

/*** COMPILE foo.js AT THE FIRST COMMAND PROMPT TO RUN foo.js*/#include <v8.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>using namespace v8;
using namespace std;v8::Handle<v8::String> ReadFile(const char* name);//*******************************
//        My helpers
* Add[DataType]ToArguments(string/double/bool, Handle<Value>, UINT)
* / [datatype] value to assign to argument list
* / pass in arguments handle
* / position in argument list to
* This function will eaily convert and set the values for an argument list
* to easily pass into a JS function you are calling from C++
* JSEx: Func(arg[0], arg[1], ..)
void AddStringToArguments(std::string str, Handle<Value> argList[], unsigned int argPos){argList[argPos] = v8::String::New(str.c_str());
void AddNumberToArguments(double num, Handle<Value> argList[], unsigned int argPos){argList[argPos] = v8::Number::New(num);
void AddBooleanToArguments(bool value, Handle<Value> argList[], unsigned int argPos){argList[argPos] = v8::Boolean::New(value);
// Examples of these pass in the Isolite instead of global and create global within shell.cc for example line 99
* CallJSFunction(Handle<v8::Object>, string, Handle<Value>, UINT)
* / Handle of the global that is running the script with desired function
* / Title of the JS fuction
* / List of arguments for function
* / Number of agrguments
* Returns the return value of the JS function
Handle<v8::Value> CallJSFunction(Handle<v8::Object> global, std::string funcName, Handle<Value> argList[], unsigned int argCount){// Create value for the return of the JS functionHandle<Value> js_result;// Grab JS function out of fileHandle<v8::Value> value = global->Get(String::New(funcName.c_str()));// Cast value to v8::FunctionHandle<v8::Function> func = v8::Handle<v8::Function>::Cast(value);// Call function with all set valuesjs_result = func->Call(global, argCount, argList);// Return value from functionreturn js_result;
}int main()
{//Get the default IsolateIsolate* isolate = Isolate::GetCurrent();//Create a stack allocated handle scope
    HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);//Handle<Value> init = Integer::New(x);//Create the global templateHandle<ObjectTemplate> global_template = ObjectTemplate::New();//Create a contextLocal<Context> context = Context::New(isolate, NULL, global_template);//Set the context scope
    Context::Scope context_scope(context);Handle<v8::Object> global = context->Global();string file = "foo.js";while(true){cout << "How many times do you want to run the script? \n" << endl;int n; cin >> n;cout << "" << endl;std::cin.get();Handle<String> source = ReadFile(file.c_str());if(source.IsEmpty()){cout << "Error reading file" << endl;cout << "Press enter to quit" << endl;cin.get();return 0;}//CompileHandle<Script> script = Script::Compile(source);//Run the script and print Handle<Value> result;result = script->Run();// Once script has ran lets call some Functions!!******************// Create handle for arguementsHandle<Value> args[2];// Create arguments to be passed into JS functionAddStringToArguments("BOSS", args, 0);AddNumberToArguments(5.0, args, 1);// Call the JS functionHandle<Value> js_result = CallJSFunction(global, "JSrepeat", args, 2);String::AsciiValue ascii2(js_result);printf("JSrepeat() returned: %s\n", ascii2);// Lets try another JS fucntion call!!*****************************// This function returns the name "Jimmy" with no parametersjs_result = CallJSFunction(global, "WhatsMyName", NULL, 0);String::AsciiValue ascii3(js_result);printf("WhatsMyName() returned: %s\n", ascii3);String::AsciiValue ascii(result);cout << "Script result : " ;printf("%s\n", *ascii);} // End of while//Exit programcout << "\nTest completed.  Press enter to exit program. \n" << endl;std::cin.get();return 0;
}v8::Handle<String> ReadFile(const char* name)
{//Open the fileFILE* file;fopen_s(&file, name, "rb");//If there is no file, return an empty stringif (file == NULL) return v8::Handle<v8::String>();//Set the pointer to the end of the filefseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);//Get the size of fileint size = ftell(file);//Rewind the pointer to the beginning of the stream
    rewind(file);//Set up and read into the bufferchar* chars = new char[size + 1];chars[size] = '\0';for (int i = 0 ; i < size;){int read = static_cast<int>(fread(&chars[i], 1, size - i, file));i += read;}//Close file
    fclose(file);v8::Handle<v8::String> result = v8::String::New(chars, size);delete[] chars;return result;


function test_function() { var match = 0;if(arguments[0] == arguments[1]) { match = 1; } return match;
}function JSrepeat(name, repeat) { var printthis = "";for(var i=0; i < repeat; i++){printthis += name;}return printthis;
}function ReturnThis(anything) { return anything;
}function WhatsMyName() { return "Jimmy";



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