




将数据库内容物理文件直接导入到mysql\data下,每只表各3个文件,依次分别为:.frm .myd .myi。首先我第一想到的是去网上搜索,寻找类似的工具,试图通过工具来恢复已损坏的文件,于是我在google上查找,找到一款名为mysqlrecovery的工具,安装后我用其进行恢复,只可惜效果太不理想,几十MB大的数据文件,恢复之后它提示我竟然只有几十KB。我又想到了MySQL下应有自己本身的修复程序等,于是想通过其来进行恢复,心想应不会太差劲吧,在网上查找了资料,提示:由于临时断电,使用kill -9中止MySQL服务进程,或者是MySQL正在高速运转时进行强制备份操作时等,所有的这些都可能会毁坏MySQL的数据文件。如果在被干扰时,服务正在改变文件,文件可能会留下错误的或不一致的状态。因为这样的毁坏有时是不容易被发现的,当你发现这个错误时可能是很久以后的事了。

于是,当你发现这个问题时,也许所有的备份都有同样的错误。我想我现在碰到的问题可能是这个问题,因为备份的数据也是有部分损坏的数据,所以导致不能完全运行, 意识到myisamchk程序对用来检查和修改的MySQL数据文件的访问应该是唯一的。如果MySQL服务正在使用某一文件,并对myisamchk正在检查的文件进行修改,myisamchk会误以为发生了错误,并会试图进行修复--这将导致MySQL服务的崩溃!这样,要避免这种情况的发生,通常我们需要在工作时关闭MySQL服务。作为选择,你也可以暂时关闭服务以制作一个文件的拷贝,然后在这个拷贝上工作。当你做完了以后,重新关闭服务并使用新的文件取代原来的文件(也许你还需要使用期间的变更日志)。

MySQL数据目录不是太难理解的。每一个数据库对应一个子目录,每个子目录中包含了对应于这个数据库中的数据表的文件。每一个数据表对应三个文件,它们和表名相同,但是具有不同的扩展名。tblname.frm文件是表的定义,它保存了表中包含的数据列的内容和类型。tblname.myd文件包含了表中的数据。tblname.myi文件包含了表的索引(例如,它可能包含lookup表以帮助提高对表的主键列的查询)。 要检查一个表的错误,只需要运行myisamchk(在MySQL的bin目录下)并提供文件的位置和表名,或者是表的索引文件名:

% myisamchk /usr/local/mysql/var/dbname/tblname

% myisamchk /usr/local/mysql/var/dbname/tblname.myi


% myisamchk /usr/local/mysql/var/dbname/*.myi


% myisamchk /usr/local/mysql/var/*/*.myi


% myisamchk --extend-check /path/to/tblname




d:\documents and settings\administrator>c:

c:\>cd MySQL

c:\mysql>cd data

c:\mysql\data>cd hw_entERPrice

c:\mysql\data\hw_enterprice>myisamchk function_products.frm

'myisamchk' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序或批处理文件。

c:\mysql\data\hw_enterprice>cdc:\>cd mysql

c:\mysql>cd bin



myisamchk ver 2.6 for win95/win98 at i32

by monty, for your professional use

this software comes with no warranty: see the public for details.

description, check and repair of isam tables.

used without options all tables on the command will be checked for errors

usage: myisamchk [options] tables[.myi]

global options:

-#, --debug=... output debug log. often this is 'd:t:o,filename'

-?, --help display this help and exit.

-o, --set-variable var=option

change the value of a variable. please note that

this option is deprecated; you can set variables

directly with '--variable-name=value'.

-t, --tmpdir=path path for temporary files

-s, --silent only print errors. one can use two -s to make

myisamchk very silent

-v, --verbose print more information. this can be used with

--description and --check. use many -v for more verbosity!

-v, --version print version and exit.

-w, --wait wait if table is locked.

check options (check is the default action for myisamchk):

-c, --check check table for errors

-e, --extend-check check the table very throughly. only use this in

extreme cases as myisamchk should normally be able to

find out if the table is ok even without this switch

-f, --fast check only tables that haven't been closed proPerly

-c, --check-only-changed

check only tables that have changed since last check

-f, --force restart with '-r' if there are any errors in the table.

states will be updated as with '--update-state'

-i, --information print statistics information about table that is checked

-m, --medium-check faster than extend-check, but only finds 99.99% of

all errors. should be good enough for most cases

-u --update-state mark tables as crashed if you find any errors

-t, --read-only don't mark table as checked

repair options (when using '-r' or '-o')

-b, --backup make a backup of the .myd file as 'filename-time.bak'

--correct-checksum correct checksum information for table.

-d, --data-file-length=# max length of data file (when recreating data

file when it's full)

-e, --extend-check try to recover every possible row from the data file

normally this will also find a lot of garbage rows;

don't use this option if you are not totally desperate.

-f, --force overwrite old temporary files.

-k, --keys-used=# tell myisam to update only some specific keys. # is a

bit mask of which keys to use. this can be used to

get faster inserts!

-r, --recover can fix almost anything except unique keys that aren't


-n, --sort-recover forces recovering with sorting even if the temporary

file would be very big.

-p, --parallel-recover

uses the same technique as '-r' and '-n', but creates

all the keys in parallel, in different threads.

this is alpha code. use at your own risk!

-o, --safe-recover uses old recovery method; slower than '-r' but can

handle a couple of cases where '-r' reports that it

can't fix the data file.


directory where character sets are


change the character set used by the index

-q, --quick faster repair by not modifying the data file.

one can give a second '-q' to force myisamchk to

modify the original datafile in case of duplicate keys

-u, --unpack unpack file packed with myisampack.

other actions:

-a, --analyze analyze distribution of keys. will make some joins in

MySQL faster. you can check the calculated distribution

by using '--description --verbose table_name'.

-d, --description prints some information about table.

-a, --set-auto-increment[=value]

force auto_increment to start at this or higher value

if no value is given, then sets the next auto_increment

value to the highest used value for the auto key + 1.

-s, --sort-index sort index blocks. this speeds up 'read-next' in


-r, --sort-records=#

sort records according to an index. this makes your

data much more localized and may speed up things

c:\mysql\bin>myisamchk c:\mysql\data\hw_enterprice\function_products.frm

myisamchk: error: 'c:\mysql\data\hw_enterprice\function_products.frm' is not a m


c:\mysql\bin>myisamchk c:\mysql\data\hw_enterprice\function_products.myi

checking myisam file: c:\mysql\data\hw_enterprice\function_products.myi

data records: 85207 deleted blocks: 39

myisamchk: warning: table is marked as crashed

myisamchk: warning: 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table properly

- check file-size

- check key delete-chain

- check record delete-chain

myisamchk: error: record delete-link-chain corrupted

- check index reference

- check data record references index: 1

- check data record references index: 2

- check data record references index: 3

- check record links

myisamchk: error: wrong bytesec: 0-195-171 at linkstart: 841908

myisam-table 'c:\MySQL\data\hw_enterprice\function_products.myi' is corrupted

fix it using switch "-r" or "-o"


c:\MySQL\bin>myisamchk --recover --quick c:\MySQL\data\hw_enterprice\function_p


- check key delete-chain

- check record delete-chain

myisamchk: error: record delete-link-chain corrupted

myisamchk: error: quick-recover aborted; run recovery without switch 'q'

updating myisam file: c:\MySQL\data\hw_enterprice\function_products.myi

myisam-table 'c:\MySQL\data\hw_enterprice\function_products.myi' is not fixed be

cause of errors

try fixing it by using the --safe-recover (-o) or the --force (-f) option

系统提示我使用--safe-recover (-o) or the --force (-f) option进行修复操作,于是

c:\MySQL\bin>myisamchk --safe-recover c:\MySQL\data\hw_enterprice\function_prod


- recovering (with keycache) myisam-table 'c:\MySQL\data\hw_enterprice\function_


data records: 85207

wrong bytesec: 0-195-171 at 841908; skipped

data records: 85215





% myisamchk --recover --quick /path/to/tblname

% myisamchk --recover /path/to/tblname

% myisamchk --safe-recover /path/to/tblname




MySQL> delete from tblname;


如果你的表的格式文件(tblname.frm)丢失了或者是发生了不可修复的错误,但是你清楚如何使用相应的create table语句来重新生成这张表,你可以重新生成一个新的.frm文件并和你的数据文件和索引文件(如果索引文件有问题,使用上面的方法重建一个新的)一起使用。首先制作一个数据和索引文件的拷贝,然后删除原来的文件(删除数据目录下有关这个表的所有记录)。

启动MySQL服务并使用当初的create table文件建立一个新的表。新的.frm文件应该可以正常工作了,但是最好你还是执行一下标准的修复(上面的第二种方法)。


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