
One way in which web developers and webmaster can further insure secure access to and from their servers is by restricting the use of telnet and where possible ftp.


While ftp can be configured tightly and run under ssl for additional security, it and telnet remain weak points in server security. Alternatives are available.

尽管ftp可以进行严格配置并在ssl下运行以提高安全性,但它和telnet仍然是服务器安全性的薄弱环节。 可供选择。

For starters, by requiring the use of secure shell (ssh) as a replacement to telnet access, user sessions are encrypted and key-based rather than clear text username and password based. SSH is easily available to all platform users with terminals, terminal applications and GUI clients ready-made for Linux, Macintosh and Windows. A majority of *Nix servers have an ssh server installed by default, and telnet can be disabled safely while still insuring access through the command line (terminal) and clients (which the majority support both telnet and ssh).

首先,通过要求使用安全外壳(ssh)代替telnet访问,对用户会话进行加密和基于密钥,而不是基于明文用户名和密码。 SSH已为终端,终端应用程序和GUI客户端提供了适用于Linux,Macintosh和Windows的所有平台用户,可轻松使用。 大多数* Nix服务器默认情况下都安装了ssh服务器,可以安全地禁用telnet,同时仍然可以确保通过命令行(终端)和客户端(大多数都支持telnet和ssh)进行访问。

For Windows-based servers, there are open source ssh servers available, one of the most popular being OpenSSH for Windows (formerly run under the Network Simplicity name). This installs ssh under Cygwin without the need to load a full Cygwin install on a Windows server.

对于基于Windows的服务器,有可用的开源ssh服务器,其中最流行的一种是Windows的OpenSSH (以前以Network Simplicity名称运行)。 这将在Cygwin下安装ssh,而无需在Windows服务器上加载完整的Cygwin安装。

An immediate benefit of using ssh is access to secure copy (scp) and secure ftp (sftp). Both of these offer an encrypted method for transferring files and are full-featured replacements for telnet and ftp.

使用ssh的直接好处是可以访问安全副本(scp)和安全ftp(sftp)。 两者都提供了一种用于传输文件的加密方法,并且是telnet和ftp的全功能替代品。

SSH, scp and sftp can be used from the command line just as users have used telnet and ftp. Some examples are below:

就像用户使用telnet和ftp一样,可以从命令行使用SSH,scp和sftp。 下面是一些示例:



'ssh user@domainname.com'

'ssh user@domainname.com '

‘ssh domainname.com -l user’ (for OS X users). If this is your first login, you are prompted to accept and generate an entry in your local known_hosts file, and provide a password, which is transferred securely. You are then available to access all of the same command line functions as in telnet.

“ ssh domainname.com -l用户”(适用于OS X用户)。 如果这是您的首次登录,系统将提示您接受并在本地known_hosts文件中生成一个条目,并提供一个安全传输的密码。 然后,您可以访问与telnet中相同的所有命令行功能。

SCP – To transfer a file or files from one system to another. For example, if I have an application to upload and install on my server, I could perform the following:

SCP –将一个或多个文件从一个系统传输到另一个系统。 例如,如果我有一个要上传并安装在服务器上的应用程序,则可以执行以下操作:

'scp application.tar.gz user@domainname.com:'

'scp application.tar.gz user@domainname.com :'

, and I am prompted for a password, and then the file is transferred to my user folder on the server. If I wanted to upload a number of RPM updates for a server, I would insure I am in the directory where the files reside, and send the following –

,然后提示我输入密码,然后将该文件传输到服务器上的用户文件夹中。 如果要为服务器上载许多RPM更新,请确保我位于文件所在的目录中,然后发送以下内容-

'scp *.rpm user@domainname.com:'

'scp *.rpm user@domainname.com :'

, and again the files are transferred securely.


One additional benefit of scp is some minor added compression, which shortens the transfer time.


SFTP – Logging in is the same as ftp on the command line,

SFTP –登录与命令行上的ftp相同,

'sftp user@domainname.com'

'sftp user@domainname.com '

, and after answering a password prompt, a secure ftp session is started.


“Passwordless” sessions are available if you setup a key to handle the secure handshake between your system and the server by running ssh-keygen. A good tutorial is found at Fedora News

如果您设置密钥以通过运行ssh-keygen处理系统与服务器之间的安全握手,则“无密码”会话可用。 在Fedora新闻中可以找到很好的教程

Clients are available for all platforms such as those listed below.


Linux -Native terminal shells including Bash, CSH (C Shell) and KSH (Korn Shell) -SSH capable tools, such as gFTP and KDE ftp tools

Linux-本地终端Shell,包括Bash,CSH(C Shell)和KSH(Korn Shell)-支持SSH的工具,例如gFTP和KDE ftp工具

Macintosh -Native terminal shells as on Linux –MacSSH and MacSFTP

Macintosh -Linux上的本机终端外壳– MacSSH和MacSFTP

Windows –OpenSSH for Windows (client included) –Putty, a favorite to many Windows users.

WindowsWindows的 OpenSSH(包括客户端) – Putty ,许多Windows用户都很喜欢。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/using-secure-shell-and-secure-copy/



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