
  • 自带函数效果预览图
  • 原始candle的使用方法
    • 语法
    • 描述
    • 输入参数
  • 修改源代码
    • 原始代码
    • 修改部分
  • 最终显示预览
  • 修改后的完整代码





h = candle(ax___)


  1. 例子

  2. 例子

  3. 例子
    h = candle(ax___)为ax添加可选参数. 默认为gca,可选任意坐标轴


  1. Data=开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价数据
    开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价的数据,指定为矩阵、表格或时间表。对于矩阵输入,Data 是存储在相应列中的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价的M矩阵。

  2. color= (可选) 三个元素颜色矢量
    图形窗口的背景颜色(默认) |颜色矢量[R G B] |字符串
    三个元素颜色矢量,指定为[R G B]颜色矢量或指定颜色名称的字符串。默认颜色因图形窗口的背景颜色而异。



function varargout = candle(varargin)%--------------------------- Parsing/Validation --------------------------%
trynarginchk(1,Inf);[ax,args] ={:});if ~isempty(ax) && ~isscalar(ax)error(message('finance:internal:finance:axesparser:ScalarAxes'))endoutput =, ...4,{'open','high','low','close'},{},{},{'Color'},{''},{@(x)1,@ischar},1);
catch MEthrowAsCaller(ME)
end[data,optional,dates,~] = output{:};
op = data(:,1);
hi = data(:,2);
lo = data(:,3);
cl = data(:,4);% Validation work will be left to child functions.
color = optional.Color;%------------------------------ Data Preparation -------------------------%% Need to pad all inputs with NaN's to leave spaces between day data
% Vertical High/Low lines data preparation.
numObs = length(hi(:));hiloVertical = [hi lo NaN(numObs, 1)]';
indexVertical = repmat(dates',3,1);% Boxes data preparation
if isdatetime(dates) && length(dates) > 1%If using datetimes, make the box width one half of the smallest%distance between datesinc = 1/4 * min(diff(dates));
elseinc = 0.25;
indexLeft = dates - inc;
indexRight = dates + inc;%------------------------------- Plot ------------------------------------%if isempty(ax)ax = gca;
end% Store NextPlot flag (and restore on cleanup):
next = get(ax,'NextPlot');
cleanupObj = onCleanup(@()set(ax,'NextPlot',next));backgroundColor = get(ax,'color');
if isempty(color)cls = get(ax, 'colororder');color = cls(1, :);
endh = gobjects(numObs+1,1); % Preallocate% Plot vertical lines
h(1) = plot(ax,indexVertical(:),hiloVertical(:),'Color',color,'AlignVertexCenters','on');set(ax,'NextPlot','add')% Plot filled boxes
colorSet = {backgroundColor,color};% Filled the boxes when opening price is greater than the closing price.
filledIndex = ones(numObs, 1);
filledIndex(op > cl) = 2;tryfor i = 1 : numObsh(i+1) = fill(ax, ...[indexLeft(i); indexLeft(i); indexRight(i); indexRight(i)], ...[op(i); cl(i); cl(i); op(i)],colorSet{filledIndex(i)},'Edgecolor',color, ...'AlignVertexCenters', 'on');end
catch MEthrowAsCaller(ME)
endswitch nextcase {'replace','replaceall'}grid(ax, 'on')case {'replacechildren','add'}  % Do not modify axes properties
endif nargout % Not equal to 0varargout = {h};


1. 这里是输入参数的读取
2. 这里是单日数据的读取

2. 这里是画框需要的坐标点,后期画图fill需要的参数
3. 这里是坐标轴的设置,默认取当前axes

1. 这里是默认颜色的选取,可以不管
2. 这里是画直线的,也就是每天的最高价和最低价之间的细线,统一都是一种颜色,所以等会需要更
3. 这里是后面 fill 给框框填色的颜色选取,由前面的设置选取,需要更改
4. 这里是后面判断填色的依据


kk=indexVertical(:,find(op > cl));
kkk=hiloVertical(:,find(op > cl));
hh1=plot(ax,kk(:),kkk(:),'color',[0 150/255 0],'LineWidth',1,'AlignVertexCenters','on');
hold on;
kk=indexVertical(:,find(op <= cl));
kkk=hiloVertical(:,find(op <= cl));
h = [hh1 hh2];

这里需要根据开盘价和收盘价设置响应的颜色,用两个 plot 得到相应的线,同时需要将句柄汇聚到h

colorSet = {[0 150/255 0],'red'};

这段代码的意思是跌了用深绿色,涨了用红色,深绿的RGB为[ 0 150 0],但是matlab的参数必须小于1,得除以255.


   for i = 1 : numObsh(i+2) = fill(ax, ...[indexLeft(i); indexLeft(i); indexRight(i); indexRight(i)], ...[op(i); cl(i); cl(i); op(i)],colorSet{filledIndex(i)},'Edgecolor',colorSet{filledIndex(i)}, ...'AlignVertexCenters', 'on');end




   function varargout = candle(varargin)
%CANDLE Candlestick chart.
% Syntax:
%   candle(Data)
%   candle(Data,Color)
%   candle(ax,___)
% Description:
%   CANDLE plots a candlestick chart from a series of opening, high, low,
%   and closing prices of a security. If the closing price is greater than the
%   opening price, the body (the region between the open and close price)
%   is unfilled; otherwise the body is filled.
% Input Argument:
%   Data    - A matrix, table, or timetable. For matrix input, Data is an
%             M-by-4 matrix of opening, high, low, and closing prices.
%             Timetables and tables with M rows contain variables named
%             'Open', 'High', 'Low', and 'Close' (case insensitive).
% Optional Argument:
%   ax      - Valid axis object. The plot will be created in the axes specified
%             by ax instead of in the current axes (gca). The option ax can
%             precede any of the input argument combinations.
%   Color   - Three element color vector, [R G B], or a string specifying the
%             color name. The default color differs depending on the background
%             color of the figure window. See COLORSPEC for additional details.
% Output Argument:
%   h                    - Graphic handle of the figure.
%   See also HIGHLOW, KAGI, LINEBREAK, POINTFIG, PRICEANDVOL, RENKO, VOLAREA.%  Copyright 1995-2018 The MathWorks, Inc.%--------------------------- Parsing/Validation --------------------------%
trynarginchk(1,Inf);[ax,args] ={:});if ~isempty(ax) && ~isscalar(ax)error(message('finance:internal:finance:axesparser:ScalarAxes'))endoutput =, ...4,{'open','high','low','close'},{},{},{'Color'},{''},{@(x)1,@ischar},1);
catch MEthrowAsCaller(ME)
end[data,optional,dates,~] = output{:};
op = data(:,1);
hi = data(:,2);
lo = data(:,3);
cl = data(:,4);% Validation work will be left to child functions.
color = optional.Color;%------------------------------ Data Preparation -------------------------%% Need to pad all inputs with NaN's to leave spaces between day data
% Vertical High/Low lines data preparation.
numObs = length(hi(:));hiloVertical = [hi lo NaN(numObs, 1)]';
indexVertical = repmat(dates',3,1);% Boxes data preparation
if isdatetime(dates) && length(dates) > 1%If using datetimes, make the box width one half of the smallest%distance between datesinc = 1/4 * min(diff(dates));
elseinc = 0.25;
indexLeft = dates - inc;
indexRight = dates + inc;%------------------------------- Plot ------------------------------------%if isempty(ax)ax = gca;
end% Store NextPlot flag (and restore on cleanup):
next = get(ax,'NextPlot');
cleanupObj = onCleanup(@()set(ax,'NextPlot',next));backgroundColor = get(ax,'color');
if isempty(color)cls = get(ax, 'colororder');color = cls(1, :);
endh = gobjects(numObs+1,1); % Preallocate% Plot vertical lines
kk=indexVertical(:,find(op > cl));
kkk=hiloVertical(:,find(op > cl));
hh1=plot(ax,kk(:),kkk(:),'color',[0 150/255 0],'LineWidth',1,'AlignVertexCenters','on');
hold on;
kk=indexVertical(:,find(op <= cl));
kkk=hiloVertical(:,find(op <= cl));
h = [hh1 hh2];set(ax,'NextPlot','add')% Plot filled boxes
colorSet = {[0 150/255 0],'red'};% Filled the boxes when opening price is greater than the closing price.
filledIndex = ones(numObs, 1);
filledIndex(op <= cl) = 2;tryfor i = 1 : numObsh(i+2) = fill(ax, ...[indexLeft(i); indexLeft(i); indexRight(i); indexRight(i)], ...[op(i); cl(i); cl(i); op(i)],colorSet{filledIndex(i)},'Edgecolor',colorSet{filledIndex(i)}, ...'AlignVertexCenters', 'on');end
catch MEthrowAsCaller(ME)
endswitch nextcase {'replace','replaceall'}grid(ax, 'on')case {'replacechildren','add'}  % Do not modify axes properties
endif nargout % Not equal to 0varargout = {h};


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