = hubString;}if (obj.iotHubHostName == null){message = "No fridge hub found for the enrollment.";log.LogInformation(message);fail = true;}else{// Specify the initial tags for the device.TwinCollection tags = new TwinCollection();tags["deviceType"] = "fridge";// Specify the initial desired properties for the device.TwinCollection properties = new TwinCollection();properties["state"] = "on";properties["temperatureSetting"] = "-18";// Add the initial twin state to the response.TwinState twinState = new TwinState(tags, properties);obj.initialTwin = twinState;}}// Unrecognized device.else{fail = true;message = "Unrecognized device registration.";log.LogInformation("Unknown device registration");}}}log.LogInformation("\nResponse");log.LogInformation((obj.iotHubHostName != null) ? JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj) : message);return (fail)? new BadRequestObjectResult(message) : (ActionResult)new OkObjectResult(obj);}    }public class ResponseObj{public string iotHubHostName {get; set;}public TwinState initialTwin {get; set;}}


5. 在DPS中创建组注册,策略选择自定义function,IoT Hub 选择冰箱和空调两个

6. 运行设备示例代码:

修改idScope, primarykey,secondarykey, 可参见《DPS 组注册示例》

其中registrationId 也就是注册到iot hub后的设备ID,如果包含“fridge”则注册到冰箱iot hub,如果包含“conditioner” 则注册到空调iot hub,


7. 在iot hub中检查结果:

同时验证 device twin也由Function 写好:

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